11. under pressure

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Was it weird that I was starting to believe Madison's stupid conspiracy about (Y/N) hiding something?

I found it weird, but it was even more odd to me that I felt slightly worried. She didn't owe me anything about what she's up to, and it shouldn't be something for me to worry, but I couldn't help but wonder if she was ok. 

But I guess it's not my problem.

I finished my coffee and left the store, noticing my phone ringing in my pocket, I saw Ashley's name on it and rolled my eyes. She really can't take no for an answer. I also felt bad for wanting to answer the phone, hear her voice. She made me go through some intense feelings, and the idea of not being used to her anymore was something I was still dealing with, and she didn't make it any easier. Ashley introduced me to the pain of having to leave someone you want to be around, and I was trying to forgive her, but everytime I did, I just got closer and closer to her. 

My phone stopped ringing for a second, but her name lit up on the screen again. I anwered.



My whole day was exhausting after the date with Dixie. I felt bad for having to end it so soon, and I also felt tired from the rest of the day. I collapsed on my bed feeling sad and defeated as soo as I got home.

The next day felt like a blur, I had too much on my mind. I almost didn't hear when a known voice called out my name.

"(Y/N), hey!" I looked up to see Madison, putting on a smile, I greeted her.

"Do you want to come over to my place after class?" She asked, making me raise an eyebrow, Did I miss something?

"You're... fast." I teased, making her chuckle.

"You didn't get any of my texts, did you? We need to get started on that Biology assignment." She explained, I nodded.

"What do you need from me?" I asked.

"Well, can you take pictures?" Madison questioned.

"Never had any complaints." I shrugged.

"We need to take some pictures of flowers. Luckily for us, my mom's addicted to her garden. I just need you to come take the pictures with me and research about them." She explained.

"Alright, but I do have practice today." I said.

"I have practice too, I'll pick you up after that." She said, making me smirk.

"Alright then." I replied, she smiled back at me.

"Hey, have you seen Dixie?" I asked and noticed her expression become almost playful.

"She didn't show up to school today, she'll probably be at practice though, never seen her miss it." Madison said, I just nodded. 

"Cheerleading practice is right after yours, can you wait?" The brunette asked.

"I'll just sit on the bleachers and watch." I replied.

"Now I feel under pressure." She teased, making me smile.

"I won't judge, I promise." I said.

"Oh but I'm counting on it." Madison said, still smirking. I just chuckled as I watched her leave.



I had a date.

Well, not really a date, but I had some time alone with (Y/N), and I hoped it was enough to figure out her deal and prove Claudia that I had a point.

"Do you think Dixie's with Ashley again?" Claudia shook me off my thoughts.

"I hope not. She wouldn't do that." I replied.

"Wouldn't she? It wouldn't be the first time." My best friend retorted.

"I don't know, I'll ask Charli when we get to practice. Let's just hope for the best." I mumbled.

"I hate that girl. I don't get how Dixie still talks to her." Claudia groaned.

"Sometimes we love things we can't have." I shrugged, making her look at me.

"Why would you want to have an abusive relationsip?" She asked, laying her head on my shoulder.

"You don't, you want the good side of that person, the side you love. But you can't have it without the crappy side. Sometimes it's just hard to tell those apart. And some people have extra crappy sides." I responded.

"Do you think someone will love my crappy side one day?" She turned to face me, I smiled.

"I already do." I found myself answering, she smiled and sighed.

"I was hoping for someone who'd love my crappy side and also kiss me. But I guess I'll settle for half the deal." Claudia joked, I felt my face slightly burn and giggled.

"So, (Y/N)'s coming over to my place today." I changed the subject, making my best friend raise an eyebrow.

"Are you going to kiss the secret out of her?" She asked, making me roll my eyes.

"I will if I have to." I retorted

"What's your plan anyway?" She asked, getting her head up from my shoulder.

"I'll just make her talk. I'm good at it." I replied.

"That's your plan? That makes it the easiest bet I've ever won." She teased, I rolled my eyes.

"She's up to something. I can feel it! Why doesn't anyone believe me?" I complained.

"Are you sure you don't just have a crush on her or something? That would make more sense, honestly." She asked suddenly, making my heart drop. What's she even talking about?

"Shut up, Claudia. I don't do girls." I said simply.

"You're allowed to find her attractive, chill." Claudia said.

"I don't. Quit it."



When we got to practice, Dixie still wasn't there. We had already warmed up, stretched, and there was no sign of her. Coach Stevens didn't look so happy about it.

Before I could wonder where she was one more time, I heard coach Stevens' voice.

"I'm glad you're alive but you'll regret it in a second." I looked to my side and saw Dixie arriving at the field, her face red.

I saw as the coach pulled her to the side and had some type of conversation with her. By their faces, it was no happy conversation.

The captain joined us short after that, still looking embarrassed.

"Bad day?" I spoke up, making her look at me.

"I don't even know." She chuckled.

"I get the feeling." I shrugged, passing her the ball.

"Did you work your issue out? From yesterday, I mean." Dixie asked, kicking the ball at me harder.

"Yeah, I'm sorry I had to leave like that." I said.

"I'm starting to believe you're running away from me." She teased as I passed the ball again. I chuckled.

"Quite the opposite." I retorted, making Dixie smile.

"You'll have to prove that." She replied.

"I'm running out of good date ideas." I confessed.

"I might know a place."

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