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The next day Gon and Killua began to train. They tested out how strong Gon was after three years of being in a coma.

They both worked on their abilities and did a lot more exercises.

"You really did get stronger Killua! I bet you can take down anyone." Gon praised Killua

"I'm alright, but you had a huge set back after that coma so let's get you stronger alight. Go at me with all you got!" Killua stood in a fighting position ready for Gon, Gon nodded and did the same.

Gon threw in the first punch, Killua blocking it then making a back spin hitting Gon's back. Gon recovering his fall with a front flip. Killua throws punches and kicks while Gon doges them all

"You can't doge forever Gon!" Killua called out. Gon grunts then stops one of Killua's kicks with his hand twisting him causing him to fall.

Killua electrocutes Gon a little bit. Gon aches a little and grinds his teeth. He places his hands to his sides

"Show me rock!" Gon says quickly Gon throws 'paper' at Killua causing a big boom and shoots Killua back.

Gon runs towards Killua, before Killua hits the ground Gon jumps and punches Killua down to the ground. Panting hard Gon pinned Killua down with one leg holding down his thighs his left arm holding Killua's right arm over his head slightly twisted. While his right arm on Killua's left cheek pressing down.

"Gon.. you can let go now" Killua said with his face smooshed

"Oh, I'm sorry Killua" Gon got off Killua and both of them sat on the floor catching their breaths.

"Alright, let's keep going" Killua said standing up and reaching his hand out for Gon to grab.

Three months later

"I think you really did increase the rest of your abilities Gon" Killua panted

"You think so? Thanks Killua. I think you did too, but we really focused on me. What about you?"

"I've been working on something of my own as well" Killua said smirking

"What is it?" Gon said as he gulped down his water.

"I'll use it when we need it" Killua said as he began to walk back to the house

"That's not fair" Gon whined

Entering the house Kurapika was in the couch with a letter in his hand with a serious expression.

"What's wrong Kurapika?"

"I sent out a letter to Dranz a couple weeks ago. He said they were able to find Cho"

"Really? Where is she?"

"She's still in the forest but she is still being possessed by that demon like spirit we faced three years ago"

"We need to go back for her" Gon said

"Are you insane?! You just woke up from a three year coma you idiot!" Killua said shoving Gon

"I know but we need t save her! She helped me thought a lot and she helped Kurapika too." Gon looked over at Kurapika giving each other that look that he knew what he was talking about.

"Yea we do need to save her"

"You too? Am I the only sane one here" Killua yelled, silence fell in the room. Gon and Kurapika looked at the floor with a hopeless expression.

Killua sighed deeply pressing the bridge of his nose with two of his fingers

"You're not going to do it alone" Gon and Kurapika looked over to Killua. "I'll come help you too"

"Really?! Thank you Killua!" Gon's said with a smile

"BUT the moment I even feel the slightest that we aren't going to make it. We are leaving" Gon nodding with excitement agreeing to his condition. Kurapika nodding in agreement and a smile.

"Let's make a plan and figure out how we will save her. We need a map, traps and more. If we are going to do this, we will do it right and with more precautions. That means don't go out doing selfish shit Gon" Killua said hitting Gon's head slightly.

"Okay" Gon said in a bothered tone. Killua being serious grabs Gon's shoulders tightly and pulled him close enough to look into his eyes.

"I'm serious. I need you to promise me you won't do anything reckless Gon... Not again" Killua said swallowing his dry throat down and trying to avoid crying from the flashbacks of the fight against the chimera ants.

"I promise" Gon said softly more sadden about how Killua's expression fell sad.

"We should do our research more on the evil spirit we are up against. That way when we face Cho we can all leave safely" Kurapika said

"I think my new ability can help with our situation." Killua said placing his hand around his neck.

"How so?" Kurapika asks in curiosity.

"It's best if you leave it to me. Let's just do our research and planning"

"But how can we plan anything if we don't know what your ability is. We can probably help in some way" Gon said as he felt his stomach twist to the thought of Killua handling what had happened to him.

"Just trust me. I know I can save her, but for me to do that I need to train as well this ability I have." Killua bit his bottom lip unsure if he will even make it. If it put Kurapika and Gon in a coma, this spirit is no ordinary spirit at all.

"Let's get to work then" Kurapika said clapping his hands together and got up.

After explaining to Mito what is going to happen, she sent them off good bye at the shore. Leorio  and Melody had left after a week from Gon's recovery as Leorio had gone to help more people as a doctor. Melody had found a new job in a different city. Alluka had tagged along to help if anything happens and needed healing.

"I'm glad we were able to find a place where it's full of witches and exorcist" Kurapika commented as he took a seat

"Yea, I didn't even know this place existed" Gon said

"Well it does seem like it's in the middle of the ocean, luckily we know nen and are able to get in easily"

Just wait for us Cho Gon thought as he closed his eyes and thought of his dearest friend.

I am lost || KILLUGONWhere stories live. Discover now