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six years later

"you did it," taehyung expressed in bafflement. his hands were trembling as he tightly clutched the contract paper. "you really did it."

"yeah, baby," jungkook spoke. "they're offering me over nine million to join their team."

taehyung fought the strongest urge to restrain his floodgates from bursting open. he did not want to release any tears at such a great occasion, but he was so incredibly overjoyed at how far the ravenette had come. never would one assume that jungkook's careless basketball practices in high school would transition into million-dollar offers from professional teams.

"i-i just can't believe this," the blonde uttered. "i'm so fucking proud of you."

a small smile spread across his gaunt features — it must have been pure happiness. taehyung knew how intent jungkook was toward at least getting acknowledged by the team, which was this moment was so significant. prior to the incredible news, the ravenette had gone to the lengths of attending weekly english-learning classes merely because the team's headquarters were located in california.

jungkook felt his body travel through the air before he plummeted back on the softly-cushioned bed. his shoulder-length hair had fell out of its bun, but that was the least of his concerns.

"this feels like a dream," he remarked. "i never thought this would ever happen."

the blonde took the opportunity to straddle jungkook and nuzzle up against him. their cheeks were warmly pressed together as they shared the same breath.

"well, i did," taehyung whispered in his ear. "they'd be fools not to notice you."

jungkook directed his gaze to the beauty mark on the elder's nose, kissing it within seconds. it was the feature the ravenette was most fond of, despite the fact that it was barely noticeable.

"well, i couldn't have done this without you."

a blush seared through taehyung's cheeks. six years later, and jungkook's words still withheld a significant venue in his heart. his emotional vulnerability toward the ravenette was a key to part of who he was and he soon adjusted to it.

he unlatched himself from the younger, soon jumping and squealing out of excitement.

"this is in need of a celebration!" taehyung sung out. he excitedly circled around the bedroom, formulating a well-rounded plan. "jimin finally moved here so we could use his mansion, seokjin will bring the food and snacks, and yoongi will bring the drinks. oh, and namjoon could—"

"i don't want a party."

taehyung froze in his steps. he drilled stares into the ravenette who was sitting up and tying his hair back into its previous bun. jungkook approached the blonde in a composed manner.

the blonde frowned. "why not?"

"i want to spend it with you."

taehyung's brain opened to the astonishment of his words, allowing amazement to enter. his jaw dropped at jungkook's statement with not just confusion, but awe.

"um, just me?" he questioned. "are you sure?"

the ravenette nodded.

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