17. nothing serious but nothing too fast

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Hey, I'm so sorry I'm late! I was working on 2 other fics, I'll have one of them announced by the end of this chapter. Please support it! Thank you x


"Wanna come in?" (Y/N) asked when we reached her apartment door.

"I don't think that'd be such a good idea." I chuckled.

"Really?" She raised an eyebrow.

"I mean... If that's all you want it's fine by me but I just..." She cut me off by connecting our lips softly.

"I'll see you tomorrow then." She whispered against my lips. I felt my skin shiver and tried to shake it off.

"So... that's not all you want?" I questioned.

"Whatever you want is fine by me." (Y/N) shrugged. For someone who seemed to like being in control, she looked almost too laid back.

"I just... I don't know if I'm ready for anything serious, but I like hanging out with you. I know myself, if we go too fast it'll end too fast." I explained, her eyes focused on mine almost took my focus away. How could she look at me that way? It was so specific, I had never seen a gaze like that.

"So nothing serious but nothing too fast?" She asked.

"You could say that." I smiled

"Fine by me. I'll see you tomorrow?" My teammate said.

"That's the plan." I nodded.

"Goodbye, D'Amelio." She said and leaned in. I copied her moves but, to my surprise, she dodged me and kissed my cheek. I scoffed.

"That's how this is going to be?" I raised an eyebrow. She grabbed me softly by the chin and touched our lips slightly.

"Don't think I'll say goodbye too soon if I keep kissing you." She whispered against my lips, making a smile invade my face.

"Already addicted?" I teased.

"You wish." (Y/N) winked and turned around, walking away from me. I smiled and started making my way back to the school, where I had my car parked.

Driving home, I thought about how easy kissing her felt, and how light it felt. I was too fragile to fall in love again, just the idea of the responsibility of being in love sent chills down my spine, but I felt comfortable. I had been single for months, but none of my other experiences had felt this good. I was worried that I'd want to leave or take things straight to the point after kissing her, but I didn't feel any pressure, I just felt the good feelings that came with flirting and being with someone, and I was truly happy. I felt safe. I just knew that (Y/N) wouldn't ask for anything more than the fun we were already having, and there was no chance I'd want more, not with Ashley reminding me of how crappy relationships can be.

I got home ready to tell Charli, but found my sister laying on her bed with her eyes wet and puffy.

"Hey, what's going on?" I asked, sitting by her side.

"Chase." She simply said, making me roll my eyes. Of course.

"What did he do now?" I asked carefully.

"He's just... pressuring me." My little sister sobbed.

"Ok, look: you didn't even graduate, and asking someone to follow a dream that's not theirs is a really stupid thing to do. I swear to God, Charli, if he says one more word about stupid Germany I'm going to beat the sh...."

"I... It's ok. Just stay here." She pulled me to lay near her. I sighed and took off my shoes, laying next to my little sister.

"You're wearing my socks again you imbecile." Charli commented, making me chuckle.

"You wanna hear something cool?" I asked.

"Yes." My sister responder.

"I kissed her." I said, making Charli turn to face me, her jaw dropped as a smile creeped on her face.

"YOU KISSED (Y/N)?" She yelled.

"I did." I giggled.

"How was it? Are you going to date her? Did she touch your boob?" She started asking, making me laugh.

"I'm not going to date her but it was great, I don't think she touched my boob though." I explained.

"Wait so you're not dating?" Charli asked.

"Nope. We're both single people who kiss and I'd like to keep it that way." I responded.

"I hope you're sure because a lot of my friends talk about her." She retorted.

"Oh, I'm sure. She can kiss the whole cheerleading team for all I care.



When I woke up, I felt Claudia's heavy breathing over my neck. At some point, she ended up staying the night. Although there was a lot going on, I was always happy to wake up in her arms.

Looking at my alarm clock, I knew we'd have to be up in about five minutes. I sighed and stroked my best friend's hair softly, she breathed out and adjusted her head on my chest. For a second, I wished that was all life was: laying in bed with Claudia. I wished my mind would just be filled with the image of her serene face over me and my nose was filled with nothing but her sweet scent. I felt so safe, so happy...

I traced her features with my finger softly, feeling my heart race slightly, almost painfully.

"Claudia." I whispered, wishing to end the feeling, even though I loved it so much. My hear racing against my chest and the warmth of being near her suddenly felt overwhelming and I wanted to escape.

She opened her eyes and looked at me.

"Hey." Her raspy voice greeted me.

"You slept over, we have to go get ready." I explained, trying to ignore my own heartbeats.

"I know, I tried to leave but you were sleep-talking, so I figured you were anxious and stayed." She told me, adjusting her face against the crook of my neck, making the skin shiver. I did sleep-talk when I was anxious, and I had been anxious for a while, but waking up next to her felt almost perfect, even though part of it was also painful.

"What was I saying?" I asked.

"I don't know, some stuff about being scared and flowers." She shrugged.

"Must've been a nightmare." I muttered.

"With flowers?" My friend chuckled.

"Flowers can be threatening."

Hello again! Glad you're enjoying this story!

I have a new book out! It's a collection of short imagines with Dixie and you, I'll have another book out soon. It's a mistery/horror one, but it will probably be a Dixison story, I hope you'll enjoy it either way :)

Please go check out my new book on my profile, lots of love x

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