Hot spring

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After Alluka and Cho changed, Killua and Gon went to the hot spings together. Killua and Gon's heart beat became fast from the thought of seeing each other bare.

When they went in, they 'ahh'ed in relaxation. Killua closed his eyes and tried to avoid looking at Gon. Gon feeling a bit sadden that they weren't talking, as they sat far across from each other.

Gon then got up and sat next to Killua, Killua opened his eyes and blush went up his cheeks seeing Gon next to him.

"Hi Ki" gon said smiling

"Hi Go" Killua laughed

"Thank you again Killua, for helping Cho even if you didn't know her. You really are amazing" Gon said with a sparkle in his eyes. Killua flustered he looked down and rubbed the back of his head

"She is important to you, so of course I would help"

"I know it had been a while since we've seen each other. I missed you a lot, and every time I was going to do something I always thought of what you would do or tell me. You always scolded me or stopped me when I was going to do something reckless so you being in my life changed my whole thought process" Gon said looking at him in the eyes.

"Stop it that's embarrassing"Killua said laughing hiding the fact that he felt butterflies in his stomach

"Did you date anyone while we were apart?" Gon asked

"Well, not exactly date. I went out with a couple girls, but I never really liked the date it's self. They were either too spoiled or needy" Killua said sticking his tongue out

"So you finally got some experience" he elbowed Killua

"Yea yea took me a while, unlike you. Dating left and right" Killua laughed

"Well last time I went on a date was about five years ago, but I didn't like him" Gon said making a weird face, Killua smiled.

"Here" Killua tilted Gon's head back and placed his small wet towel on his eyes. Gon smiled

Gon wanted to hold Killua's hand so bad. Come on just do it! It's like jumping into water. Just do it! Gon thought as he hesitated.

He reached slowly to his side looking for Killua's hand. When he touched it, he felt Killua flinch a little, Gon intertwined his fingers with Killua's.

Killua felt his heart race as he felt Gon's soft hands. He smiled and squeezed his hands slightly.

After an hour, Killua and Gon got out of the hot spring and didn't say more after holding hands.

The next day the village had given them many different rewards to Gon Killua Kurapika and Alluka for saving Cho and purifying the evil spirit.

"I'm going to go back to whale island, I need to tell Mito I'm alive before she gets worried about me" Gon said

"I'll come with Gon" Cho said wrapping her arm around Gons neck.

"I will be going with Leorio, he said he was needing an assistant so I will do that until I can figure out what I'll be doing" Kurapika said smiling

"What about you Killua and Alluka?" Gon said

"We've gone to so many places but I didn't get to fully see Whale island. Let's go with Gon big brother!" Alluka said hugging Killua's arm

"If it is alright with you Gon"

"Of course, why would you even ask. You're family after all" Gon said

With the every ones decision, Kurapika said good bye and went off to his direction towards Leorio, as in for the rest off to Whale Island.

"Great idea of sticking together right?" Cho said as she stood next to Alluka

"They both would have split again and take longer." Alluka agreed

After traveling for three days, they arrived back to Whale Island.

"You're home! Oh thank goodness you are all alright" Mito hugged and kissed everyone's forehead. "Come in, I'm sure your travel back was exhausting"

"Thank you aunt Mito" Gon said as they all stepped inside the house.

"I'll prepare you all a meal, then you can bathe and get some rest. Can you please show everyone where they can stay Gon"Mito said from the kitchen

There was a total of four rooms, one of them being Mito's and one for Gon.

"I can take out the futon and you can be in the same room as Alluka" Gon said

"I love you big brother but you snore too loud, how about you sleep with Gon. He's a heavy sleeper" Alluka giggled

"I don't snore!" Killua protested

"Yea just stay with Gon" Cho agreed, Alluka and Cho shared a secret wink between them.

In agreement, Killua was going to sleep with Gon while Alluka and Cho slept in the other two rooms. Mito then called them down to eat which was roasted chicken with vegetables.

When the night fell, everyone had gone to their rooms to sleep. Killua and Gon got themselves comfortable to sleep.

"Good night Killua" gon said snuggling in his blanket.

"Good night Gon" Killua yawned and slept on his stomach with the pillow on top of his head

"Why do you put your pillow on top of your head?" Gon asked

"I'm not sure, I think it's comfortable. Also comforting" Killua said as he turned his head towards Gon

"Don't you suffocate under there?"

"No not at all actually. I guess I like the weight of it, kind of like a hug. I'm tired, sleep" Killua yawned and turned his head

Gon thought to himself for a while. Without hesitating he put his arm under Killua's body and with his other he pulled him to his side

"What are you doing?"

"Hugging you" was all Gon said, he snuggled his face into Killua's back. He was able to smell the clean soap on Killua's hair.

Killua relax a while, he then got up and flipped facing Gon. He wrapped his arms around his neck, and intertwined their legs.

Gon having his head on Killua's chest, he was able to hear his steady heart beat. Lullabying him to sleep.

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