32. i'm yours now

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When we were at hour hotel room, I looked at Claudia, her face seemed to have a permanent smile on.

"Can I just say that I knew this would happen someday?" I spoke out, making her smile grow bigger.

"I've never been this happy about kissing someone." She said simply.

"Go be with your girl, I'll leave the room if you need me to."' I told her.

"I'm going to go make up for the time me and Madison lost, but I don't think you should be here alone all night." Claudia said.

"I have nothing better to do." I shrugged.

"You know you do." My teammate retorted.

"I can't, Claudia, I just can't." I dove onto my own hands.

"Why not, Dixie? It's almost painful to see the two of you walk around crying when you're so close." Claudia sat by my side.

"We don't have enough time. If I spend the time we have with her, it'll just make it too hard." I complained.

"And you're wasting more time by just being here. You can't be more in love with her than you already are, the damage is done, face it. Go be with her before you regret it." She responded, making me sigh

"I.. In love?" I gasped. My mind had been in such a rush that the term "love" hadn't even stopped on my brain.

"Just go be with her." Claudia winked, walking away and closing the door behind her.

I laid back and sighed. Was I being stupid? Was I too scared of feeling too much when I already felt everything? Maybe fear was sabotaging me.

Looking at Claudia's happiness, I understood how much they'd waited silently for that moment, not even knowing if it'd come, and how happy they were to be on their true colors. I knew it took bravery, and it seemed to be worth it. Claudia was with Madison, and that was the thing she wanted most.

I laid down, looking up at the ceiling for what seemed like ages, wondering if I still had the time to be with (Y/N), because I knew that deep down that's what I wanted most at the moment.

And then my phone rang.


Going up the stairs, I had no idea how my legs weren't shaking. I felt nervous, even though my lips kept crooking up, replaying our kiss on my mind. I had seen Madison thousands of times, but, for the first time, I was nervous for her to truly see me.

Stopping in front of her hotel room, I took a deep breath. I felt almost stupid, cleaning my palms on my shirt and checking to see if I still smelled like perfume. My heart was racing, even though I felt home in a certain way, maybe my whole body knew that was the moment I'd been waiting for.

I knocked on the door, hearing footsteps around the room. I took what seemed to be my last breath before it opened. To my surprise, I found (Y/N).

"Hey, I was just leaving." She smiled at me, her eyes looking at me almost playfully.

"(Y/N)...?" I called out as she passed me by, she turned around.

"Why don't you go hang out at the lobby, maybe you'll find company." I said, an idea coming to my mind freshly.

"Yeah, maybe I will." She winked, turning around and leaving the floor. I quickly texted Dixie to meet (Y/N) at the lobby, hoping she'd be wise and follow my advice.

I looked inside Madison's room and the outside world faded quickly. She was sitting on her bed patiently, her eyes focused on me, the smile on her face looked like mine. Maybe the reason was also the same.

"Hey." I managed to speak out, walking inside the room and closing the door behind me. Looking at her, I sighed, a red dress was wrapped around her body, flowing down her legs, her hair fully down as she laid back and watched me, biting her lower lip.

"Hi." She said simply, her eyes still scanning through me as she got up.

"You look...." I started, taking a deep breath before saying anything else. She chuckled, stopping on her feet in front of me.

"Happy. I look happy." Madison completed, grabbing both my hands. She looked down for a couple seconds before looking back at me.

"You're... sweating." She raised an eyebrow, I felt my face burn.

"I'm nervous." I said quickly, she laughed before responding.

"Hey, it's me." Madison said tenderly, grabbing my hands and placing them on her face, I felt her warm skin and relaxed slightly.

"I know it's you, this just feels... different." I explained.

"There's only one difference, Claudia." She told me, placing her hands on my waist.

"What is it?" I asked, moving closer to her.

"I'm yours now. " She whispered, making my heart race even more. She pulled me in and connected our lips, the same shock ran through my body, making me wrap my arms around her neck, looking for strength. We pulled apart by inches and I watched her face.

"I was so scared this would feel weird." Madison confessed with a smile.

"It feels like we should've been doing this for a while." I replied, we chuckled.

"Can I ask you something?" I questioned, Madison nodded in response.

"What about your parents?" I asked, her face fell for a second, she sighed.

"I'm just happy we're here, we'll work the rest out." She told me.

"Sounds good to me." I nodded, kissing her lips softly. She held my body against hers almost desperately, ending any distance.

"So... are we just standing here?" I asked, making her chuckle.

"I just don't want to let you go anymore." Madison confessed, making my smile grow larger.

"I love you so much." I breathed out.

"I'm so in love with you, I've always been, and I'm pretty sure I'll always be." She told me, making my heart slam my ribs as the beats became even quicker.

"Kiss me, you fool." I asked, Madison smiled and caught my lips with hers.

Right there, in her arms, I knew everything was falling into place.

Now that leaves us with 2 people interested in (Y/N), what are your bets?

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