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"We are arriving" Kurapika said as he looked at the map they found while doing their research.

"Where do we go? Or jump?" Gon asked looking down at the ocean

"According to this map and the poem we were able to desifer. We need to use gyo, and ren then ten."

"That's odd" Gon said

"Specifically in that order and we should be able to cross" the four of them looked down at the ocean, luckily it was a clear day.

"I'll go first" Kurapika said as he began to climb a the edge of the boat.

"Hey! Are you trying to kill your self?!" A passenger said, all four of them looked over to see the man

"Nope, this is our destination" Gon said smiling.

When Killua, Gon and Alluka turned around, Kurapika was gone.

"I'll go next" Alluka said climbing up

"Be careful" Killua said a bit worried of her. After Alluka followed Killua then Gon.

As they fell they kept their eyes closed and did gyo, ren, then ten. Gon soon felt like he was falling rather than swimming. Opening his eyes he was high above the sky, looking down he saw a city and a forest.

Landing he saw everyone else landed safely.

"I guess we are here. That was one heck of an entrance" Kurapika said looking back up at the sky

They walked towards the direction of the nearest city. As they walked through the forest, they saw small creatures and birds they never got to see in the surface.

"Whoa look we made it!" Gon said as everyone looked at the city amazed.

"There is said to be witches, priestesses, fortune tellers, wizards and other magical like people in this land. We need to look for priestess or spiritual related people" Kurapika said as they all looked at the different stores and signs.

"Let's split up and look" Killua said

"Yea the faster we find someone the better" Gon agreed

"Alright let's meet here in about three hours. Let's also look for places we can stay or how money works here" Kurapika said looking through his pages to see if there's any information on it.

Killua and Alluka stayed together, while Gon and Kurapika went on their own.

Killua and Alluka went through a market that seemed to offer spells and ingredients for spells. They saw some fortune telling stands as well.

"Hey cat eyes" a lady said as she sat on her table. Killua and Alluka stopped and looked at her.

"Want your fortune to be told?"

"No thanks. We don't have any money"

"Actually. I'm still new to fortune telling, I need people to practice on but most people here know I'm new. Please I'll pay you if you allow me to practice" she said as she bowed her head

"How much are you going to pay me?"

"Fifty ace's, I'm sure you're from the surface. So I'll throw in fifty aces and information about how this land works."

"How do we know you're not scamming us?"

"The fifty aces should help you and your two other friends each have a meal. Also you could use the information before you actually get scammed by others here"

"How did you know about-"

"You're really gonna ask how we know in a land where there is magic and spells?"

"Fine" Killua and Alluka go inside a small tent where a table and two chairs are facing each other and a deck of cards.

The fortune teller told Killua to shuffle then select. Killua picked three cards, so did the teller. The cards were faced down.

"We will go from your past present and future" she flipped two cards

"It seems you went through a lot of torture and pain. There was a change and found friendship and adventure" Killua rolled his eyes. She flipped another two cards

"Hmm it seems that you are lost? Also there's great power you uphold." Killua's eyes widen to her knowing what he was feeling. She flipped the last two cards, her eyes widen.

"What is it?" Killua said impatient

"Well, umm.. it seems like you will be in great danger." She looking down at the cards

"What do you mean? Like death?" Alluka asked

"Theres a possibility, it's not certain which is a good thing. You see this heart right here? If it were certain death that heart wouldn't be there. There's a chance someone or something can save you but that's just by chance" silence fell and nothing but chatter from the outside was heard

"Here are your fifty aces, as I promised I will also help you around this place. So you can each buy a meal, there may be a place where you can stay but that's about one hundred aces. No one is poor here, everything costs less than one hundred aces."

"We need to find a priestess or someone who works with spirits." Killua said standing up.

"I know someone who can help. Priestess Kikyo shes about three miles west from here. Tell her Evan told you about her"

"Well, thanks for the read and information" Killua said walking out the tent

"Do you think anyone can save him?" Alluka asked

"Honestly, it's all by chance." Evan said

"Thank you" Alluka said walking out seeing Killua with his hands in his pockets and looking down at the floor kicking some small rocks

"Are you okay?" Alluka said grabbing Killua's shoulder

"I need to train more. C'mon let's find the priestess, maybe she can help me train"

Gon and Kurapika being on the other side of the city, he was able to find someone who was willing to let them stay at their home due to helping them with picking up heavy items and taking them to a location.

After a couple hours they meet back at the place they said to meet.

"Killua Alluka!" Gon waved as he walked towards them

"Did you find anything?" Killua asked

"Yea we found a place we can stay for a while. You?" Gon said happily

"Yea, we helped someone and got information on a priestess that can help us with the evil spirit. Also I got fifty aces, which is the money for this land" Killua said pulling out five bills.

"Whoa that's cool Killua" Gon said as he observed the money.

"Let's get ourselves a meal and head back to the shelter. We will find the priestess in the morning" Kurapika said, everyone nodded in agreement

I am lost || KILLUGONWhere stories live. Discover now