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"coach is gonna kick my ass," jungkook expressed in amusement.

him and taehyung had been cuddling for hours, bodies intertwined. they were molded together, sharing the same amount of body heat.

"you really didn't have to skip practice. i could've just walked home," taehyung whined for the fifth time.

jungkook disagreed. as much as he wanted to make his signature three-pointers through the basketball net, taehyung came first in his eyes. he couldn't end up risking the other's mental stability over a sport.

"don't worry about it, baby. i'm just glad you're feeling better."

feeling shy, taehyung smashed his face onto jungkook's chest. he felt a tingling sensation in his heart, and viewed it as a good sign. nobody had ever shown him this much affection and it was so much to unpack.

but that's when the heart-wrenching question taehyung was avoiding left jungkook's mouth.

"hey, why don't you ever tell me about your parents?"

with those words, taehyung abruptly felt a panic incoming. giving jungkook a half-smile, he lifted up his body and shifted to the opposite side of the bed. his good mood slowly diminished.

"uh, what about my parents?"

jungkook somehow failed to notice the uncomfortable position he put taehyung in. he just assumed the elder was tired of laying with him.

"i mean, everything. you never talk about them," jungkook pointed out. there was an oblivious expression written on his face.

truth be told, taehyung was more than willing to change the topic. if he mentioned his current relationship state with his parents, jungkook would endlessly apologize and forever hold sympathy towards him. taehyung wouldn't like that.

but if he planned on getting closer with the younger, they needed to be able to share personal information with each other. when endearment was given in this way, trust should immediately arrive.

and who knew? maybe jungkook could help taehyung nurture through this.

taehyung held his knees against his chest and let out a deep breath. he wish he knew where to start.

"well, my mom and i were never close. she sorta abandoned me when i was six to go start a new life with her boyfriend."

"jesus tae, i'm sor—"

taehyung halted him with a fixated stare that could've frozen the room. it was a clear sign for jungkook to keep mouth closed and just listen.

"her and i have completely broken ties, and we haven't contacted in years. i was thinking about emailing her last christmas, but things are easier said than done, you know?"

jungkook simply nodded. no words escaped his mouth.

taehyung became cautious of his reaction. he feared that jungkook would feel ill at ease knowing he didn't have the perfect childhood with financially stable parents.

"keep going," jungkook inaudibly spoke.

taehyung let out another breath. "she, uh, has three kids now. i've never met them. i have half-siblings out there somewhere that have no fucking idea i exist."

he already felt the tears welling up, but he needed to suppress them. taehyung dealt with the sorrow of his mother finding no value in him for way too long. she wasn't worth the tears that almost fell down his face. not at all.

taehyung let out a long exhalation. "it is what it is."

in response, jungkook grasped taehyung's thigh under the bedsheets before planting a soft kiss on his cheek.

"babe," jungkook began in attempts of keeping things light without waning. "look how far you've gotten without her. you are so much more than just some motherless boy."

taehyung pursed his lips. he had heard every excuse in the book, every excuse that would validate his mother's actions of leaving him. truth is, he felt as though he did not deserve this life. everybody deserved a loving mother.

him and his mother hadn't interacted in years; it was a shock to consider the amount of emotional baggage that remained within him.

"yeah, whatever," he replied. "but i guess it's time to tell you about my father now."

"whenever you're ready."

taehyung crossed his legs, using jungkook's shoulder as support in sitting up. this was a long story to break down.

"well, my dad's in prison for attempting to murder my mother."

"pardon?" jungkook widened his eyes. this was getting interesting.

"he had really, really bad anger issues and it got to the best of him. he ended up shooting my mother twice in the chest," taehyung sighed. "all because she didn't want me."

jungkook began having mixed emotions. that wasn't the best choice for taehyung's father to make, but nonetheless, it was pretty badass.

"how many years was he sentenced to?"

jungkook internally grimaced after asking that question. he prayed it wasn't too personal for taehyung's liking.

taehyung, on the other hand, seemed unfazed. "he got forty years, but he's eligible for parole now. i visit him every two weeks, but i've been busier than usual lately so it's hard."

jungkook felt pity for the elder, but not regret. overall, he preferred this, the authentic version of taehyung. he always would.

"you're so strong, baby," jungkook spoke. he had a hint of proudness in his voice.

there was not much for jungkook to say on his behalf. although his parents were never home due to their business trips, he still managed to keep a good relationship with them. there was no room for him to complain, so him and taehyung were not even comparable.

taehyung shifted his eyesight to the floor. "i know this isn't your ideal childhood story but this is the real me. take it or leave it, i guess."

jungkook opened his arms for taehyung to fall into. he grazed the blue-haired male's soft skin and bathed him with affection and support.

although taehyung's stomach felt heavy over what they discussed, he couldn't help but feel fluttering in his stomach with their bodies pressed together.

"you were such an asshole when we met. look at you now, skipping practices for me and shit," taehyung joked.

jungkook groaned in embarrassment. the others still viewed him as an asshole, but taehyung was his weak spot.

he then tickled taehyung's waist, causing the other to squeal and roll on the opposite side of the bed.

"stop!" taehyung giggled.

jungkook's soft touch and taehyung's uncontrollable laughing somehow made the room a warmer place.

taehyung caught his breath, attempting to calm down. he gave the other a soft grin. "thank you for accepting me. trust me, i know my life is pretty sad."

jungkook gave him a smile back. with the way things were going, he could tell something good was bound to happen between them."

taehyung needed healing in his heart, and jungkook decided to assign himself to that job.

"maybe i could be your happy ending."

a/n: hey, i'm apologizing in advance for the next chapter. love you.

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