Let me love you

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Three years later

"Hi Mito. It's been a while" Killua got on the phone with Mito

"Hi Killua, it has. How are you and Gon?"

"We are great, I actually wanted to ask you something" Killua felt nervous "It would have been better if I did this in person but Gon and I haven't had the chance to have a break really. I wanted to ask permission for hand in marriage with Gon" Killua squeezed his hand tightly

"Oh my god Killua of course you have my blessing. I'm so happy, oh my goodness I want to cry. I couldn't have thought of anyone better than you to marry Gon"

After Mito's blessing, Killua didn't hesitate and decided to go search for the perfect ring.

After two weeks of searching, he bought a silver band with a single blue gem stripe around the band. Killua wanted to surprise everyone, except Mito because he asked her permission, and Gon about it.

He also thought he would be less pressured by the proposal ideas and wanted to think of it himself. Head of time he was able to notify the hunter association that Gon and Killua would be on vacation for two weeks.

"Gon, I was thinking we needed a break. We've been working a lot so I asked for us to be on vacation for two weeks."

"Really?! That's exciting. Where are we going?"

"It's a surprise" Killua winked

When Killua and Gon were off to their vacation, they packed some clothes and were off to their mysterious location. When they arrived Gon had realized they were at Motunui.

"It's so big and green!" Gon said as he couldn't believe how amazing everything looked, he didn't want to blink.

Arriving to their hotel, Killua double checked that the ring was with him. He tried his best to hide it until the time was right.

"What are we going to do?" Gon asked as he set his bag down.

"Well we can do some hiking and touring, then we will go to eat. I've looked up a bunch of things we can do here, it will be fun" Killua said trying to sound casual

"Thank you so much for this Killua" Gon said as he wrapped his arms around Killua's waist and kissed him.

The following day

Killua had been feeling anxious for the proposal. They had gone to a festival where they wore traditional clothes and ate all kinds of foods and candies.

There was a full moon and Killua took Gon up a small hill where there was a beautiful waterfall. The moon light reflected on the water making it glow and glitter.

"It's so beautiful up here. The weather is perfect as well" Gon said as he closed his eyes and felt the wind.

Killua feeling that everything was going perfect, was ready to ask Gon. Killua then felt the box inside his pocket and got on one knee.

"Gon around this time, we met at the hunter exam" Gon felt his heart race as he saw Killua on his knee.

"The only reason I had interest in you was because you were the same age as I was. And you were the only kid there besides me. You became my first best friend, and we went through hell and back. But it was all worth it, because I am here with you now.

I have the privilege to be with you, I want to do so many more things with you that I haven't done or tried. I will love and protect you for the rest of my life."

Gon felt tears reach his eyes. Killua then pulled out the small black box, and opened it revealing the most beautiful ring Gon had ever seen.

"Gon Freecss, will you marry me?"Killua felt his heart race thinking it was going to explode.

Gon feeling overwhelmed, and having tears run down his face he nodded

"Yes, of course I want to marry you" Gon got on his knees and threw his hands around Killua's neck hugging him tightly. Killua feeling relieved that Gon had said yes, he pulled Gon into a passionate kiss.

"Let me put the ring on you" Killua said as they pulled away. He took out the ring and slid it in Gon's ring finger fitting perfectly.

"I love it so much" Gon said as he felt it with his fingers and couldn't stop staring at it. "Thank you Killua"

"I love you Gon, and I meant every word I said." Killua held Gon's face and gave him a bunch of small kisses all over his face.

They went back to their hotel and Gon couldn't stop looking at his new ring.

"Do you like it?" Killua asked as he laid next to him while Gon had his hand up for both of them to see.

"I love it" Gon kissed Killua's cheek

"I love you. My fiancé" Killua said as he pulled Gon into a kiss

"I love you more fiancé" Gon giggled as he felt happy to say he's engaged with Killua.

"What do you think is better? Killua Freecss or Gon Zoldyck?"

"We should keep your name. You don't want to be asked or be known for an assassin" Killua said, he was thinking of taking Gon's last name either way since he hated his family anyway.

"You're not an assassin Killua. I just love the idea of being married with you" Gon said as he pouted

"How about two last names? Gon Freecss-Zoldyck. Never mind, that's going to be a lot of work" Killua said as he buried his face in his pillow.

"We'll figure it out. We have time" Gon said as he pulled Killua close to his body.

Naturally their bodies positioned themselves whenever they are laying down. Gon's head was on Killua's chest and Killua had his leg over Gon's waist.

"When and where should we get married?" Gon said looking up at Killua

"I'm not sure about the when. Do you have any ideas of where? There are many pretty places we can get married" Killua said in thought.

"I have a bunch of ideas but let me love you right" Gon said getting on top of Killua and started to kiss him deeply and teasing him with his hand in his shirt

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