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The following morning they went towards the direction of the priestess. They went inside a forest and as they walked they came upon a small cabin house, with a small garden on the side.

"I believe this is it" Kurapika said

"I'll check it out first" Killua walked to the front of the cabin and looked inside the window.

"Who are you and what is your business here?!" An old lady yelled at Killua

"I'm Killua, Evan told me you are a priestess" Killua said with his hands up

"What for?"

"My friends and I want to defeat and evil spirit that has taken over a friend of him" Killua said pointing at Gon, Gon unsure what he was being pointed at so he blushes and sends a small wave

"The person was possessed by this evil spirit. We want to retrieve them but we don't know how"

The priestess paused and observed Killua and the rest carefully reading their aura and strength.

"I sense some great power within you. Im assuming you have the ability to purify" the priestess said

"Umm yes I do. But please don't tell them, they don't know about it" Killua said in a whisper

"I have that ability as well, you get weakened, maybe even sleep for a long time right?"

"Yes, can you train me? And maybe find a way to take down this evil spirit along the way?"

"Bring your friends over, you all will train. In exchange, for labor work."

Killua smiled and waved at Kurapika, Gon, and Alluka to come over. They followed the priestess inside the small cabin where they were barely able to fit in.

"What is this evil spirit you're facing?" She set a pot of tea and some cups at at the table.

"If is said to be called the unmucrad, I believe. It's in this page right here I'm not sure if I'm saying it right" Kurapika pulls out his papers and shows the priestess. Her eyes widen to the name of the spirit.

"The name for it is actually the verxolgic. The origin of it is here in Yekberc. Hundreds of years ago, our ancestors vanished the evil spirit, but as what it seems it never really vanished, it went up to the surface."

"Do you think we can actually defeat this spirit?" Gon asked worriedly

"To be frank, no. But it is not impossible, you need to train hard and long" the priestess poured tea for everyone and they all drank in silence.

"This has a strange taste" Alluka said as she moved her mouth around to the taste.

"This isn't exactly tea. This is a mix of my blood and herbs"

"Your what?!" Everyone said at the same time

"This is your first step to defeating verxolgic. This mixture will enhance the nen you carry right now to a greater extent. I must warn, it will also heal many wounds your heart carries. It will cause you to vomit and emotionally change you."

"How long will it last?" Killua said a bit worried how much it will effect him

"Minimum a day, but your body will know when it's done with all the stored illness inside you. As you cleanse, you will start on the labor I have for you all."

"I think I'm feeling it already" Kurapika said as he stood up holding his stomach.

"You can go outside and finish your business there. I will start with the food, you will eat and sleep here."

Kurapika went outside and began to vomit. Gon began to feel sick but not enough to throw up. Killua and Alluka felt a bit light headed.

As the day went by, all four went through different effects. Kurapika couldn't stop vomiting, Gon had major head aches, Killua had major mood swings, and Alluka went in and out of fevers.

Kikyo had assigned Killua to go to the city and get ingredients since he was the least sick. As he walked through the forest he realized it reminded him of the time he took out Illumi's needle from his forehead, as he fought with his own emotions he was hit with a heavy weight of sadness in his chest. Which resulted him throwing up for fifteen minutes.

With tears in his eyes and pain in his throat Killua got the ingredients and went back to the cabin.

"Welcome back Killua" Gon said with a pained smile.

"Are you okay Gon?" Killua said as he held on his stomach.

"Yea, my head aches went away and then I threw up while you were away. But I think it's over for me. Kurapika has fevers like Alluka now." He said as he looked back at the cabin

"Are you okay Killua?" Gon asked worried. Before Killua could respond, his mood completely changed to anxiety and felt sick. He gagged and covered his mouth, he turned around and began to vomit.

Gon rubbed Killua's back softly and tried to pull back his hair to the sides so he wouldn't get dirty. He took the ingredients form him to not contaminate them.

"It's okay Killua, we will get stronger." Gon assured him

I like you Gon. And I don't think I can have you.

Killua was shocked to his own thoughts. He thought he had gotten over those feelings a long time ago.

Killua stopped vomiting and began to shake, his breath became heavy and eyes got blurry. He turned his head to Go who looked worried for him.

Killua began to cry, and had trouble breathing.

"I-I'm having a-a-a an-anxiety" before Killua could finish Gon pulled Killua and hugged him from behind.

"Shh I know, I know. Just breath with me okay? Deep breaths in and out" Gon instructed Killua, they both began to take deep breaths in sync.

After a while Killua fell asleep in Gon's arms. Gon looked down to Killua and smiled, happy to be with his best friend again. He kissed the top of his head and picked him up. He carried him bridal style back into the cabin and put him down next to Alluka and Kurapika.

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