22. you can't make her love you

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I spent the rest of the weekend contemplating the perfection that ran my life at that moment, but also wondering how long that would last. My sister only called to check on me rather than ask for help, which was rare, but relieving, I prayed it would stay that way, but part of me wanted to stay alert, like the perfection around me was just another bomb, waiting to explode as soon as I let my guard down.

Taking me from my thoughts, I heard a known voice.

"Got plans for the weekend?" I looked to my side and found Dixie.

"Hold on." I put one finger up, making her furrow her brows. With my raised hand, I grabbed my teammates collar and connected our lips, kissing her slightly. She smiled against my lips.

"Good morning." I said, watching her cheeks turn red.

"That's a good way to dodge my question." Dixie responded, I rolled my eyes.

"No, I don't have plans, Dixie." I said.

"Ok, we're going to a party then." She stated.

"Oh, yeah? Where?" I questioned.

"Madison's, it's just down my street, we can get ready at my place and walk there." Dixie said, I raised an eyebrow when I heard Madison's name, remembering our last interaction. I wondered if she'd want me there.

"Uh... okay." I said slowly.

"What? Aren't you guys friends?" Dixie raised an eyebrow.

"No, it's nothing." I sighed.

"Are you sure? She's been acting weird, do you know something?" She questioned.

"Why would I? We just share a table at Biology class." I shrugged, trying to keep my expression cool. Dixie looked like she'd try to ask more questions, but gave up midway.

"Hey, I have this thing I have to do, I'll talk to you later?" I said, making her look even more suspicious.

"Exchange stuff." I clarified.

"See you at practice." Dixie spoke.

"Ok." I smiled and tried to turn away, but she pulled me in instead.

"Smooth, D'Amelio." I said after kissing her, Dixie smiled in response, walking away from me.

Walking around the school, I looked for Madison. I didn't know if she'd want me at her party. If she didn't, I'd just make up an excuse and stay home, but I needed to know.

I found her inside the building, laying back against a locker, some guy almost pressing her against it as she smiled at him, biting her lip.

"Hey, Madison." I called out, she turned to look at me and I saw her gaze change for a second, turning back to her usual flirty look in a second.

"What's up?" She asked, unbothered.

"Dixie invited me to your party, I just wanted to know if it's ok with you." I explained.

"Yeah, why wouldn't it be?" Madison shrugged.

"Uhm, ok then." I muttered.

"Anything else? I'm a little busy." She asked, stroking the guy's arm. Oh, for fuck's sake. I shook my head and left. I hoped she didn't look as pathetic to the people who didn't know her secret, because to me that was almost sad. But I wasn't one to judge anyway.

The week went smoothly, the perfection of it almost bothering me. I spent most of the days with Dixie, practicing and competing, I was starting to get to know more than just the way her cheeks turned red, and I was surprisingly enjoying it. Madison, on the other hand, was barely talking to me, I'd occasionally see her kissing different boys everyday and we'd see each other at Biology, and looking closely at her face, I could see her swollen eyes and her tired expression, I wondered if I should say something again.

It was already Friday, and Madison's party was on the next day. Dixie and I were hanging out by the bleachers, she had one hand on my thigh as we talked, my attention turned to her lips.

"You could always look up, you know." She teased, I chuckled.

"I think I'm good." I shrugged, making her slap my thigh playfully, I pulled her hand and touched our lips. I was starting to do that more often, and I felt like doing things slowly was unbearable.

"Did you see me at practice today?" Dixie asked.

"Yes, I was there." I rolled my eyes.

"You're only mad because I outran you." She teased.

"Yeah that's because my thigh is sore from you sitting on my lap all week." I complained.

"Are you complaining?" She asked with raised eyebrows.

"I didn't say that." I replied.

"No, it's fine, I won't do it anymore." Dixie got up, pretending to walk away from me, I pulled her back aggressively, making my teammate fall on my lap.

"I like it." I said against her ear, her cheek predictably turning red.

"My sister thinks we're dating, you know." Dixie commented.

"She's sweet." I shrugged.

"Oh, yeah? Date her then." She retorted.

"Shut up." I rolled my eyes.

"No, but seriously, don't date my sister." Dixie asked.

"Why are you saying that?" I chuckled.

"Well, you're leaving after a couple months, I don't want my baby sister crying for some foreign girl." She explained.

"Oh, so she'd be devastated when I left?" I asked playfully, running my fingertips around her thighs.

"I'm afraid she'd miss you too much to focus on her own stuff." My teammate explained, her tone laid back, but her gaze serious.

"Well what about me? Don't you think I'd try to come back for her everyday?" I asked in the same tone.

"Things are more complicated than that, right?" She sighed, I just nodded. I was pretty sure we weren't talking about Charli anymore, but putting the right name onto that conversation would be too hard.

"You can't make her love you." Dixie said, even though her tone had a rather serious tone. Were we talking about the same person?

"I'm not planning on it." I replied. We both sighed, not saying anything for a while. Maybe it was for the best.

When my phone started ringing, my heart sank, scared that the perfection of my days would be over. I gulped and got up, my sister's name lighting up on the screen. She never called me in the afternoon, my hands started to sweat.

"I'll be right back." I said, walking into the field.

And, soon enough, the perfection ended.

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