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"why the fuck is he playing hard to get? does he not know who i am?"

jungkook threw a pumped basketball in the air repeatedly, not even flinching when it came in close contact to his face. his mind was fogged with distress over one small boy.

"okay, but imagine how i felt. i had to act like a full-blown weirdo just to distract him from you coming into the store," seokjin complained.

jungkook put the ball aside. "that wasn't acting though. literally everyone thinks you're weird."

seokjin rolled his eyes and launched a pillow at jungkook. that couldn't be true. last time seokjin checked, everyone loved him.

the two were sprawled on the floor of jungkook's room with game controllers beside them. the others were relaxing downstairs while seokjin was stuck on babysitting duty.

by "babysitting" duty, he meant he had to put up with listening to a stubborn jungkook complain about taehyung. his whining went in one ear and out the other.

all of jungkook's close friends had different opinions on how he should handle his sudden interest in taehyung, but that just left his mind in even more of a frenzy.

yoongi, a childhood friend of his, suggested he should just let taehyung go. he claimed jungkook would eventually find a boy ten times hotter at the strip club, so it wasn't worth it.

namjoon, on the other hand, proposed that jungkook should try even harder with taehyung. he had never seen jungkook strive this hard to get someone's attention, so it obviously meant something.

but overall, jungkook could not find a way to deal with this. he usually displayed a small interest in things and kept his thoughts to himself, but things were different this time.

taehyung, a boy he barely spoke to, left jungkook loudly voicing his frustrations.

so, what was it? it definitely wasn't taehyung's popularity status. jungkook scrolled through his instagram yesterday and noticed that taehyung only averaged to about thirty likes per post, and jungkook would usually find that very unattractive. but for some odd reason, it made his heart pound even harder through his chest, threatening to break out.

weirdly, the thought of taehyung being unpopular made him even more desirable. it gave jungkook hope knowing that taehyung could only be his.

jungkook gasped.

"wait, what if i bought him a lamborghini? would he like me then?" jungkook grabbed ahold of his laptop in a rush. it was only a couple million dollars, maybe taehyung would give in.

seokjin's hands tightened on jungkook's wrist, white knuckled and strong. "you are not buying a damn lamborghini. just because you have a crush on someone does not mean you have to go insane."

"a crush?"

"yes, jungkook. you have a crush on taehyung for god sakes."

a crush? fuck, no.


that foreign word filled jungkook with such confusion to the point where he was on the verge of exploding. having feelings for someone was not in his DNA, so seokjin most definitely was mistaken. he had the wrong guy.

"yeah, i need to shower. i'll be back." jungkook whipped his head around before leaving. "while i'm gone, reflect on that dumb shit you just said. me, having a crush? get over yourself."

seokjin rolled his eyes. he let out the loud laugh he had been suppressing for a bit. damn, jungkook was irritating. seeing the younger in denial was so amusing to him.

the room door swung open, revealing a curious namjoon. "what's so funny?"

"oh, i'm just thinking about how jungkook's too scared to admit he has a crush. it's so funny," seokjin explained. he grabbed his boyfriend's hand, motioning for them to sit together.

namjoon laid the other's head on his lap. those rare moments where seokjin was surprisingly calm and collected were meant to be cherished.

"baby, i love yo–"

the peace was shattered with a delighted scream. "i have an idea! o-m-g!" seokjin bounced up, bursting with liquid sunshine.

damn it.

namjoon sighed. it was too good to be true. "what's the idea?"

he stared into namjoon's eyes, attempting to piece his plan together, one by one.

"okay, so we could host a sleepover and invite taehyung without jungkook knowing," seokjin started.

"uh huh."

"i'll force yoongi to buy a bunch of beer cases, then we could get taehyung hella drunk."

this so called, "plan" started making namjoon feel uncomfortable. "uh huh..."

"& when taehyung's finally drunk, jungkook could do whatever he wants with him. boom, all done!" seokjin squealed.

namjoon rested his head on his hands. a momentary flare of anger developed on his face.

"jin, you must be fucked up in the head. you're basically trying to get taehyung taken advantage of."

"no, no, you've got it all wrong." seokjin shook his head in disgust. "the way jungkook reacts to taehyung being in a vulnerable state will prove how he actually feels about him. if anything bad happens, we'll obviously stop him."

namjoon's stomach knotted up. none of this, not even one bit, sat right with him. seokjin was not hearing himself correctly.

"jinnie, this isn't righ—"

seokjin slipped his phone back into his pocket. a huge smile overcame his face. it seemed he already texted the whole crew, along with taehyung, about the sleepover within seconds.

"sleepover's tomorrow. bring some snacks!"

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