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taehyung's metal fork skimmed through his unfinished food. he tried to distract himself by messing around with his chicken salad, but his brain kept reminding him of jungkook.


he had jungkook's dick in his mouth.


"i had jungkook's dick in my mouth!" he subconsciously blurted out.

the table next to him went silent. they shifted uncomfortably in their seats, refusing to be associated with taehyung.

seokjin groaned. "great, now you've embarrassed us."

seokjin brought taehyung to his uncle's well known restaurant in the main city. taehyung needed to take his mind off certain things, and overpriced food was his shortcut to peace of mind.

the lighting was dimmed and the air consisted with the scents of a variety of different foods. taehyung tried not to drool as a waitress roamed past with a platter of seafood.

things had been going smoothly until taehyung started babbling about his "entanglement" with jungkook in front of dozens of customers. seokjin fought the urge to punch him in the face, but it wasn't worth it.

"look we get it, you sucked jungkook's dick," seokjin whispered. "now stop yapping about it before my uncle hears and tells my mom."

taehyung just felt consumed with regret. he promised himself to save any type of sexual intercourse for marriage, yet ended up wasting it on jungkook a few days ago.

"i can't believe he wasn't the one who gave me those flowers and chocolates. oh, my god."

seokjin rolled his eyes at the smaller male. he was being overdramatic. "you only sucked his dick, that's not a big deal. it's not like he took your virginity."

"that's easy for you to say."

seokjin raised a brow. "what's that supposed to mean?"

"didn't you hook up with every athlete during senior year?"

seokjin stuffed his mouth with caviar, avoiding eye contact with taehyung. he loved being the topic of all conversations, but maybe this time was the one exception.

"anyways, that doesn't change the fact that he invited you into his own home because he didn't want you all lonely and depressed in your apartment."

"yeah, but—"

"i know you regret sucking his dick or whatever, but jungkook providing you with so much should already be good enough for you. who gives a shit if he gave you those flowers or not?"


taehyung became immersed with his thoughts. seokjin was right. jungkook treated him so well, but he failed to acknowledge that.

he started feeling ungrateful. "i guess you've got a point. i shouldn't really regret anything, especially with how good jungkook treats me."

"that's the spirit!" seokjin lifted his glass of champagne up in the air, intending for taehyung to clink glasses with him.

"cheers, to taehyung finally using his fucking brain."

taehyung scoffed. damn, seokjin was annoying.

they clinked glasses and resumed with eating their dinner. it was a comfortable silence since everything felt settled, until taehyung started overthinking again.

curiousity registered his face before he could hide it.

"so, was it dokyeom who got me those gifts?"

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