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taehyung nervously trailed behind jungkook as they entered his large bedroom. he was greeted by the strong aroma of cologne. the smell of weed slightly intervened with it, but there were no complaints.

jungkook laughed at the small male's stance. "so, you just gonna stand there?"

taehyung was frozen in the middle of the room, unsure of where to sit. a heavy silence settled over them, although jungkook didn't look nervous.

"oh, um, sorry." he sat down on jungkook's king sized bed, analyzing every part of the grey bedroom. "you have a nice room."

"thanks. won't be seeing much of it after i move out on my birthday."

"what are you turning, twenty-six?" taehyung asked obliviously.

jungkook's face wore a puzzled expression. "i'm turning nineteen, dumbass."

taehyung fought the urge to cry endlessly out of embarrassment right there on the spot. his face heated up with pure embarrassment.

jungkook just looked so mature, so he assumed the tall male was in his twenties. his tattoo-covered arms didn't help the case, either.

"god, i'm so sorry. i just assu—"

there was a loud knock on the door. "shit," jungkook complained.

he quickly got up to hold the door down until a small boy came crashing in. he had a huge smile on his face. "tae!"

the kid tightly hugged taehyung, relaxing in his arms. his embrace was warm, and taehyung's world melted away as he squeezed him back. "hi, channie. how are you doing, sweetheart?"

jungkook rolled his eyes. "get out my room, little fucker."

channie disregarded his brother's insulting words and laid his head on taehyung's chest. "i haven't gotten froyo in sooo long! i really missed you."

taehyung's smile was one of happiness growing. it came from deep inside to light his eyes and spread into every part of him. it was weird knowing that someone actually cared for his wellbeing, whether it was a child or not.

channie glanced at taehyung's outfit. "wow! you look way different now than you do in your froyo clothes."

taehyung nodded his head in agreement. his work uniform really did make him look unappealing. no wonder people almost never hit on him.

jungkook gazed at taehyung. "yeah, your ass look fat as hell in those jeans."

in front of the kid??? taehyung internally panicked.

taehyung's cheeks turned to a rosy pink. "um channie, i think it's time to go. i'll talk to you later."

channie sighed, but nodded and darted out of jungkook's bedroom. the door slammed shut, introducing silence yet again.

"you really didn't need to say that in front of a six-year-old," taehyung spoke up.

jungkook wrapped his arms around the small male's torso. he brushed a strand of taehyung's blue away from his flushed face. "doesn't matter. you look beautiful today."

taehyung's heart thumped so hard, he swore the other could hear it. their eyes had met, and jungkook grinned in delight. it was a slight smile, but enough to make taehyung go weak at the knees.

oh god.

he felt a thrill of excitement knowing jimin was wrong about jungkook's intentions to invite him over. taehyung couldn't wait to go home & bully his best friend over finally being wrong.

jungkook let go of taehyung's waist. "i bought something for you, baby. you've helped my brother a lot, so it's the least i could do."

thoughts suddenly left taehyung's brain. it was their first time hanging out, and he already bought taehyung a gift?

"really? what is it?" he inquired. taehyung had never received such good treatment before, so there was no sense of reaction.

did someone actually find him special?

a smirk spread across jungkook's face as he reached in the back of his pocket. in response, the taehyung quietly gasped at the gift.

it was a condom.

taehyung gulped in disappointment.


"i thought we were just hanging out to get to know each other. w-we can't do that."

taehyung fought to keep his face hidden of emotion. he refused to show vulnerability to a man he just met.

"did you just reject me?" jungkook laughed.


jungkook's knuckles became white from clenching his fists too hard. he gritted his teeth at taehyung with rage. no one had ever rejected him before, so this was quite the shock.

"get the fuck out my house."

taehyung scoffed as he looked down at his feet in betrayal. this was unexpected.

this situation filled taehyung up with anger to the brim. he walked out the room, jerking his jeans up a bit higher so jungkook could take a long glimpse of his ass.

why not tease someone with something they would never have?

"have a nice night, jungkook."

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