Heart beat

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Leorio and Melody wake up at six AM and started their travel to Gerof city. They arrived at the train station and got one way tickets. When they arrived, they split up and agreed to meet back at the hotel by eight PM.

"Do you hear his heart beat by any chance right now?"

"Not exactly, plus it has been years since I've last seen him. Maybe his heart changed"

"Do you remember what it sounded like?"

"Yes, when I hear someone's heart beat and memorize it I have it with me forever." Melody frowns a little bit

"What's wrong?"

"The last time I heard his heart beat, it had the speed of an upset heart but my instincts told me other wise and was very sad. Not that I don't want him to be sad now but that's how his heart beat sounded last time. I hope I can recognize it if it had changed over the years" Melody said

"I hope your recognize it as well. Alright I'll see you later then" Leorio waved good bye and started looking for places Killua and his sister might have gone.

His first search was at a market. He reaches the first vendor he sees and asks if he has seen Killua.

"I did see them buy supplies yesterday. They were very close to lady Kikyo who has a stand down that way. She has bright purple hair with tan skin, you can't miss her she's very popular with the boys." The old mad chuckles

"Thank you very much sir"

Leorio runs and looks for the lady that knows Killua, and was quick to find her as he sees she is pushing a man away from her with an angry face.

"How many times do I have to tell you I have no interest in you men!" She draws out her sword out and points it at the mans chest

"I'm sorry I'm sorry! I'll go!" The man runs away and Kikyo puffs her cheeks in annoyance

"Excuse me are you lady Kikyo?" Kikyo points her sword at Leorios head and puts a slight pressure on it

"Are you here to hit on me too? Did you not see how I scared that guy away?"

"Y-yes but I'm not here to charm you. I'm looking for my friend Killua and his sister Alluka, a vendor said you know them" Leorio had a somewhat worried face as he tries to explain himself

"Who's asking?" She draws back her sword and places it back in its case. And places her hand on her hip

"I'm Leorio, we became friends when we took the hunters exam about 6 years ago" Leorio says

"What business do you have with him?"

"His best friend Gon had fallen in a coma, he recently woke up yesterday but I've been searching for Killua because I thought Gon was not going to make it.
They were best friends but lost contact after two years because when he went on his journey and went into a deep coma it took him three years to wake up.

I'm also hoping he can help our other friend Kurapika. Alluka saved Gon from a near death experience years ago, and I was hoping she would do it again once more." Leorio took a seat on a stool provided by Kikyo and looked down at the floor as he felt sadden to the thought of Kurapika still in a coma.

"I hope your friend wakes up soon. But I am not very convinced you're really his friend. He never mentioned any of you to me" She says as she drinks her water

"I described to you what he looks like!" Leorio claims

"And you think he hasn't physically changed in the last 5 years?"

"Fair point"

"If you really were his friend, prove it to me"


"Tell me anything about him and I'll tell you if it's too vague"

"But how can I trust you?" Leorio raises his eyebrow in suspicion

"He lived here for a year, and he helped save the city as well" Kikyo said crossing her arms

"Hmm.. he's a Zoldyck, he was a former assassin and hates when people find out and tries his best to avoid talking about his name and family"

"Hmm alright" Kikyo gets up and walks to help a costumer.

"He's heading west. Don't know where exactly but that's where they said they were headed. Probably Searac city" she smiles and goes back to her costumer.

Leorio smiles and gets up from the stool and walks back towards where he came.

"Thank you Kikyo!"

"Tell him I said hi" Kioko yells as she waves him good bye.

Leorio pulls out his phone as he speed walks towards the hotel Melody and him were suppose to meet.

"Melody! He's heading towards Searac city meet me at the train station we will go right now before he goes any further"

Melody and Leorio get on the next train towards the city. It was a two hour ride until they were able to arrive. It was getting dark when they arrived.

"It's not dark yet, I'm sure he should be here somewhere" Leorio said

"Let's meet here in three hours" Melody suggested

"I'll try to look in hotels they might be in or restaurants they could be eating at" Leorio said as he checks the time on his watch.

"I'll look through stores"

Melody and Leorio parted their ways and began to search again. Melody encountered many different heart beats. She searched through malls and small stores.

Bump bump

Bump bump

Melody recognized Killua's heart beat, it had a change but instead of feeling sadness or anger. She felt 'lost'.

She felt Killua's heart beat which was about a mile away from her. She began to run as the heart beat became louder. She stops in front of a small candy shop, she pants as she walks inside and scans for the white hair boy.

"That's too much big brother!" A girl said loudly

"Fine I'll return one" a male voice said.

Melody follows the voice and sees Killua as he holds about ten boxes of chocolate in his arms.

"Killua!" Melody says smiling. Killua turns around and has a confused face.

"Umm do I know you?"

"It's me Melody! Kurapikas friend. I'm so glad we finally found you" Melody walks up to Killua

He had grown a lot taller, his hair was longer too. His voice was deeper and was in great shape as well

"Oh, now I remember. Yea you are Kurapikas friend. But wait you said you were looking for me? You and who else?"

"Leorio, look it's a lot to explain please come with me"

"Wait Leorio is here?"

"Yes we split up to look for you, I can feel his heart beat he shouldn't be that far from here. Please hurry and come with me" Melody said in an urgent matter

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