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"Gon, I'm not going to make it" Cho says as she holds her left side of her body.

"Yes you will, just until we get out of here" Gon said as he puts pressure on the wound.

"Here, wrap this around her I'll help back them up more" Kurapika hands Gon his headscarf and goes back to battle the evil spirit.

"GON LOOK OUT" Cho pushes Gon out of the way causing the black figure crash into Cho

"CHO" Gon cried out as he looked at the evil spirit possess Cho's body.

A huge light blinded Gon and a loud bang covered his ears, knocking him unconscious.


Don't take Cho

Gon gasps and shoots his eyes open in fear looking for Cho. Gon wines to the sharp pain in his head. His vision is blurry but focuses as he realized it seemes like he is in his old room in Whale Island.

There was a needle in his left arm and a mask over his nose and mouth. A machine was by the bed beeping with various numbers showing his pressure and heart rate and other things.

His head turned to the sound of the door opening. He sees his aunt Mito holding a bowl of hot water. She gasps and quickly sets down the bow on the table and runs to Gon.

"Gon! Thank god you're awake!" She holds Gon's hand to avoid hurting Gon

"Where is Cho? Kurapika?" Gon said with a worried voice. He hissed at the sharp pain that reached his head.

"Lay down lay down, you're still injured" Mito helps fix Gon's pillow and places the warm covers up to his chest.

"How long was I out?" Gon said in a fragile voice

Mito grabbed a towel and dipped it in the water. She let out a heavy sigh as she placed the towel on his forehead.

"It's been..." Mito bites her lip hoping Gon would not over react. "It's been three years Gon"

Gon's eyes opened wide. Questions and emotions ran through his head. He felt himself tear up as he looked up at he ceiling and felt tears run down to his ears.

"Where is Kurapika? What happened to Cho?" Gon said as he felt a lump on his throat from crying.

"He was in a coma like you, he hasn't awaken yet."

"Can I see him?"

"You need to rest and recover. I will tell you if anything changes" Mito placed a kiss on Gon's forehead and smiled.

"I knew you would wake up. I have faith Kurapika can too. Once you are fully rested I will explain everything."

Without much effort Gon drifted into a heavy sleep. Mito left the room and picked up the house phone and dialed Leorio.

"Hello?" Leorio answered the phone.

"Leorio! Gon woke up" Mito says in a relief tone

"He is? What about Kurapika?" Leorio says in an excited tone

"Kurapika hasn't changed. Have you gotten any leads on Killua?" Mito asks biting her nail.

"Sort of, he hasn't used his hunter license since Gon and Killua separated. But I found out his sister did get her license about a year ago, I will search around the city where they last used it hopefully I can find them and return in a week or so"

"It's alright, take your time. Gon is fine now and will recover. I will call you if anything changes with Kurapika"

"Alright, see you then" Leorio hangs up the phone call.

"Leorio!" Melody waves him over.

"Has anyone seen them?" Leorio puts his phone away

"Yes, there was a vendor who helped them out said they are east towards Greof city"

"Let's rest for tonight and head over at dawn" Leorio said as they walked to a nearby hotel.

"Whats wrong big brother?" Alluka asks as she eats her ice cream.

The heat of the summer was really high. Killua and Alluka had been traveling and learning about new places and people.

"What do you mean? I'm fine" Killua smiled as he ate a chocolate ball.

"You tell me not to worry, and that you are fine. But every now and then you seem a bit more quiet, after a couple of days sometimes weeks you feel better."

"Its really not that serious. I'm having the best time with you"

"Please be honest with me big brother, I'm old enough to understand. You don't have to hold your feelings in for my sake"

"What makes you think I'm holding my feelings?"

"You avoid trying to talk about it. Just like right now, then you're going to change the subject and we never talk about it again"

Killua felt slightly guilty to the thought he had been holding back his feelings for a good couple years.

"I am lost. I don't know why I feel like this sometimes, it's confusing and even annoying how it takes over my mind."

"So you're missing something?"

"Something like that" Killua smiles a bit.

"Then let's search for it" Alluka said standing up and looking at her brother smiling


"I said let's search for what you think you're missing. We have a lot of time in our hands, I love Greof city but we have been here for about a year now." She finishes her ice cream and stretches her arms up into the sky

"Where would we go?" Killua asks

"Alright pick a letter N, E, S, W"

"Umm W?"

"West it is let's leave right now!"

"W-what? So fast?"

"We won't find it until we start moving!"

"Let's pack some supplies and head out at dawn" Killua suggested

"No, It's still mid day! Let's pack now and go. I have my hunter license since you lost yours that one night you drank" Alluka said rolling her eyes to the memory of her big brother getting hammered.

"Fine fine" Killua got up and started walking with Alluka as they look for supplies that they needed for their new journey and search.

I am lost || KILLUGONWhere stories live. Discover now