9. no idea

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Hi :) 

Would u rather my next story to be about time traveling or crime/mafia? Your choice x

Hope u like this chapter



Ashley seemed to leave me alone for the day, so I went on with normally, falling asleep early. The next day was friday, and we'd have heavy practice, I needed to be well rested because I still planned on outrunning (Y/N).

When Charli and I got to school, I spoke up.

"Do you feel better? Have you talked to Chase?" I asked, looking at her friend group.

"I'm ok, I'll talk to him today." Charli assured me, I nodded.

"Alright then, call me if you need me." I warned, making my little sister smile. 

"Hey, Dix." She called when I turned around.

"Yes?" I turned to face her.

"I think you should ask (Y/N) out again, you know, actually go out this time." She told me, making me raise an eyebrow.

"Really? Why?" I questioned.

"I just like her." Charli shrugged and walked away, I chuckled.

At the same time as I thought about my sister's advice, I found (Y/N) sitting alone, focused on her phone. I decided to go talk to her.

"Hey." I spoke up, making her lift her eyes from the screen to look at me. She smiled warmly at me.

"Good morning." The other girl said.

"So, I've been feeling bad for ditching you." I started, sitting by her side, (Y/N) chuckled.

"I can handle it." The girl chuckled.

"Go out with me after practice." I spoke out, making her look completely away from her phone and into my eyes.

"Don't you have your precious study session after practice?" She teased, making me roll my eyes.

"Are you complaining?" I questioned.

"No, not at all. Where are we going?" (Y/N) asked.

"Uhm, I didn't really think this part through." I confessed, making my teammate giggle.

"How about I take you somewhere then?" She offered.

"Sounds good." I nodded, she smiled.

"Your ex girlfriend isn't going to hunt me down, is she?" She asked, making me laugh.

"Probably." I shrugged.

"Well, it's worth it." She said in a low tone, her eyes analyzing me once again, I sighed, trying not to get disoriented.

"You better take me somewhere cool." I warned, getting up and walking away, not waiting for an answer. Part of me did that to be misterious, but the biggest part of me just wanted to avoid the way she was looking at me.



I had no idea where to take her.

I mean, how did she even say yes? I was new in town, new in the country, how'd she expect me to know a place cool? 

Shaking my head as Biology class started, I tried to remember all the places I had already been to, thinking if any of the could be any nice to take a girl. But I had only been to my apartment and some stupid turistic monuments. I didn't want to admit it, but I was in trouble.

"What's on your mind?" A known voice took me off my thoughts. I looked up to see my Biology partner.

"Hey, Madison." I smiled as she sat by my side.

"Hi, are you ok?" She asked.

"I am, just thinking about nice places to hang out around here." I shrugged.

"Got a hot date?" She questioned, making me chuckle.

"Kind of, actually." I smiled.

"Who's the lucky girl?" The girl by my side asked, leaning in and looking into my eyes.

"I think you know." I stared back, Madison smiled and looked down. I had the feeling she was always trying to know something about me, and that amused me.

"Maybe I do. If I'm right, I think I know just the right place for you to take her." She started, I grew interested in her words.

"Are you going to tell me or do I have to give you something in return?" I asked, making her chuckle. She bit her lip before answering me. Why do I feel like she's up to something?

"Come over to my place next week." She suddenly said, making me raise an eyebrow. Does she.. actually like girls?

"You're fast." I giggled.

"You do know we have a Biology assignment, right? I just thought we could do it at my place, we'll need to take pictures of flowers and my mom has a garden." She explained. Oh, that makes sense.

"I'm sorry, I didn't know, things are still a bit crazy. I'll be there, anytime you need." I said, clearing my throat, she seemed amused at my mistake.

"I lied, I need another thing from you before telling you the place you should take her." Madison spoke.

"I'm not surprised." I chuckled, she smiled and rolled her eyes.

"I'll need your phone number."

"For the assignment?"

"Yeah, that too."

I kept my eyes on hers as she gave me her phone. Focusing my eyes on the screen, I typed my number in and gave her the phone back. What's her deal?

"Are you going to tell me now?" I asked.

"Take her to the coffee shop behind the school. I know it sounds cliché, but people normally go to the one in front of the school, and the place is really nice. She likes it there." She explained, I nodded in understandment.

"Thank you, Madison." I smiled.

"Anytime." She said, turning to her Biology book, I did the same. As I pretended to read my book, I wondered what was Madison's deal. She seemed to want something from me, and I couldn't sort out what it was. It amused to see her try, but it also made me curious, what did she find so intriguing?

Practice was tougher that day, but I was glad to be getting along with everyone and showing my full potential to coach Stevens. My life was almost perfect at that point, and I planned on making it completely perfect, I just had to sort out one more thing.

We all showered after practice. I sat on the bench and a voice took me from my thoughts.

"Ready to take me out?" I looked up to see Dixie, she had a smile on her face, her hair in a messy bund and an oversized hoodie covering her body. I smiled, I was really starting to warm up to her.


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