thirty eight (m).

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TW: smut

"we can't," the blue-haired male choked out. he squirmed continually at the feeling of jungkook planting hickeys on his upper body.

the ravenette nibbled at his neck. "why not?"


jungkook harshly slammed his hand on the elder's asscheek, surely leaving discernible mark on his skin. "what about him?"

taehyung, swamped with pleasure, fought to the highest extent to repress his moans. he subconsciously extended the space between his legs as the ravenette lured him into his possessiveness by placing kisses on his body.

"what if he finds out?"

the blue-haired male gasped at the flipping of his body, watching closely as jungkook's face advanced toward his hole. he bit his lower lip in nervousness before losing all of his internal strength and structure at the ravenette's touch.

jungkook struck his asscheek yet again. "are you dating jiwon?"

taehyung whimpered. "n-no."

"have you guys even gone on a date yet?"

taehyung shamefully shook his head as a cutting retort to the ravenette's thread of questions.

it did not make sense for him to execute loyalty towards jiwon since the two had only met once, but he did not want to be labeled as some whore who managed to fall weak to jungkook's charming tendencies.

jungkook gripped on the elder's hair, forcibly lifting his head up in the process. "i'm not going to ask again. have you gone on a date with jiwon?"

the weight of the ravenette's words was incredibly well upholstered. taehyung was intimidated, yet refused to admit it because he assumed that jungkook fed off of his timidness.

"we haven't," the elder whimpered. he felt so dominated. "we haven't gone on a date."

jungkook slammed taehyung's head back into the pillow, traveling back down to his hole.

"then lay the fuck down."

it was at that moment where taehyung finally allowed a moan to abscond his lips as he failed in posing a fight. an inflexible sensation surged through his body as the ravenette's tongue moistened his hole.

jungkook prodded his veiny finger in the blue-haired male's hole, receiving a whiny grunt in response. the ravenette knew all the ropes to where the elder's sensitive spots were located, meaning it simply took a single finger to rack taehyung with pleasure.

as he massaged the elder's asscheek with his only available hand, jungkook's ego did nothing but enhance at the sound of taehyung's desperate moans. moments like these reminded him that he was the only individual who could fully satisfy taehyung.

the ravenette licked the rim of taehyung's hole, utilizing his tongue to thrust in it soon after. this was a repeated pattern until he caught sight of taehyung harshly biting the pillow to subdue his moans of pleasure.

jungkook smirked. "so now you don't wanna moan my name?"

drool trickled down the blue-haired male's lips. "just s-shut up."

he disdained the awkward idea of jungkook's pride strengthening due to his moans. the ravenette had been hitting all the right spots, that he could admit, but he could not bestow him with the satisfaction of knowing that.

"since you wanna be stubborn," jungkook remarked.

before taehyung could process the ravenette removing his sweats, he gasped at the abrupt ramming of jungkook's dick in his hole. he reached for the closest item to grip onto for support but jungkook held his hands behind his back before he could consider it.

it was after a couple more seconds of the intensity of the thrusting increasing that the blue-haired male lastly voiced his pleasure.

"hyung," he whined out.

jungkook's consistent slamming into taehyung's prostate was the main root of his arousal. the fact that the ravenette was the only person who could please him so greatly spoke volumes.

"i'm not even your hyung, you little slut," the ravenette chuckled.

letting out a few groans of his own, he spread the elder's asscheeks for a clearer view. it was fulfilling to witness the blue-haired male become so submissive.

a few thrusts later, jungkook watched as multiple beads of taehyung's cum splattered onto the mattress. it barely took a minute for him to follow the elder in releasing, as well.

the ravenette made a deep, inarticulate sound of exhaustion before falling back on the bed. he yanked taehyung along with him, resulting in the two laying flat on each other.

jungkook softly rubbed the elder's back. "that was definitely something, huh?"

the blue-haired male sheepishly hid his face in his hands. he could not instantly face someone after voluntarily calling them "hyung" out of pleasure.

"shut up," he shyly mumbled.

his quick glimpse at jungkook's smirk enabled all the conflicting memories and reminders of jiwon to rush back into his brain.

"shit! what are we going to tell jiwon?!" the blue-haired male questioned in panic.

"nothing," the ravenette shrugged. "he already knows about us."

taehyung threw his hand to his mouth in hopes of puzzling out what jungkook had just stated.

"excuse me?"

the younger ignored his statement, converting his attention to different sections of taehyung's room. he extended his arm to open the drawers in hopes of finding the item he searched for.

"do you have any blunts or edibles? i'll pay you back."

"shut up!" the blue-haired male tugged the ravenette's hand back, gritting his teeth in the process. "what do you mean jiwon already knows?"

"i told him about us as soon as i found out you guys knew each other," the ravenette admitted. "at first he was bummed because he thought you were really hot, but he eventually got over it."

taehyung grimaced. so, that's why he hasn't been texting me.

"you should've told me before doing that!" he complained. "one day, i'm gonna rip your fucking head off its neck!"

jungkook dissolved into laughter, scooting closer to the blue-haired male. he drew his hands back on the elder's asscheeks before smearing another smirk on his face.

"wanna have a round two before you do so?"

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