All together

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With the very little strength that Kurapika had, he moved his pinky finger to signal Gon that he heard what he said.

Gon, I'll keep fighting. I'm alive

Kurapika thought, but Gon was not able to pick up the signal. After a while Gon left and walked back to his room with the help of Mito. Mito checked on Kurapika, and helped stretch his body, and check his pressure, temperature and everything else she needed to know to make sure he's okay.

Kurapika attempted to send his signal again to Mito hopefully she was able to see his signal. Mito noticed with the corner of her eye that two of Kurapikas fingers moved. Mito immediately called Leorio, though her call went to voice mail since he had no signal.

"I hope everything is alright, I have no signal right now" Leorio said checking his phone every once and a while hoping to get something.

"We aren't that far" Melody reminded him

When they reached the shore, they all immediately went to Mitos house. Leorio knocks on the door and was quickly opened by Mito

"Leorio! I was trying to call you but you weren't answering. Kurapika moves his fingers and-" she paused and she looked over and saw Killua and Alluka. She felt her eyes tear up and smiled

"Oh Killua I'm so glad you're here" she pulled him into a hug and began to cry, Killua hugged her back and smiled.

"You have no idea how happy Gon will feel when he sees you. You must be Alluka, Leorio told me a bit about you. I'm Mito but you can call me aunt Mito" she pulled her into a hug as well and Alluka looked over her shoulder to Killua and smiled

"Thank you for letting us in" Killua said as he walked in and took of his shoes.

"No problem at all. Please sit, I'm sure you're all exhausted"

"I'll go check on Kurapika right now" Leorio said as he went upstairs.

"Would you like some water, tea or lemonade?" Mito asked

"Some water for me"Killua said taking a seat

"I'll have lemonade" Alluka said

"I'm fine thank you" melody responded

Mito came back with their drinks and took a seat by Melody.

"We had been looking for you both for a while now. Did Leorio or Melody explain what happened to Gon and Kurapika?"

"Just a little bit. They were on a journey on Wonder and Lost Forest, then there was a signal sent by Kurapika to come and search for him and his team. Gon and Kurapika were unconscious, while they found some remains of his other friends who didn't make it from what seemed to be an explosion"

"Yes thats what we have for now. Gon doesn't really remember what happened either. We are hoping Kurapika can help once he wakes up, while Gon recoveries" Mito said

Killua's heart skipped a beat to Gons name. "C-can I see him right now?" Killua cleared his throat

"Yea, he should be awake by now" Mito said looking at her watch.

Killua stood up and began to pull on his fingers from how nervous he was.

Why are you so damn nervous.

Killua thought.

"My brother is very nervous" Alluka smiled

"Yes he is" Melody agreed, but she knew it was love what Killua had truly felt even if he didn't know himself.

Mito opened the door to Gon's room, Killua walked behind her.

"Gon?" Mito said softly trying to make sure he's actually awake. Gon was sitting up on his bed.

Killua walked in and saw Gon, his hair was long and messy, he had a bit of facial hair growing on the sides of his face and chin. He looked extremely tired, yet he manage to give Killua the brightest smile.

Gon felt a glowing sensation on his chest when his eyes laid on Killua. Killua was really tall, and his hair was long and poofy, he looked stronger. Without even thinking, Gon got up too fast causing him to lose his balance.

"Killua" Gon's voice cracked as he felt tears reach his eyes

"Gon! you idiot" he grabbed Gon's forearms helping him up, Killua lifted him up with ease as if he weighted like feather.

"I missed you so much" Gon wrapped his arms around his neck and pulled him into a hug. Killua wrapped his arms around his back and hugged him gently trying not to crush him.

"Stop that's embarrassing" Killua joked

"Why? I really did miss you" Gon pulled away from the hug and looked at Killua and smiled. Gon knew he embarrassed Killua every time he praised him.

"Sit in your bed, you're weak. I could have come to you, you know" Killua said as he helped him walk and sit on his bed

"I was too excited" Gon laughed "how have you been? Is Alluka with you?"

"She's down stairs, we are here to heal you both" Killua said taking a seat next to Gon

"I can recover on my own, Kurapika needs help" Gon said frowning

"You need help too, Alluka Can help you recover faster as well. Mito told us you don't really remember what happened, I don't think Alluka can help you with that"

"No I understand. The only thing I remembered is the big light, and I don't know where Cho is"

"Who is Cho?" Killua asked

"She was with Kurapika and I on this journey. I was told there were remains my other team members, but they couldn't find anything on Cho. I loved her so much and I couldn't protect her." Gon said as he felt tears reach the brim of his eyes.

He loved her. Was Cho his girlfriend?

Killua felt bad for Gon, and hurt a bit himself hearing Gon was in love.

"She helped me with the research, we grew stronger together along with Kurapika" Gon sniffed.

Alluka knocked on the door softly and said she was coming in. She sees Gon and immediately hugs him

"Gon, I'm so glad you're awake!" She said

"I'm glad to see you as well Alluka"

"I came to tell you all that I'm ready to help Kurapika" Alluka said looking at Killua and Gon.

"Mito by any chance you have an extra room? Alluka gets tired when she heals." Killua asks.

"Yes we have only one room left"

They head over to Kurapikas room, only Killua Alluka and Kurapika were in the room since they needed the space because of Allukas strong power.

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