More than ever

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As the four friends walked towards the direction the evil spirit conquers, as they approached, a huge bolder was launched towards them by Cho.

"Watch out!" Kurapika called out, the four of them split up like they had planned

"its ahead of us, lets do as we planned!" Gon yelled

As everyone began to run towards where the bolder came from, they reached Cho's body. Her body was covered by black spots, her eyes were white and glowing. Her hair was longer than the last time Kurapika and Gon had seen it. Killua used his lightning to shock Cho's possessed body and give Gon, Kurapika, and Alluka time to surround it as close as possible.

Cho began to throw powerful beams which Killua used gods speed to douge them. Killua was able to kick and punch Cho's body to lure it into their trap.

"Now Killua!" Gon yelled as they began to create the trap. Why isn't he moving? Gon thought.

"Just do it!" Killua yelled as he kept fighthing. Kurapika and Alluka began to create their barrier, Gon being the last one, staring at Killua in fear as he fought Cho. "Now! don't hesitate!" Killua yelled in frustration. Gon snapped out of his trance and created the barrier.

Before giving the evil spirit to react Gon Kurapika and Alluka created what was a perfect cube, an indestructible barrier that could not be destroyed from the outside. What is going on? Gon in confusion looked as he saw his best friend fight against a terrifying demon that had left him in a coma for three years.

Killua used lightning to paralyze Cho's body. Killua then placed his hands together and said a small chant to summon the evil spirit. Cho began to roar as the evil spirit left her body, a black shadow began to leave Cho's body and began to enter Killua's.

"No Killua stop!" as Gon was going to let the barrier down Alluka stopped him.

"No Gon! let him do this!" Alluka yelled

"Hes taking in the evil spirit!" Gon yelled in fear

"His ability is purification! This is the ability that he did not tell you because he knew you would worry" Alluka worried herself about her brother but also believing he can surpass it.

I can do this Killua groaned in pain as he took in the evil spirit. Cho's body fell after Killua took in the evil spirit that possessed her. Killua's body fell as he passed out, he saw nothing but darkness.

Kurapika grabbed Cho as Alluka and Gon ran to Killua who was out cold.

"Killua! wake up please!" Gon placed his ear on Killua's chest, he felt tears reach his eyes hoping for a heart beat. As Killua's heart beat was faint Gon had hope of saving him

"He's alive! Alluka please help" Gon said

"I can't" Alluka said as tears spilled down her cheeks. "He needs to wake up on his own"

Where am I again?




That's Gon's voice

Killua trying to open his eyes, there was a bright light beaming at him, his eyes felt heavy.

"Don't close your eyes Killua! please stay awake!" Gon held Killua's head and hand as tears spilled on Killua's face.

I'm just going to sleep for a while. I'll wake up soon Gon I promise

Gon carries Killua back to the village as Kurapika takes Cho.

"Do you think you can heal her Alluka?" Kurapika asks as he sets her down.

With tears in her eyes she nods.

"If you can't right now is alright. Let's calm down and you should rest for a while."

"I will aid with water and fruits" one of the villagers said as he left the tent where Kurapika Alluka and Cho stayed.

Gon sat next to Killua as he rested. You're so reckless, why didn't you tell me? Gon thought as tears streamed down his face. He held on to Killua's hand hoping Killua could respond.

Inside, Killua was still trying to figure out how to get out from his sleep and battle with the evil spirit.

I need to control my feelings, if I was calm enough. I can over power the spirit.

Killua thought of all the reason why he came to be in that position. If he never met Gon in the hunter exam, he wouldn't have been friends with Kurapika and Leorio, if Gon never fought Pito, Alluka would still be at his house locked up.

Alluka makes Killua happy, and is his only family he truly loves. No Kurapika, Gon, Leorio, Mito, Melody. They are my new family I thought I could never have.

Gon would do reckless things and not know how to measure his power without me. Alluka wouldn't have traveled.

With the thought of the family he made, and self worth. Killua's body began to purify the evil spirits trapped inside him.

Killua gasped as a big white shadow came out from his mouth. With fear Gon held on to Killua's hand. The the white shadow dissaperaed through the tent.

Killua groaned to the pain he felt on his throat. Gon gasped and smiled.

"Killua! I'm glad you're alive!" Gon wrapped his arms around Killua's neck hugging him tight.

"I'm glad I'm alive too" Killua struggled to speak. Gon then hit the top of his head

"Don't ever do something like that without telling me" Gon said mad as tears streamed down his face

"I'm sorry, I just wanted to protect you all from finding out I might not have survived" Killua said as he felt guilty about it.

"Did you not trust me Kurapika or Alluka enough to help you?"

"No, because you both have done many things without thinking, do I need to remind you the phantom troop or chimera ants?" Killua got Gon in the head

"Fair point. Let's just take care more of each other okay? I'll think things through I promise" Gon wanted to be with Killua more than ever. More than friends.


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