Thank you for the food

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"This food is delicious" Cho said with food in her mouth, everyone nodded and 'mmhm'ed in agreement

"So Killua, what places have you and Alluka traveled to?" Cho asked

"Well we've gone to many different places like Ungan, Leer, Vandent, Iitata, umm"

"Pasos, Yexcon, Herrend" Alluka helped

"Wow that's amazing!" Cho said fascinated

"So Gon has told me you were his partner. How long have you both been together" Killua asked

Although he wasn't sure if they were in a relationship. Killua realized he was able to have Gon as his best friend and nothing more, he had time if he does happen to fall in love again.

"Well he's been my research partner for about a year and a half. That's before all three of us went into a coma. Kurapika is more of the source rather than a research partner, he helped find the right people to help us" Cho said happily looking and Kurapika and Gon

"So you're not together as in a relationship?" Alluka asked, she secretly knew Killua liked Gon for a long time but didn't decide to pry on it because he would get flustered when she mentioned he like someone.

"Gon and I?" Cho and Gon looked at each other and began to laugh

"I'm sorry, I guess I wasn't specific about how she was my partner." Gon said looking at Alluka

"I'm a widow actually" Cho said in a sad tone but was smiling.

"Oh, I'm sorry about that" Killua said, he felt a huge relief knowing Gon wasn't in a relationship with Cho

"No it's alright, he died doing what he loved. And I'm doing everything he ever wanted to do." Cho said smiling and taking another bite of her meal

"How about you Kurapika? Any love arrows aiming towards your heart?" Killua said in the motion of a bow and arrow

"No, I have no interest in that right now really."

"Yea sure, just let us know when you and Leorio are ready to come out"Alluka said jokingly

"Huh!?" Kurapika blushed red. Everyone began to laugh as Kurapika tried to hide his embarrassment.

"We have a hot springs here, if you would like we can take you there." One of the villagers said to everyone

"Ooo that sounds relaxing" Cho said Alluka nodded in agreement

"We should go together" Alluka said looking at Cho. Cho nodded and held Allukas hand

"You ladies can go first, we can go after wards" Gon said

"I pass, I'm tired. Maybe I'll do it tomorrow" Kurapika said as he walked towards his tent.

Cho and Alluka undressed themselves and gave their clothes to the female villagers who were going to clean their clothes and provide new clothing for them.

"Ahh this is so amazing, my muscles feel so relaxed" Cho said as she closed her eyes

"I missed this feeling" Alluka said as she did the same

"So Alluka, I don't know anything about you really. Just that you can heal"

"Well I can grant wishes as well. But I don't do that anymore because of my past. I was locked up in a room until I was eleven and Killua got me out of there and ever since we have been traveling" Alluka smiled

"Wow you can grant wishes?! That's cool, I am a journalist and researcher. I do more research than journaling though, and I think I want to try something new for a change, I think I had enough researching around here. I don't want to get possessed again and lose three years of my life" Cho chuckled

"What do you think of doing?"

"Not sure, I'll figure it out. So Killua, Gon, and Kurapika had been friends for quite a while too right?"

"Yes and their other friend Leorio, he's in a city being a doctor." There was a small awkward silence that fell between them

"Gon and Killua like each other right?"

"Oh god yes, I've been dying to find someone to talk about this" Alluka said putting her hand on her chest and smiled as she felt like she found a great friend

"Gon thinks Killua won't like him or something like that I don't know but he's such a big wuss" Cho said chuckling

"Killua doesn't want to ruin their friendship, but I knew the moment I saw them together. Killua gets flustered when Gon praises him, he stares at Gon like if no one else is there. I brought it up once but he got all defensive, but when he does talk about him to other people he gets really happy" Alluka says smiling

"We need to get them together" Cho said

"I think they can do it on their own. How about we make a bet instead" Alluka said smirking

"I like your thinking, alright who ever confesses first wins" Cho said rubbing her hands together

"Alright who do you think will confess first?"

"Well I've only known Killua for a while, but from what I've heard from you Gon is definitely going to confess first"

"I think it will be Killua, I think he felt more relieved when he found out you and Gon weren't dating" Alluka laughed

"That was so funny, Gon needs to clarify things before people think we are together"

"Alright what will the winner get?" Alluka said

"One wish. Anything the person wants, any place or time. Of course you don't need to use your power as you said you don't do that anymore but, it will give an interesting thought" Cho said

"With two rules. One, you can't tell Gon or I can't tell Killua that they like each other. And two no hinting either, that's cheating" Alluka said pointing her finger at Cho

"Deal" they shook hands

For the rest of the hour, they chatted about their likes and dislikes. Alluka had met many different female friends, but Cho made her feel like she had a best friend she never had. And so their bet between each other began. Who would confess first.

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