Until death do us apart

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Nine months later

Killua and Gon had finally made it to the altar. They decided to get married at a nice white marble castle. Killua wore a black tuxedo, while Gon wore a white one. The ceremony was small since they wanted only close friends and family.

On Killua's side he only had Alluka which was all he wanted, along with Canary and Amane as guest. Gon had aunt Mito, Cho, Melody, Kurapika, and Leorio.

Killua and Gon agreed to say their vowels to each other in privet to make it more meaningful to each other.

"Now for the rings" Alluka walked up to them and present the rings on the small pillow

"Will you, Gon Freecsse take Killua as your loving wedded husband?"

"I do" Gon said proudly as he slid the silver band on Killua's ring finger

"And Killua, will you take Gon as your loving wedded husband?"

"I do" Killua excitedly placed Gon's ring on his finger

"I now pronounce you husband and husband, you may now kiss"

Without hesitation Killua pulled Gon into a passionate kiss which received a lot of cheer.

When the party started, Gon and Killua were brought up to have their first dance as now a married couple. As they swayed back and forth Killua whispered in Gon's ear.

"I can't believe I'm actually married with you now. You have no idea how happy you make me Gon" Killua softly kissed Gon's cheek

"You make me really happy too Killua. I want to spend the rest of my life with you" Gon said

After a while Killua and Gon danced with Mito and Alluka.

"I'm so glad I got to live to see the day you get married to the love of your life" Mito said as she wiped her tear away

"He makes me really happy. I know everything is going to get better and better" Gon said as he looked over to Killua.

"It took me a while but, I'm not lost anymore" Killua told Alluka

"I saw it the moment you laid your eyes on Gon again" Alluka smiled

"Thank you Alluka"

"What for?"

"Always being there for me"

"That's what siblings are for" she kissed Killua's cheek and pulled him into a hug

"I can't wait to be an aunt too" Alluka grinned

"One step at a time Alluka" Killua said nervously

One year later

"Killua, can we have a baby now?" Gon asked as they ate their dinner

Killua being a little surprised about the question, he choked on his food on accident.

"I'm sorry, I didnt want that to happen" he takes a gulp of his drink "do you think we're ready?"

"I think we are" Gon smiled, Killua reached over to Gon's hand and squeezed it

"Let's have a baby then"

Eight months later

After months of searching for a place to be accepted to be parents to an adoptive baby. Gon and Killua were able to adopt a baby girl they decided to name Katsumi.

"We're here" Gon said as they stood in front of the orphanage where they would receive their first child.

They held hands as they walked in. After finishing final paper work to officially be parents of Katsumi, Killua's heart began to race, Gon felt excited and nervous.

"Here she is" the woman said as she carefully placed the small three month old baby girl in Gon's arms.

Gon couldn't help but tear up as he felt how light she was, he caressed her cheek softly with one finger.

"She's beautiful" Killua said as he also began to feel emotional.

"We're dad's Killua" Gon looked at Killua and shared a kiss. They placed their foreheads together as they cried in happiness.

Gon then softly passed Katsumi to Killua's arms. Killua being a bit nervous but excited to hold her, he felt warm the minute he held her.

"Hi baby girl, it's your daddy Killua. I'm going to love and protect you with everything I have I promise" Killua said softly to Katsumi as he felt like he cried more and more.

When Killua and Gon arrived back to their house, everyone was waiting inside for Gon and Killua to come in with their now child.

"She's so gorgeous. I'm finally an aunt! Thank you Big brother" Alluka said as she hugged Killua

"Im waiting to be an uncle too you know" Killua teased

"Congratulations Gon and Killua, I'm sure you'll make fine parents" Kurapika said

"I'm sure it's not going to be easy but we will work hard for her. I'm sure you know very well right?" Gon said as he looked over at Kurapika

"Our second child should be expected next month or so" Kurapika said smiling at Leorio

"I'm so proud of you Gon" Mito said as she held Katsumi

"I just started aunt Mito" Gon giggled

"Not many people are lucky enough to have such gift" Mito said as she looked at Katsumi

"I'm so happy for you both" Cho said as she pulled Killua and Gon into a hug

"Thank you Cho" Gon said softly "this couldn't have happened if it weren't for you"

"I'm happy to have met you Gon" Cho pulled away from the hug "and I'm sure 'they' will be very happy to have play dates with your baby girl" Cho said as she glanced down to her stomach indicating she was pregnant

"You're pregnant?" Gon said in shock "it worked?" Gon said then smiling to Cho confirming her pregnancy

Cho had asked Gon to be her sperm doner for her child. Gon placed his hands on Cho's stomach and although she was only three months pregnant, Gon was still able to sense and feel the baby.

Gon and Killua were indeed very happy with their family they created and also grew. After a year and a half after adopting Katsumi, Gon and Killua had another baby. A woman had received Killua's sperm to have another baby. They have a baby boy who they name Kiyoshi.

He had Killua's white soft hair along with his blue eyes, his skin was tan making his eye color pop.

"Around this time, a long time ago. I told Alluka that I felt lost" Killua said he fed Kiyoshi

"And when I was with you the first time after six years since we were separated. I felt like I found what I was missing, I couldn't have asked more but I was given two children and an amazing husband who also happens to be my best friend"

As the night fell, and finally put their babies to sleep. Gon and Killua laid down.

"I love you Killua" Gon said as he entangled his body in Killua's as they always have. Gon listened to Killua's heart beat

"I love you more Gon" Killua said as he felt himself drift into sleep.

The End

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