2. kind of a big deal

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"Uhm.... yeah that's me." I smiled awkwardly, avoiding eye contact and looking for my shirt.

"Coach Stevens tells me you're kind of a big deal here." She smirked, sitting on the bench near me. Where even is my shirt?

"Depends on what you're talking about." I chuckled, looking into her eyes again. She had her eyebrows raised and a playful smirk on her face, her eyes were moving around me, around my.... body. She was analyzing me even deeper, her head tilted to the side as she watched me. She looked like she was having fun just by watching me. And, honestly, that was attractive.

"Pretty sure I'm talking about soccer. Are you really good at anything else?" (Y/N) asked, moving closer to me. I froze. I'm not that kind of girl, I normally can play people's games, and I was pretty sure she was playing a game I knew how to play, but the way her eyes ran through me was too new, too bold, and I was trying my best to be bold too.

"A thing or two." I smirked, moving close to her. A bigger smile showed up on her face when we were face to face. I was enjoying that. Attitude is extremely attractive. I barely knew her and she was talking to me like she knew what I liked, what I wanted. We had barely spoken 5 sentences and I already felt like her eyes had figured me out. That bothered me, I wanted to figure her out too, I don't enjoy losing.

I sucked up my nerves and stared into her eyes. Her face closer to me than me and my personal space would expect, her arms crossed and eyes watching me boldly. She tilted her head and raised an eyebrow. Looking behind her, I found my shirt laying on the ground near the bench. I walked even closer to her and felt her tense up. I smiled. I can play her game too. I simply walked past her and crouched down to grab my jersey.

"Has Stevens shown you around?" I broke the silence.

"Yes, but I'm still getting lost pretty easily." The player replied, sitting on the bench once again.

"You'll get the hang of it. Have you seen cheerleading practice yet? They're pretty good." I asked as I put my shirt back on.

"Why are you putting that on again?" She asked suddenly, making me widen my eyes. Ok, I suspected she was flirting before, but now.....

"I mean, I think I interrupted your shower, don't let me stop you." She said in a lower tone.

"So you just got in here to interrupt my shower?" I smirked. (Y/N) smiled and scooted closer to me.

"I was hoping you'd already be in the shower when I walked in." Her eyes moved towards my mouth and my smile faded. Yeah she's flirting.

It had been a while since I'd flirted with anyone but Ashley. It was mostly just looks and make out sessions, never a conversation, never a tension. After my breakup, I just felt bored of everything else, unknown people suddenly weren't so intense anymore, I didn't have the patience to flirt if it wasn't going to be intense. Honestly, after my relationship, it had been hard to find anything else intense. But the girl by my side seemed like she had nothing to lose, and maybe she didn't. She was all by herself in another country, playing soccer and invading locker rooms, by the end of the year she'd just leave it all behind, and I admired that. Letting go is an art. I liked (Y/N), she was straight-forward, and I needed that. After everything I'd been through, I really did.

"Bad timing." I said in a low voice, smirking and getting up, she looked confused for a second before. Don't flatter yourself, I think I know your type but I need to be sure.

Before she could say anything back, my phone let out a buzz, I took it from the bench and unlocked it.

Chase: Pyramid in 2 🦖

"Guess I never really had time to take my shower anyway." I sighed and got up. (Y/N)'s gaze followed me and she chuckled.

"C'mon, you should see this. Or are you taking a shower?" I said, she got up and started walking by my side.

We sat on the bleachers again, (Y/N) smiled at Chase and sat by my side. When we got there, the team was already starting the human pyramid, I took out my phone and started filming. When they reached full formation, Charli stood on top with a huge smile on her face and stretched her arms out. The whole team cheered and, quickly, my sister got down, taking the rest of the pyramid along perfectly, in a beautiful domino effect.

"That's kinda cool." I heard (Y/N) mumble.

"My sister's really cool." I bragged and stopped recording.

"Your sister, huh?" The other girl raised an eyebrow, looking at Charli with her critical glance. I furrowed my eyebrows.

"The talent runs in the family." I said, making her chuckle.

"Not the first thing I was thinking about, but I guess that too." She replied as I cheered for my sister, who was already on the ground and laughing happily.

"What were you thinking about?" I turned to look at her, a smile creeped through her face.

"I mean, I haven't seen you play yet." (Y/N) shrugged, making me raise an eyebrow.

"I'll make sure you see it up close." I said through my teeth.

"I'm counting on that." She replied in the same tone, making me feel even more challenged. I huffed and turned my gaze towards my sister.

"It was a really cool pyramid." (Y/N) chuckled and sat back.

"We're good at what we do." I answered, not looking away from Charli.

"I hope you are." She said quietly and I felt her knee touch mine. I took a deep breath and kept my eyes on the field the rest of Charli's practice. Those small things weren't enough to make me nervous, but I did feel challenged. Everything about our conversation made me feel challenged: the way she looked at me, the things she said, her moves, everything was so delicate, but so.... calculated. I felt everything the way she wanted me to, and that was a sign of trouble.

Charli left practice and went to meet us after a while. As I predicted, she had the biggest smile on her face.

"Did you see that? That was so cool!" She exclaimed, hugging me tightly.

"I'm really proud of you." I smiled, making her squeeze her eyes in a big smile.

"I'm proud of me too!!!" She laughed and hugged Chase. Then her gaze met (Y/N)'s.

"Hello." Charli spoke up, making the other girl smile.

"Hi, I like your pyramid". (Y/N) said, making Charli chuckle.

"I'm Charli, you're new?" My sister asked.

"Yes, Dixie was showing me the school's cheerleading team." She explained.

"Do you like it?" Charli questioned.

"Best I've ever seen." (Y/N) chuckled and I raised an eyebrow.

"I think I deserve to drive home after that." My baby sister smirked, I rolled my eyes.

"Actually, I needed to talk to you." Chase spoke up, turning to his girlfriend.

(Y/N) looked at me and tilted her head, and once again, I felt like she knew more about me than I did about her. And I didn't like that.

"You know what? You two go, I'll grab a bus later."

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