The village

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Gon still confused to what had happened that night. The next day Kikyo said they were ready.

"We are? We can save Cho now!" Kurapika said excited

"Yea we can" Gon said trying to sound positive, but still felt uneasy about what had happened to Killua and Kikyo.

"We should go over the plan on how it is going to go down. Along with that we can practice one more time before we leave" Killua said

One week later

As Gon, Killua, Kurapika and Alluka stepped inside the forest chills and tension rose their bodies and guard.

"I wonder if she's still here, or any of the villagers." Kurapika said as he checked him compass

"I hope we bump into it here rather at the village" Gon said

Killua feeling confident enough to think he can purify the evil spirit and wake up again. Alluka was worried that there was still something lurking in Killua's mind.

"We are here" Kurapika stopped walking. The floor sank from the explosion of that day three years ago.

"Is that from.." Gon asked as his eyes widen

"Yea" Kurapika said before he could finish his sentence

"Let's search for it" Killua began to walk and everyone followed

Going towards the direction of the village, they sensed someone present. In silence everyone looked at each other knowing someone was around.

Flames of fire were aimed at all four of them. Quickly reacting they created a barrier with their new ability.

"What business you have here" a woman appeared from the bushes.

"Three years ago Gon and I were here battling the evil spirit with your villagers. One of our friends was possessed by it and we are here to save her" Kurapika explained

"Follow me" the woman said.

After walking for about ten minutes, they arrived to the village.

"You all moved location?" Gon asked

"Yes, after the battle that you speak of happened. We moved" the woman took all four of them to a tent like home. They walked in and saw who is now they chief

"Leknam!" Gon said cheerfully

"Gon, Kurapika! It is great to see you're alive!" The man said as he walked over to greet them with a hug.

"We are here to save Cho." Gon said, Leknam's expression changed to a more serious one.

"But the evil spirit that possess her is far too dangerous."

"We are trained for this." Kurapika said confidently

"I see.. and who are these new friends of yours?" Leknam said as he looked at Killua and Alluka

"This is Killua, he was the one I told you about that I met when we were kids, along with Kurapika of course. And she is Alluka, Killua's sister" Gon said happily looking at both of them

"You told him about me?" Killua asked

"Of course!" Gon said

"Welcome to our village. Thank you so much for this great deed you all trained for. Please we will provide food and shelter, it's best if you rest today and tomorrow can defeat the evil spirit" Leknam said

After being introduced to the village, all four were given a long table of food.

"Wanna see who can finish the most?" Gon said looking at Killua

"You're on" they began to eat the feast and Gon was in awe remembering all the things they did together.

"Alluka, how has the world been treating you? I'm sure you saw some amazing sights" Gon said taking a bite of food.

"It's amazing! Especially to be with my big brother"Alluka said smiling looking at Killua. Killua nodded in agreement

"Did you make new friends? Or something more?" Gon said casually wondering if Killua has dated anyone but didn't wanted to directly ask.

"If you're asking I'm still single, yes. Alluka and I made friends and all but I wasn't looking for a relationship"

"So you're looking for one now?" Gon asked looking down at his food. Kurapika was a bit surprised to Gon asking so many questions about Killua's love life

"Huh? Well umm no, I just want to spend as much time with Alluka really" Killua said feeling a bit flustered.

"We still have time guys, don't get so worked up" Kurapika said

After eating, they all bathed and changed. They were shown where they were going to sleep.

"Gon can I talk to you for a bit" Kurapika said, Gon nodded as they began to a more privet location.

"So do you plan on telling Killua you like him or are you still dense as a brick?" Kurapika teased

"W-what do you mean?" Although Gon really wasnt sure if he actually had feelings for Killua, he didn't give it much thought since he was focused on trying to save Cho

"You both may have grown up but you both haven't changed much. Your friendship at least"Kurapika said as he picked up some flowers

"I'm not sure about my feelings towards Killua. I want to be with him but what if he doesn't like me back? Our friendship will never be the same" Gon said rubbing the back of his neck

"You're both so oblivious" Kurapika said smiling

"Do you think we will save Gon's friend?" Alluka asks as she sits on the floor

"Yea I think we can" Killua said patting her head

"Killua, I'm scared that something might go wrong. It's not that I don't believe in us but, it's scary when Evan read your cards and said you are in danger" Alluka said as she fidgeted with her hands.

"Don't worry Alluka, we will all make it. Even the old hag said so" Killua smiled.

The following day, the four friends were given directions to where Cho's possessed body may be due to the village being on the other side of where Cho is.

"You should be able to arrive before sun set" Leknam said as he handed Gon the map of where Cho could be.

"Thank you Lakman. We will come back soon with Cho and vanish the evil spirit for good." Gon promised

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