Happy hour pt.2

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As Cho and Alluka sang Killua didn't realize Gon kept handing him drinks. Three more drinks later Killua began to feel light so did Gon.

"You should sing Ki-llua" Gon hiccuped

"Okay" for some reason Killua did want to sing


"Go Killua!"

"You got this!"

"So she said what's the problem baby
What's the problem I don't know
Well maybe I'm in love
Think about it every time
I think about it
Can't stop thinking 'bout it
How much longer will it take to cure this
Just to cure it cause I can't ignore it if it's love (love)
Makes me want to turn around and face me but I don't know nothing 'bout love"

Although Killua was drunk, he sounded amazing which the poor sober bartender heard and saw everything.

"Wow Killua you sound amazing!" Gon said

"Your turn Gon!" Cho said pushing him off the chair

"Okay okay" stumbling Gon made it to the stand.

"People come and go, a face I've never seen before looks back at me
I felt like I heard something, felt like I was being called, that was the feeling I had.

Right now, right here, is there anything here?
You know, I don't know, I don't have an answer
That childish face suddenly came to my mind, and when it stopped"

Gon slurred most of the song, when it finally ended everyone cheered.

"We need water Killua said getting up" he got four cups of water and made sure everyone took at least a long sip. It was harder to get Gon to drink water.

"Gon you need water you're dehydrated"

"I'm not, look I got this" he said gulping down his drink

"Gon no, water now" he switched the cups and put the straw in Gon's mouth. But Gon tightened his lips and refused to drink water

"Gon, stop you need water come on loosen your lips you're bending the straw" Killua said trying to get Gon to drink

"Mmmm mmm" Gon hummed what he tried to say

"What?" Killua said

"I said make me!" Gon let go of the straw, Killua took the opportunity and placed the cup in Gon's lips and gently tried to make him drink water, after a gulp Gon pouted

"You're mean"

"I'm mean? Cho and Alluka cooperated, you're the big baby here" Killua slurred as he pointed at Alluka and Cho who were singing and swaying to the song playing in the back

"I'm getting one more"

"I think we are good for the night" Killua stopped Gon by his arm.

"Just one I promise, the second I'm done we go home" Killua stared at him for a while then let him go

"Thanks Ki" Gon kissed Killua's cheek and went to the bartender

Alluka and Cho's mouth dropped. They looked at each other and smiled. They tried their hardest not to scream in excitement. Cho covers Allukas ear with her hand and whispers

"Are we dumb? Alcohol always causes people to say the truth why didn't we do this months ago?"

"I know right oh my god, we need to keep pretending but let's watch too." Alluka and Cho controlled themselves and slightly watched Gon and Killua's interactions.

Without thinking Killua began to drink one last drink with Gon. Gon began to sing but without the microphone.

"Gooonnn shut up, it's late and the bartender is probably tired of our shit. SORRY BY THE WAY" Killua said waving at the bartender, the bartender was actually entertained since not many people would come and get drunk like them.

"MAKE MEEEEEEEEEE" Killua grabbed Gon's face which caused him to stop and stare at Killua in shock.

Killua couldn't hold it anymore and pulled Gon into a kiss. Everyone was silent except for the music that was playing in the back. After a couple seconds Killua pulled back.

Alluka and Cho mouth dropped open looking at both of them in shock then back to themselves.

After a minute Killua realized what he had done. Without saying anything Killua speed walks out the bar and begins to walk straight with no direction.

"Killua wait!" Alluka called out.

Killua lost in his thoughts

Fuckfuckfuckfuck FUCK I FUCKED UP

He felt his heart race. He then stopped and looked around, he wasn't sure where he was but the streets were empty and the night was quiet. He heard the toads and crickets and looked up at the sky that was littered with stars.

He began to feel tears run down his cheeks unsure why. Then it hit him. He probably lost Gon forever.

Gon on the other hand, he felt rather happy. He was nervous wondering why Killua left, was it because he thought it was a mistake. Or was Killua disgusted with Gon?

Cho followed Alluka to make sure they were both okay.

"I'll be back for you okay?" Gon nodded. Gon then got up and paid the bartender and tipped him for the mess they had made he sure was going to have a long night. Gon looked at the time and it was three eighteen AM

The wind hitting Gon's face made him feel good, he looked around and saw Alluka and Cho at the corner of the street. Gon went up to them. Alluka had a few tears on her face and Cho tried to comfort her

"Are you okay Alluka?" Gon asked

"The reason he hated drinking was because when he was drunk he was crying about you" Alluka said in a sad tone

"I'll take her home with me, you go find Killua" Gon said

"Are you sure?" Cho said

"Yea, the fresh air actually snapped me out of it" Gon said giving her a half smile

"I'll see you guys at home then" Cho took off in the direction Killua was walking towards

"He got drunk that one night. Then he got mad and began to fight people. He killed about three people and injured ten. That's why he doesn't like to drink." Alluka wasn't sure why she told them that story.

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