thirty one.

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"jungkook, i seriously don't need a wheelchair," the elder assured the ravenette before he was coerced into a wheelchair.

"i don't care, you're not walking outside."

taehyung had lastly received approval to discharge from the hospital, leading him up to being forced into a wheelchair by a concerned jungkook.

the blue-haired male clutched onto the arm rest as he attempted to rise up. "i don't wanna leave the hospital in a wheelchair, that's so embarrassing!"

"fuck, fine," jungkook sighed. he lifted up the elder with ease as taehyung's legs swung in his arms.

"can you put me down?!"

the ravenette dashed out the exit, holding onto the blue-haired male like a valuable rag doll. embarrassed to say the least, taehyung fought the urge to pass away right there and then.

"yoongi said he'd pull up the car someone around here," jungkook confirmed. his eyes scanned through the warm atmosphere, searching for any signal of a white tesla.

"hey, there!" the two heard from a far distance. yoongi's car engine sung to the empty roads, windows down, as he relished the winds that twirled his bleached-white hair.

taehyung grinned at the elder. yoongi was typically nonchalant so his abrupt burst of energy caught them by surprise.

the blue-haired male climbed down from jungkook's flexed arms before he approached the car. he lifted up his hand in opposition as the ravenette tried to open the car door for him out of courtesy.

"i can open the door myself," taehyung huffed. "just mind your business."

jungkook shrugged in satisfaction. whether or not the elder's words were based off bitterness, at least he finally made it past the talking stage.

"how are you feeling, tae?" yoongi inquired. he levered all the windows back up after the two entered the vehicle.

"my neck is still kinda sore, but i'm getting there," he truthfully replied.

jungkook positioned himself in the backseat before stumbling back in annoyance. he stared at a snoring jimin, who was unfurled across the three backseats as drool dribbled down his cheek in a sideways angle.

"there is no way i'm sitting next to him for the whole car ride," the ravenette muttered.

taehyung chuckled. "that's too bad because i called shotgun."

jungkook groaned. the blue-haired male was being incredibly hardheaded, but the ravenette was in no place to complain. he dedicated his entire heart to the restoration of his relationship with taehyung, so the best solution would be just to stay quiet.

yoongi then reversed the vehicle into the empty lane. the car tumbled on a speed bump which shook jimin awake in astonishment.

"i love big dicks!" he blurted out, instinctively.

jungkook and yoongi's faces contorted into a mask of perplexity due to jimin's words. it confused them even more knowing that taehyung had no sense of reaction to it.

"he yells out random things when he's woken up," taehyung apprised. "just ignore it."

jimin exhaled, wiping the long-winded sleep from his squinting eyes as he adjusted to the environment. "what'd i miss?"

"well, i'm back," taehyung uttered with nervous disposition. "not that it matters, but..."

the blonde squealed with his eyes enlarged. he sought out for taehyung's slender fingers from the backseat, interlocking them with his.

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