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After three hours Alluka woke up and saw Killua at the edge of the bed on his phone.

"Big brother is he okay?" Alluka asks in a sleepy voice

"Yes hes more than fine. He wants to thank you as well" Killua said as he pets her head and praises her help.

"I think I'm getting useto my healing power, it doesn't take me long to recover my energy" Alluka said as she stretched her body.

"Yea that's true, you use to sleep all day sometimes"

"I can heal Gon as well"

"You should eat and rest. He can wait for tomorrow morning" Killua said

"Alright" Killua and Alluka walked down to the kitchen where everyone was helping somehow in the kitchen except Gon who was in his room.

"Alluka" Kurapika walks over to her. "Thank you very much for waking me up and healing me"

"I'm glad you held on for so long." Alluka said pulling Kurapika to a hug.Killua smiled to the moment.

"Killua, do you mind if you give this to Gon, and I know he's stubborn but I'm sure he's going to need some help eating"Mito said as she prepared Gon's tray

"Sure" Killua agreed, he was happy to finally be alone with him for a while.

Was that selfish of me?

He reached Gon's room where the door was luckily open.

"Hey Gon, I have your dinner" Killua said setting down the tray on the furniture. Killua went over  to Gon and helped him sit up. Killua brought his food to his bed and sat next to him on the chair by his bed.

"Thank you for the food" Gon said placing his hands together in a prayer form. Killua smiles to Gon's gesture.

Gon reaches for his spoon, Gon was rather nervous since he didn't understand why the skin to his hands felt so sensitive to the touch. Biting his lip from the inside, Gon lifted his spoon to his mouth but failed as his hands felt like they were burned.

"You should have told me you were in pain you dumb ass" Killua says taking the spoon and clean Gon with a napkin.

Killua took the spoon and fed Gon. Killua couldn't help but look at Gon's new features of his face and body.

"You got cool new scars. Now people will take you seriously"

"Huh?! What do you mean now I will be taken seriously? I can be taken serious" Gon protested

"Well you don't look like a kid anymore, you are an adult now" Killua said giving Gon food

"Mmhm it's odd to think I was asleep for three years. I still feel like I'm sixteen" Gon said with his mouth full.

"How is the world out there?"

"What do you mean?" Killua said giving Gon his drink

"You and Alluka went to travel so how did that go?"

"Oh well, it was amazing. We met new people, we ate all kinds of food. I did some fighting and training as well" Killua said

"You sound rather unsatisfied"

"Huh? What's not satisfying about traveling with my sister?"

"You're right" Gon smilied, he decided to let it slide rather than to press Killua. Gon remembered how Killua doesn't really talk much about his feelings.

"So, this Cho person. What is she like? She sounds important" Killua started. His heart beat was beating fast waiting for Gon's answer.

"Cho is my partner, she has black short hair, green eyes and tan skin. She's tall like me, although she might have changed as well over the last three years. She is about two years older than me" Gon tried his best to describe her

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