thirty two.

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one million reads on "affliction" ..... smirks

this seems surreal bruh thank you guys so much. i wrote it when i had little to no experience with writing so this seriously means the world :3

i love you guys....especially the ones waiting for a sequel. i know y'all probably pissed as hell behind your phone screens but it will never come god bless

anyways, i hope you guys enjoy this chapter; i kinda half-assed it because i've had a lot on my plate lately so

"we're here," yoongi spoke, breaking the impenetrable silent within in the car. they stationed themselves in front of a shaved-down house that dokyeom was presumed of living in.

taehyung unlocked the car door as he stepped out with toughened amount of confidence. his coat pocket caught onto the handle of the door before a sharp knife tumbled onto the ground.

"what the hell is that for?" jungkook inquired, gazing at the weapon.

"it's for self-defense," taehyung responded. "you know, just in case things get ugly."

jungkook stepped out of the vehicle as well. he planned on accompanying taehyung, fully aware that things would wreak havoc if he were left alone.

"why are you getting out the car? i told you i don't need your help!"

the ravenette threw his arm around the blue-haired male's shoulder as a response. "that's why i'm coming on my own accord."

"yoongi, tell him this isn't fair!" taehyung complained. after blaring those words, he attempted to run off but the ravenette hauled him back with a single arm.

taehyung might not have been receptive of everyone else's feelings, but all he aimed for was to deal with dokyeom independently. he adhered to the idea of succeeding against dokyeom without the assistance of others.

"jungkook honestly should be there when you talk to dokyeom," yoongi inputted. "just my opinion."

the blue-haired male huffed. "but—"

"can't argue with that." jungkook winked. "let's not waste any time."

taehyung fought the urge to throw a temper tantrum right there and then. it was reasonable for them to all have their doubts over him being left alone with dokyeom, but the frustrating tendency of the others thinking they were obligated to babysit him irritated him.

so there taehyung was, approaching the entrance of dokyeom's small home as jungkook held onto him possessively.

"whatever you do, please don't involve yourself," the blue-haired male pleaded. "i want to deal with him myself."

"can't make any promises," the ravenette replied.

the door which separated the two from dokyeom stood ahead of them. taehyung appeared to be at tranquility, but he was secretly glossing over his genuine emotions.

he was absolutely terrified. being minutes away from facing the male who damaged him in all forms, it was expected.

"okay, you stay outside and if anything weird happens, i'll call you," the elder ordered.

jungkook shook his head. taehyung remaining alone with that embarrassment of a man instilled nothing but anger inside him.

"there's no way i'm leaving you guys alone."

"please," the blue-haired male whined. he clung his fingers to the ravenette's shirt and quietly sniffled.

"w-wait, don't cry—"

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