6. phone calls

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vote and comment? maybe i'll post another one today if this had some comments xx



"Ok, she's single, has never had a serious relationship, and flirts a lot, I think she might be addicted to it." Madison started, I just nodded. I didn't really mind the relationship part, I wasn't looking for one anyway. And I had noticed the flirting thing.

"I think you should go for it, but there's something about her that just bothers me." My friend said, making me raise an eyebrow

"What is it?"

"I don't know, I just feel like he controls her every single movement, she might have some dirty secret." She shrugged.

"We all do." I replied.

"I don't know, but you should go for it anyway, but torture her a little, she's a control freak, I can tell. Take it from her." Madison winked, making me smirk. I liked that idea, I was a bit of a control freak myself.

"I think I could do that." I said, still smiling. 

"She said you're a good player and called you nice, I told her you had an ex girlfriend in case she thought you were straight." She explained, making me laugh, I think she didn't have any doubts about my interest in her.

"That's all you got?" I asked, making my friend roll her eyes.

"She's difficult to read, I'm telling you she's hiding something." She retorted.

"Or you've just gotten bad at reading people." I giggled, she shot me an angry look.

"I'm still the best at it. We'll see her later at lunch and practice, I think you should tease her." She told me.

"Tease her how? Throwing the ball at her face?" I asked, she rolled her eyes.

"C'mon, Dixie, I can't find out her secret on my own, you have to do it. Don't go straight to the point, don't kiss her or do anything else right away, now I'm interested in her story!" She explained, making me raise my eyebrows.

"Jesus, just flirt with her yourself. You sound more interested than me" I replied.

"I don't flirt with girls, she's all yours." She crossed her arms.

"Yeah, just with Claudia." I said, her face went red and she got angry.

"Fuck off, you're an idiot." She said, walking away, I just smirked. I knew Madison got mad when I mentioned her and Claudia, but she always got over it, maybe because she knew I was right. Madison thought she could read people and find out about their secrets, but, to me, she couldn't read herself. Claudia and her had been my best friends since forever, and after a while, you just know how your friends act around the people they like. Claudia and Madison flirted more with each other than with any other boy, and the only times they flirted a lot with boys was to make each other jealous. I didn't get why they didn't see it, but it wasn't my problem, I just liked joking about it, one day they'll realise it. 

I went on with my day until lunchtime, walking towards the cafeteria, I glanced at (Y/N), she had her phone pressed against her ear as she talked. Madison and Claudia were already sitting down at our regular table, I walked past them and went towards my new teamate, she had just finished her call.

"Hey, are you having lunch with us?" I asked, smiling at her.

'Hi, uhm... I actually have to sort some things out with coach Stevens. Leaving your country isn't as easy as it sounds, I'm sorry. Tomorrow?" She explained quickly, almost stumbling on her words and barely looking into my eyes the way she did the other day. I frowned. 

"Oh, ok. Good luck then." I smiled weakly, she barely smiled back .

"Thanks, D'amelio. I'll see you later." She said, almost running away after finishing her sentence. I raised an eyebrow, shrugged and went back to our table.

"What's up? First couple fight already?" Claudia teased, making me roll my eyes.

"She has a thing." I replied, waiting for them to join me before we went to get our lunch.

"What thing?" Madison asked.

"I don't know, she didn't say, all I know is that she won't make lunch." I shrugged as we walked side by side.

"Told you, she has a secret." My friend replied.

"Or maybe immigration is just hard." I rolled my eyes.

Before any of my friends could say anything back, I felt my phone buzz, taking it out, I gulped at the name on the screen.

Incoming call: Ashley



Finally leaving the school building, I sighed deeply and closed my eyes for a couple seconds. Even though leaving my country was the best thing I ever did, I felt like I could never leave it behind, and all the things I had to take care of abroad just seemed so much harder with the distance. I wasn't proud of leaving so abruptly, I knew my sister still needed me, but it seemed like the best thing to do, I tried forgetting about it as much as I could and start fresh, but I knew that i couldn't, not right away.

Grabbing my phone, I started to dial my sister's phone number again, I needed to make a couple things before practice, and I knew I'd miss lunch because of them, but they were more important.

My sister didn't pick up the first time I called, making my heart start racing, I decided to sit and wait 5 minutes before I called her again. I looked around the school and smiled weakly. I was so glad to be there. 

No one was really outside the school building, it was oddly quiet. The sound of quick steps broke the silence before I could enjoy it, making me raise an eyebrow. 

It was the girl I had seen the other day, D'amelio's sister. She was walking quickly to an alley near the building, almost by my side, I could hear her steps even clearer when she approached where I sat. Still sitting down, I decided to mind my own business, but she did look too innocent to be hiding in some alley during lunch time.

When the footsteps sounds ceased, soft sobs got over the alley, I furrowed my eyebrows. Not my problem, not my problem, not my problem. 

But then I looked at my phone, my sister's contact still on the screen. I was away and couldn't take care of her if she were having a moment like the girl in the alley's, and I'd wish for someone to take care of her for me. I got up and entered the alley, finding the girl sitting down, her face buried on her knees, she looked up when she heard me, her eyes wet.

"Uhm, hi, you ok?" I asked awkwardly, I wasn't really the type of person to be doing that sort of stuff.

"Yeah, just a rough day." She smiled weakly at me, I smiled back and sat by her side.

"Do you want to talk about it?" I asked while looking at her, she looked fragile.

"I don't even know what there is to talk about." She chuckled, looking down.

"I've been there a lot lately." I replied.

"What's your issue?" She asked. Thinking about all the things I'd been dealing with, I sighed. I don't think I had even said any of it out loud since I got to the USA, I felt like talking about would just bring it closer to me, and I didn't want it near me or anyone I met.

Before I could say anything, my phone started buzzing, my sister's name lit up the screen.


Does (Y/N) have a secret? 

Hope you enjoyed :)

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