Long time no see

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"Anything yet Melody?"

"I found him! We are around the corner from you" Melody said as she panted from running

"Y-you did? I'm by a pawn shop" Leorio said as he looked around. Melody hangs up as she sees Leorio standing with his back facing the other way

"Leorio!" Melody calls out. Leorio turns around and his eyes widen as he sees Killua and Alluka behind Melody.

"Killua!" Leorio runs and hugs Killua tightly

"Oh my god, it's been so long" Leorio pulls away and looks at Alluka

"You must be Alluka, I'm not sure if you remember me" Leorio  says smiling.

"I don't really remember, I'm sorry" Alluka says shyly smiling

"No it's okay, you were very young anyways. You're all grown up! You too Killua you changed a lot" Leorio said as he motions the height he last saw Killua in.

"Yea went through puberty and back" Killua laughs "Melody told me you were looking for me. She seemed worried as well what is going on?" Killua asked right away

"Let's go somewhere more privet. Are you staying anywhere?"

"Yea we recently rented a motel. You can stay at our room if you would like or you can get your own room as well"

"We will rent our rooms, but let's go there" Leorio said.

When they entered Killua and Alluka's room they took a seat.

"I'm sure you're wondering where Gon is"

"We lost contact about three years ago. He stopped answering me so I assumed he wanted to stop being friends" Killua said in a monotone but was really hurt to the thought of not being Gon's best friend anymore.

Melody felt the change in his heart beat.

"Three years ago Gon started his journey in the Wonder and Lost Forest, he went in with Kurapika and his friend Cho. But something happened and they were blasted away and knocked into a coma." Leorio frowned

"How long had they been in a coma?" Killua felt worried

"Three years and four months" Killua's eyes widen and clenched his teeth. Alluka grabbed Killua's hand and squeezed it a little to comfort him.

"Gon woke up yesterday, but Kurapika is still in a coma. They are at whale island right now, Mito didn't want them in a hospital so she took them to her house and we had been taking care of them since.

I didn't think Gon was going to make it since he was getting worse recently, and Kurapika didn't change. I was hoping... you can help us again. I know it sounds selfish and don't want you to feel like I am using your for your sisters healing powers but. I don't want to lose Kurapika. We were lucky Gon woke up on his own" Leorio began to tear up

Killua looked at Alluka, Alluka smiled softly at him and nodded.

"We will help you" Killua said

"You will? Thank you so much. How can we ever repay you?" Melody said cheerfully

"I know how important they are to my big brother. There's no need to repay" Alluka smiles

"Thank you Alluka" Leorio says wiping his tears away

"Let's go to whale Island tomorrow" Killua says

Melody nodded in agreement. She noticed the change in Killua's heart beat, it was calm yet worried, from finding out about Gon and Kurapika.

The following day they started their journey back. It was going to take them about five days, since they had to take various transportations.

Along the way Leorio and Killua caught up with each other on what they had done over the years. Melody and Alluka learned about each other as well. Melody learned her heart beat was pure and calm.

"So how did your lose your license?" Leorio asked

"Well I'm not proud of how I lost it" Killua said as he scratched the back of his head.

"He got super drunk and lost it some how. " Alluka said giggling to the memory of her drunk brother.

"Knock it off Alluka!" Killua said shoving her sister to the side to shut her up

"Whoa Killua drunk? I have to see that" Leorio said laughing

"I said I wasn't proud of it and I haven't had a drink ever since"

"Well you're definitely drinking with me some time. What was he like Alluka" Leorio said turning his attention to Alluka

"He was very talkative, I wasn't there for when he got drunk but he did throw up a lot. Luckily he didn't have a hang over the next day" Alluka giggles

"Alluka I said knock it off" Killua groaned as he covered his head with both of his arms and placed his forehead on the arm of the seat

Leorio, Melody and Alluka share a laugh. There was more to that night but Alluka only mentioned the funny parts.

On the third day to their way to Whale island, Killua was lucky enough to find his Hunter license again. It was at a pawn shop and was able to buy it back.

Gon had drifted in and out of sleep trying to regain his strength to get up again and save his friend Cho. After four days Gon was able to walk again. He had a huge scar from his left knee to towards the inside of his thigh, along with multiple small ones on his arms, and one on his neck.

Gon went to see Kurapika, slowly he went inside his room and took a seat on a chair next to his bed. Gon felt his chest feel tight and sadden from how pale his friend looked.

"I'm so sorry Kurapika" tears began to spill, he grabbed his hand gently and squeezed it a bit.

"You have to keep fighting. If I was able to wake up you can to. I know you can.. please wake up" Gon placed his forehead on the bed and cried some more.

Kurapika still in a coma was able to hear voices here and then, but his body wouldn't move. When he heard Gon, Kurapika realized he was still alive. He wanted to fight the coma and wake up.

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