12. don't make me want to

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Hello! Sorry I'm late! Enjoy and please comment, it keeps me motivated x



Dixie seemed disappointed to know that I couldn't go out with her after practice. I was a little bit too, if I'm honest, doing homework was never my thing, but I also didn't want to be a crappy Biology partner to Madison.

After practice, I sat at the bleachers and waited for Madison, still feeling my muscles sore from running around. Dixie had been giving a tough time on the field, I was starting to get why she was the captain.

"Waiting on your girlfriend?" A voice took me from my thoughts. I turned around to meet Dixie's gaze.

"Jealous?" I raised an eyebrow, she rolled her eyes and sat by my side.

"Not at all, you must suck at Biology." She shrugged, making me laugh.

"I do my best!" I slapped her playfully.

"Well, looking at you on the field, I don't think you need to be studying that much. You could just quit and go play soccer, to be honest." Dixie said, I felt my cheeks burn a little. I didn't react to compliments that much, but I really paid attention when people talked about the way I played sports.

"Thank you, Dixie." I found myself saying, looking into her eyes with a smile on my face, she smiled back and my cheeks flushed even more.

"Yeah, whatever." She chuckled, looking away from me, her smile still lighting her face up as her own cheeks went red.

"Are you waiting on Charli?" I changed the subject.

"Yes, but I also don't really want to be alone with my thoughts right now." She told me, I furrowed my eyebrows.

"What's on your mind?" I asked, analyzing her features, her dark hair stuck in her usual bun, the wind rocked a couple hair locks back and forth. She smiled for a second and looked down.

"Nothing worth hearing, I assure you." She laughed dryly.

"I can relate." I replied.

"Can you really? You seem pretty perfect with your perfect soccer skills, perfect smell, perfect personality and perfect face." Dixie retorted, making me laugh.

"Perfect face?" I raised an eyebrow, making her laugh out loud.

"No one who smells like Christmas mornings has that many problems." She said, making me cover my face up with my hands, laughing as a red tone took over my face. I wish I didn't have that many problems.

"You'd be surprised. I think I have too many problems." I replied, the team captain raised both her eyebrows.

"Oh, yeah? Tell me one." She dared.

"I don't think my problems are very attractive." I responded, trying to miss the problems subject. That was a little too close to home.

"Are you flirting, (Y/N)?" Dixie chuckled, making me smile and tilt my face, looking deeply into her hazel eyes. I enjoyed the color of her eyes, it was the first thing I had noticed, and I couldn't help but watch them every time I got too close to her.

"I might be." I said, still looking into her eyes. We didn't say anything for a couple seconds, I could feel her trying to figure me out and that amused me. Her curious look was starting to become known to my eyes.

"You can't say those things and then leave after being alone with me for five minutes." She mumbled, making me sigh. I wish she knew how much I hated having to do that, oddly, I also wished she knew how much I'd been hurting. But she'd never know any of those things.

"You're one to speak. You kicked me out of your place after 10 minutes." I retorted. Dixie rolled her eyes and smiled.

"I only did it because my ex's an idiot." She defended herself.

"Maybe next time we could meet where no one will bother us." I shrugged.

"I'm counting on it." Dixie said before turning to watch the cheerleaders practicing. Charli looked over at us and waved, a big smile on her face.

"She really likes you." Dixie told me.

"Charli?" I asked, the girl by my side just nodded.

"She's a good person." I replied.

"How can you tell?" The brunette asked.

"I've met too many bad people." I shrugged, making her look at me.

"Are you being mysterious to hit on me or are you like this?" She teased, I rolled my eyes.

"Well, is it working?" I retorted, she chuckled.

"If you don't want me to figure you out, then don't make me want to." Dixie warned, I looked at her and a smile creeped softly on my face.

"Look who's being mysterious now!" I said in a low tone. The captain smiled and bit her lip, making me look down at it, her smile grew bigger when she realized she had managed to make me look exactly where she wanted me to. The need to kiss her burned into my skin. I took a deep breath and looked away.

We watched the rest of practice almost silently. But we knew what was on each other's minds.

Madison and Charli approached us after a couple minutes, breaking the tension in the air.

"Are you ready?" Madison turned to me.

"Let's go get an A." I replied while getting up.

"We'll see you guys tomorrow." Charli said, we smiled at her and walked the other way.

"Did I make you wait too long?" Madison asked as we walked out of the school.

"Not really, time went by quick." I replied.

She pressed on her keys and I heard a slight sound. When I followed it, I struggle to keep my mouth closed. Her car was rather.... luxurious.

"I like the color." I commented as we got inside her car.

"Yeah, it's ok I guess." Madison shrugged. In my head, I was yelling at myself for having gym shorts on when it seemed like the girl on the driver's seat was taking me to her mansion.

"It's nice to see that you and Dixie are talking." She spoke up, taking me from my thoughts.

"Yeah, she seemed quiet at practice today, but I figured this is just the way she is." I responded.

"Don't worry, she's probably just focused on beating you." Madison said, making me chuckle.

"She gives me a very hard time." I said.

"I admire her. You're crazy on the field." She commented, I smiled and looked at her. Her eyes on the road, but I had the feeling she knew I was looking.

"I do my best." I shrugged.

"You scored like 7 goals today!" She said.

"Were you watching me?" I teased, making Madison grin.

"Is it bad?" She questioned.

"If I'd known I would've scored you a goal." I replied. Satisfaction ran through me as I watched her be taken off guard for a second.

"Well if you score me a goal maybe I'll be your cheerleader."

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