twenty five.

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the ravenette defenselessly plummeted to the ground as jimin towered over him. his right cheek stung with sharp pain due to jimin's repeated slaps out of anger.

"i'll fucking kill you!" the small male screamed. his piercing, high voice made jungkook recoil.

jungkook wanted to retaliate with a punch so badly, but it just seemed unfair. jimin was measured below his shoulders, meaning it would be equivalent to brawling with a child.

"why do you keep slapping me?!" jungkook furrowed his brows. "i did nothing!"

"nothing, huh?" jimin let out a scoff full of pure wickedness. there was nothing more he desired to do than murder and bury jungkook with his bare hands.

he kicked jungkook's body to the wall with a mighty amount of force. "taehyung wasn't lying about anything, you worthless piece of shit."

"c-could we just talk this out like mature adults?" jungkook winced in unease.

considering the fact that the ravenette just had a tattoo done, this was probably the most inconvenient time to fight.

jimin lifted the younger up, carelessly throwing him on the couch. he spat on jungkook's eye and growled at how resistant he was.

"god! if you're gonna hurt my best friend at least put up a fucking fight."

jungkook attempted to catch his breath. "i-i didn't hurt him."

"yes, you fucking did!" jimin's arms tensed up and his muscles greatly bulged. he smashed his fist into the nearest glass table. hundreds of shards fell on the floor with the softest of tinkling.

the ravenette trembled at his doing. "that table cost my parents eight thousand dollars..."

jimin cracked his knuckles as he eyed the newly destructed table. "and i'll do it again."

jungkook sighed. he was going nowhere with the elder.

the blonde male leaned back on the wall. anger drooled with silent precision from his lips. nothing could overpower the rage he had towards the ravenette.

"taehyung didn't lie...not even once."

jimin brought his head down in second-hand embarrassment. jungkook was truly a joke.

he didn't deserve taehyung.

"but that's an empty statement. you say stuff like that, yet can't show proof?" jungkook asked. "dokyeom would never do that."

a maniacal expression smeared onto jimin's face. he was completely devoid from conscious now. all he wanted was for jungkook to hurt.

his fist connected with jungkook's already wounded cheek. a chipped piece of his tooth flew out from jimin's force.

"you want proof?!" he yelled. "you want to see the fucking text messages between us?! the text messages where i was begging him to tell you about what dokyeom was doing?!"

"jimin, listen—"

"what's going on?" a small voice spoke.

the two men sensed a small presence from behind their backs. jungkook sighed in relief at the sight of his younger brother.

"channie, what are you doing up this late?" he kneeled down in front of the child.

jimin scoffed at the change of his demeanor. it was astonishing how his nasty ways went away when it came to this little kid.

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