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taehyung awoken to the sound of breathing that wasn't his own. it was heavy, yet not rapid. he rubbed the remainder of sleep from his eyes to see who's chest he had slept on.

taehyung screamed.

"what?" jungkook mumbled. the bright light of the morning shun into his slowly opening eyes and he brought his hands to guard them. "why the hell are you yelling..."

taehyung was unbelievably scared. he only remembered remnants of last night.

one second he was uncontrollably drinking beer with seokjin's friends, and the other second he was found sleeping on jungkook's chest. something wasn't right.

he stared into jungkook's tired, squinted eyes. "w-what did you do to me last night?"

taehyung desperately tried to mask how fearful he was. he could barely control the tremor in his voice.

"nothing. you were just a drunk mess so i took you upstairs to sleep it off," jungkook informed while shrugging.

yeah, right.

"so you're telling me that even though you've been trying to have sex with me for weeks, you just left me to sleep instead of taking that chance?" taehyung shook his head in disbelief. "yeah, there's no way."

the weird part of all of this was that jungkook seemed so relaxed. everything taehyung said simply went through his head. it's almost as if he was used to sleeping with people on a daily basis, so none of taehyung's words took him by surprise.

"listen, kid," jungkook spoke up. he slipped on a white sleeveless shirt that accentuated his muscles. "yeah, i've been trying to fuck you for a while now and i eventually will, but i'm not gonna take advantage of you in that state. i just couldn't. believe me if you want."

taehyung looked down at his own thighs. he didn't know what to believe.

jungkook brought out his hand, revealing two medium-sized pills. "here, take this. it'll help the headache you're about to have."

taehyung swallowed the pills with ease. using his peripheral vision, he could see jungkook closely studying him to see if anything was wrong. taehyung fought the urge to blush.

god, he was being so nice. this whole perfect boyfriend demeanor that jungkook was giving off made it so much more difficult for taehyung to continue playing hard-to-get.

jungkook smirked. "i saw the way you took those pills. why didn't you tell me you were so good at swallowing?"

never mind.

"um, i hope you know that i'm waiting till marriage, so you might as well stop with the sexual jokes because you're not getting any of this," taehyung pointed at his body, "anytime soon."

"so? a man can dream."

a slight cough in front of them brought them apart and their heads to the left. they didn't even hear the door open.

"so you guys really left us last night to have sex while we were stuck cleaning up?" seokjin had his arms crossed against his chest. "last time i checked, neither of you pay the bills. now get the hell out my house before i kill you both."

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