Throw up

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On the way back to the house Gon and Alluka had to stop every once in a while because one of them would throw up or gag

"I'm never drinking again" Alluka said as she threw up in a near by trash can

"I doubt that" Gon said laughing

"Let's go find Killua" Alluka said spitting on the floor

"I'll get you to bed then I'll go help Cho find Killua alright? You're tired. I promise I'll bring your brother back home safe" Gon said pulling her into a hug.

"Okay" Alluka said sniffing into Gon's shirt

When they finally got to the house, Gon was able to quietly get Alluka into bed. He took her shoes off and left to look for Killua.

As Gon began to search for them he decided to smell their sent to find them. He concentrated but he smelled alcohol, when he finally picked up a faint sent of Killua he went in the direction he smelled him from.

As Gon ran, he didn't realize where he was going he suddenly tripped and fell into a river. The current was really fast, which threw Gon off guard and he was not sober enough.

"KILLU-" Gon screamed out before drowning again, he tried to swim but was not fast enough. He then hit his head with a rock and lost consciousness.

Killua was able to hear Gon's call for help, Killua quickly ran in the direction the voice came from. He reached the river and looked for him. He followed the current and finally was able to find Gon.

He dove in the water and pulled him out.

"Gon" he shook his body but had no response, he placed his ear on Gon's chest and was able to hear his heart beat.

Killua began compressions on his chest and mouth to mouth breathing. After a minute, Gon coughed out water.

"Gon!" Killua sighed in relief "are you alright?" He places his hands on Gon's face and head looking for any injuries, he then realized what he was doing and let go of Gon.

He backed away and placed his hands on his lap. He looked down and had remembered what he had done.

"Are you okay?" Killua said not looking at Gon

"I'm fine, thank you Killua" Gon said softly. Gon then got closer and placed his hands on Killua's face.

Gon stared at Killua's eyes and down at his lips. He smiled and leaned in giving Killua a soft kiss. Killua felt nervous and tense, but he also felt excited warm and safe. Gon pulled back from the kiss and smiled.

"I like you a lot Gon" Killua was finally able to say something

"I like you a lot too Killua" Gon said as he caressed his cheeks with both of his hands.

Cho was finally able to find Gon and Killua.

"Killua! Gon! I'm glad you're okay. Why are you wet?" Cho said as she looked closely at both of them

"Killua saved me. I fell inside the river and was knocked out by a rock" Gon explained

"Are you okay? Let me see your head" Cho began to check Gon's head as she felt the bump in his head and some blood as well.

"You're bleeding but it's not that bad, come on let's get you home and get you both changed" Cho said standing up.

When they reached back to the house Cho helped clean up his injury which was minor. Killua took a warm shower and changed into comfortable clothes, Gon did as well.

Killua went to allukas room which she was sleeping. He shook her body slightly causing her to groan.

"Alluka, I'm back" Killua said softly

"Killua?" Without opening her eyes she reached her arms out for a hug which Killua took.

"I'm sorry I scared you" Killua said hugging her tightly

"You're here and that's what matters." She said "but can you pass me a bucket I'm-" she put her hand in her mouth, Killua quickly reached for the small garbage can that was in her room and let her throw up in it

"I'm sorry I ruined your experience Alluka" Killua said rubbing her head

"You didn't ruin it. I know it wasn't your intention, but I'm happy you finally embraced your feelings" Alluka threw up one more time and spitted out the last of what she had in her system.

"You finally let your feelings out" Alluka said smiling, Killua half smiled and got up

"I'll get you some water" Killua walked to the kitchen where Cho and Gon were.

"Even if Killua didn't like me back I would be okay with it." Killua stopped walking as he heard Gon speak

"He's my best friend and that wouldn't change. It would be harder to change my feelings for him, but I want him in my life." Gon said

Killua walked in after Gon finished.

"How are you Gon?" Killua said smiling softly

"I'm fine" Killua got a cup and filled it with water, he went to the medicine cabinet and took out two pain relievers

Killua have Alluka her pills and water and immediately went to sleep. As he closed the door, Gon was standing by their room.

Without saying anything Gon grabbed Killua's hand and both of them walked inside the room closing the door behind. They quietly got into bed none of them sure what to say.

"Good night Killua" Gon said

"Good night Gon" Killua said as his back was facing Gon



"Can you hug me?" Gon said quietly, without another word Killua turned around and smoothly wrapped his arms around Gon. He stroke his hair and put multiple soft kisses on his forehead.

"Ki?" Killua hummed in response, Gon lifted his head looking into Killua's eyes.

"Will you go on a date with me?" Gon said smiling softly, Killua being overly happy he kissed Gon's lips softly yet passionately

"Yes, I would love to go on a date with you Gon"

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