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yoongi placed multiple packs of beer in the middle of the circular formation they all sat in.

"finally," jungkook breathed out.

seokjin could have raided his parents' alcohol stashes and used them for tonight, but he knew his irritating maid would have snitched on him so he decided to just depend on yoongi to bring the drinks.

"this is way too ghetto. you couldn't have brought any don julio tequila? what about remy martin champagne?" seokjin complained to the others. his lip curled at the smell of the beer. disgust. total disgust.

jungkook shook his head. "sorry that we don't have millionaires as fucking parents."

taehyung watched in silence as everyone passed beers and exchanged small words. it seemed everything that left seokjin's mouth oozed of privilege. he was obviously brought up with the belief that he was superior to everyone else by the virtue of his birth since he was born in a rich family. taehyung really had no idea how namjoon dealt with him on a daily basis.

yoongi's alert voice brought taehyung from his thoughts. "hey, kid! you want a beer?"

"h-huh?" taehyung choked up.

he'd never even had a taste of alcohol before, so what was it of him to chug down a bottle of beer in the moment?

"um, no thank you, but may i get a sparkling water instead?" he suggested.

a loud laugh ripped across the room. the cruel, mocking laughter and giggling could be heard from a mile away. it all echoed through seokjin's hallway. "did this dumbass seriously ask for sparkling water?!" yoongi sputtered.

taehyung bit his lip in nervousness. "w-what's so funny?"

there was a brief silence until the outburst of laughter came yet again. "he's playing, i'm sure he's playing," seokjin joked, "someone just give the boy a beer."

"no, i-i don't want on—"

"i guess i missed the fucking joke." jungkook let out a cough from his upper chest, grabbing everyone's attention. he directed his gaze to the maid. "get him a sparkling water."

the maid nodded his head uncontrollably & headed toward the kitchen in a fast pace.

oh, god. taehyung's legs almost shook.

"you didn't really have to do that," taehyung muttered. a pink blush seared through his cheeks. "i can speak for myself."

"but you didn't."

jungkook turned to his right, staring holes into taehyung's head. the two sat so close together they caught each other's scent.

strawberries, jungkook smiled in his head.

weed and beer, taehyung grimaced.

"so, how's life been for everybody?" the corner of seokjin's lips raised in amusement. "it's like we haven't spoken in months."

jungkook brought up his constant basketball training. he planned to be on varsity this year, so there were no excuses for him to miss practice. that explained his ripped abs.

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