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Alluka calmed down and was able to heal Cho's injuries to the best of her abilities. Kurapika took her to her bed that was by Cho's and went to sleep.

Kurapika head over to the tent and saw Killua up and immediately went to hug Killua.

"Oh god I'm glad you're alive"

"Where's Alluka?" Killua asked

"She's asleep, she used up most of her energy to heal Cho. It took her about an hour."

"Has she awakened yet?" Gon asked worried. For a slight moment Killua was reminded that Gon may be with Cho.

"Not yet, but maybe soon" Gon stood up and went to her tent.

Killua sat there in silence and sad. Kurapika couldnt help but notice that Killua was upset.

"Are you alright Killua?"

"Huh? Yea I'm fine, with the help of Kikyo I was able to get out of there safely" Killua said gratefully

"What happened while you were unconscious?" Kurapika asked as he sat next to him.

"Well it was empty, I was alone with my thoughts. Kikyo told me if I can control my emotions, I can control my mind and spirit at the same time. Which leads me to being able to purify things like the evil spirit." Killua fidgeted with his hands

When Gon reached Cho and Allukas tent, he saw that Cho was awake.

"Cho!" Gon rushed over and hugged Cho tightly. "I'm so sorry I couldn't protect you Cho"

"Gon? What happened? Where am I? Did we win?!" Cho rubbed her eyes like she had just awaken from a deep sleep

"It's... it's been three years Cho. You were possessed by the evil spirit. Kurapika and I were in a coma for three years, then we trained hard and Killua freed you from the evil spirit and he purified it." Gon explained

"So it's been three years... Wait, Killua. You told me about him, you were very fond of him weren't you?" Cho said giving her head a massage. Gon's cheeks were tinted pink

"I see your memory is working well" Gon said embarrassed

"Well you were in a coma for three years so I guess you didn't really make a move" Cho chuckled "I miss my other half" Cho said in a sad tone as she looked at her ring finger imagining what use to have a ring

"You have to keep going Cho, for him and yourself" Gon said trying to encourage her. "Also that's Alluka, she is the one who healed you" Gon said pointing at Alluka who was parallel to her

"I was wondering who that was. Can I meet Killua?"

"Aren't you tired? Or hungry? I could bring you some food"

"No, I'm fine. We can eat later, let me meet him" Cho wobbled as she stood up from feeling odd of walking again.

"Are you sure? You seem unbalanced" Gon said worried trying to help her

"I'm fine I just haven't walked in three years sheesh" Gon grabbed her waist while Cho had her arm around Gon's shoulder for support.

Gon walked in with Cho into Killua's tent. Killua's eyes widen, Kurapika smiles and goes up to Cho and hugs her


"Pika pika!" Cho laughed as she hugged him. "I just realized you both had a coma for three years yet you both haven't gotten haircuts" cho ruffled both Gon and Kurapikas hair

"Your hair is a lot longer than before" Kurapika says as he tugs on a strand of her hair

"And I'm cutting it. You must be Killua, Gon told me all about you" Cho says happily kneeling next to Killua. She then bows her head down to the floor.

"I'm forever grateful and in your debt for what you have done for all three of us. Along with Alluka who healed me. Thank you so much" Cho felt tears reach to her eyes, she looked up and smiled as a few tears streamed down her face

"No pleas you don't have to do that. And there is no debt, I'm glad you're alive, you're very important to Gon and Kurapika" Killua said looking at both of the boys who were smiling like dorks.

"I would like to get to know you. Gon only told me about when you two were kids and when you separated and traveled with Alluka. I'm sure you've changed a lot within five years, or at least three from not communicating"

"I suppose I have changed." Killua said holding the back of his neck.

"How about we eat? Food mends the soul" Cho said

"I told you, you should eat and you ignored me." Gon said raising an eyebrow up at her

"Well I met Killua and I'm sure he's hungry too." Cho said looking at Killua

"I could use some food" Killua agreed "I need to see my sister first" Killua got up slowly and stretched.

As everyone walked out, Killua went to see Alluka who was still asleep. He fixed her hair and stroked it softly, Alluka began to wake up and looked at Killua and smiled.

"Killua" she began to sob as she got up and hugged her big brother. "I was so worried about you, I knew I wasn't suppose to use my powers but I was so scared"

"I know and I'm sorry I scared you. But I made it because of all of you, especially you. I knew there's still a lot more things you need to see and do and you can't do it alone" Killua stroked her hair as she sobbed in his arms.

After a while they pulled apart and went to join everyone else and began to eat. Killua sat in between Gon and Alluka, Kurapika and Cho we're sitting across from them next to each other.

"Please eat until your hearts content, we will forever be greatful that you have freed my people. You're welcome at any time of any hospitality" the chief said.

"Thank you for the food" everyone said and began to eat.

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