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Gon did some online searching of places that they can go to. He wanted the date to be really special and not at Whale Island considering it's not the most romantic place.

He was finally able to find the nearest city where they can go and have some fun.

"Alright Killua I know it took me a while but we are going on our date in two days."

"Alright, what are we going to do?" Killua said eating an apple

"It's a surprise, but we will be leaving whale island, that's as much as I will tell you" Gon said as he placed a kiss on Killua's forehead

"When are we leaving?" Killua said raising an eyebrow


The following day Gon and Killua were off to their mysterious date.

"We're here!" Gon said smiling as he extended his arms out to show Killua

"Wow, Jappon! Alluka and I didn't get a chance to come here yet" Killua said as he saw the buildings and cheery blossom trees.

Gon and Killua got off, and headed towards where they were going to stay.

"Where are we going first?" Killua asked

"We will drop off our things first and then we will head out. You should wear something comfortable, we are gonna walk for a while. I hope you don't mind" Gon said

"It's fine, I can still go about three days without sleep remember?" Killua said

"That doesn't mean you don't get tired Killua" Gon said taking Killua's hand and guiding him towards the hotel Gon had booked for them

When they arrived Killua and Gon changed their clothes and were off to their date.

"Are you going to tell me now where we are going?" Killua asked

"Nope, be patient" Gon smiled

After walking for thirty minutes, they reached a cave. They walked inside and it was dark

"Are we going to hunt or something?" Killua teased

"We are close" Gon said as Killua followed his lead

Gon and Killua then reached a small looking pond, the water seem to glow from the sun coming from the other end. The light became reflective and glowing crystals surrounded them.

"Whoa, this looks amazing" Killua looked all around, Gon couldn't help but stare at Killua as he saw his eyes sparkle more than the crystals around them

"There should be amazing fish and creatures." Gon said as he walked up to the edge where the water started and looked down.

Gon then reached in and picked up a small white and blue slug with interesting features.

"Ew Gon how can you grab that!?"

"You shouldn't be talking"Gon laughed "here just use one finger and touch it" Gon got close to Killua and Killua hesitated buying touched the slug. It was bumpy and smooth at the same time

"See it's cute" Gon smiled

"I guess, it's still weird" Killua chuckled

Gon put the slug back in it's place, Killua kneeled next to Gon and both looked down and saw many colorful fish and creatures

"This is really amazing Gon" Killua said as he reached down and finally had the guts to grab a green and black colored slug

"I'm glad you're enjoying it so far" Gon said grinning

"So far? There's more?"

"Of course! We will be here for two days"Gon said as he let fish pass through this fingers

Afterwards, they picked out some crystals to take with them and headed back to the hotel.

"We are going out for dinner, it's not that fancy" Gon said blushing Killua went up to Gon and kissed him long and softly

"It doesn't matter to me how fancy or simple it is. I enjoy doing everything with you, and I appreciate how much thought you put into all of this. I couldn't have asked for a better date" Killua said kissing Gon again

"I'm glad you like it all, but there's still more like I said"

As Killua and Gon got ready for their dinner. Killua noticed Gon had gotten new clothes.

"Wow, you got new clothes huh?" Killua said, Gon had gotten help from Cho and Alluka over the phone of what he should wear.

"Yea, Alluka and Cho helped me out. I was really nervous about the date and I wanted to look nice" Gon was wearing a red tank top with some black sleeves on his elbows and black ripped jeans with black shoes

Killua was wearing black cargo pants, black boots and a soft pink shirt.

"I wish I could pull that off" Gon pouted

"Go ahead" Killua smiled, Gon began to blush red while Killua realized what he said he got flustered

"I was kidding, I'm kidding" Killua tried to laugh it off "let's go" Killua then grabes Gon's hand and drags him out the room

When they reach the restaurant, it was pretty empty. They took their seats at a table and got their menus.

"Do you see anything you like?"

"I'm not sure, I'll try something new I suppose"

"I got you something" Gon said as he reached for his pocket and pulled out a small box and handed it to Killua. "It's really simple, but if you don't like it it's alright I can get you something else."

Killua grabbed the box gently like if he were to make a wrong move and break it. Killua opened the small box and it revealed a silver wrist chain with Gon and Killua's initials engraved on it.

"Gon I.. it's... I love it. You really didn't have to do all of this for me you know" Killua said blushing, he took out the bracelet and brushed his fingers over the texture of their initials.

Gon reached over and helped Killua hook on the bracelet on his right wrist. Killua was so happy and kept looking at every detail he could find in the bracelet.

"You're really are amazing, I'm glad I met you" Gon said softly

"You're embarrassing me" Killua blushed

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