The best

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The following day, Cho and Alluka decided to stay another day due to the not so smart decisions made the night before.

"I feel disgusting" Cho said as she laid on the couch with Alluka

"I really liked the blue drink though" Gon said as he laid on the floor

"You had so many of those kid flavored drinks" Killua laughed as he was also on the floor

"You were drinking those with me too!" Gon said

"Says the terrible singer"Alluka laughed, and so did everyone else did

"Alluka, you looked so lost" Killua laughed

"You talked way too much Killua" Cho said

"Gon was definitely a clingy and childish drunk" Killua said

"I wasn't childish"

"You didn't want to drink water" Cho said

"Okay well you talked way too much Cho" Gon defended himself.

"I would like to think I was the life of the party, I cracked good jokes, I sang. I was fun" Cho said proudly

As the time went by eventually everyone ended up sleeping, Alluka and Cho slept on the couch while Gon and Killua slept on the floor.

After two hours Cho woke up first and saw Gon and Killua hugging, she smilied to herself and looked at Alluka who was also waking up. Cho put her finger in her mouth to not make noise and pointed at Gon and Killua.

They both smiled and silently celebrated. Soon Gon shifted himself and woke up, rubbing his eyes he sat up and looked at Cho.

"What time is it?"

"Six twenty one" Cho said looking at her watch

"You seem to have slept comfortable" Alluka said smirking

"Well uh, you're not wrong. But maybe the floor wasn't the best choice" Gon said embarrassed

"So whats going on between you two?" Cho asked quietly to not wake up Killua

"Well we will be going on a date." Gon said smiling looking over to Killua

"A date?" Cho and Alluka said unanimously, Gon placed his finger over his mouth. To no help, Killua woke up

"Sorry we woke you up" Gon said patting Killua's head

"It's all right, the floor was becoming uncomfortable anyways." Killua said stretching

"So a date huh?" Cho said teasingly

"Umm yea we will be goin on a date" Killua said shyly

"Sooo... who told who first?" Alluka said as both of them eagerly excited to know who won the bet

"When I kissed Killua he told me he liked me" Gon said, Killua blushed to the memory of when he told Gon he liked him

"Yes yes yes! I believed in you brother aha!" Alluka cheered and Cho complained

"What are you talking about?" Gon said

"We made a bet of who would confess first" Cho explained

"You both knew?" Killua said

"Yes captain obvious, mister I've been head over heels for Killua since I was twelve" Cho teased looking at Gon

"Mister I was too scared to admit my feelings and didn't realize I was deeply in love with my best friend" Alluka teased Killua

"Shut uuupp" Killua said covering his face with his hands

"We couldn't interfere with that. We waited for you both to figure it out" Alluka said

"So are you dating?" Cho said

"No, not exactly." Killua said rubbing the back of his head

"We will be going on a date"

"when?" Cho asked

"Well we don't have an exact date but I'm working on it" Gon said nervously

The following day Alluka and Cho were really ready to leave.

"Thank you so much for everything Mito-San" Alluka said bowing along with Cho

"We appreciate the hospitality"

"Please girls you're always welcomed here at any time" Mito said as she pulled them into a hug

"I'm going to miss you big brother" Alluka said as she felt tears reach the brim of her eyes

"I'll miss you too Alluka. But like you said, little bird is ready to fly" Killua pulled her into a hug as Alluka sobbed

"You're going to do amazing things. But never forget your big brother will always be by your side" Killua said as he kissed the top of her head

"Thank you for saving me Killua, I'll forever be grateful. I will take care of Alluka for you." Cho said

"I appreciate it. Please text me once in a while to let me know how you are" Killua said smiling

"Will do captain, please take care of my Gon."

"Will do" Killua and Cho shared a hug and finally Cho and Alluka were off

"They will be fine" Gon said as he looked as the boat sailed away and disappeared in the distance

"They will"

"I think I'm going to teach nen" Killua said as he looked ahead

"I'll go with you" Gon said, Killua looked at Gon. Gon kissed Killua's lips quickly to reassure him he will be with him.

"We are gonna be awesome" Killua smirked

"The best" Gon agreed

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