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"What did you and Gon do today?" Alluka asked as she sat down on the couch

"well I got my candy, we were going to do clothe shopping but he had a panic attack so we left and I helped him calm down" Killua said sitting next to Alluka and side hugged her.

"You're so clingy, get a girlfriend and leave me alone" Alluka teased but hugged him back

"You really want me to leave you now huh?"

"I'm almost eighteen, we are eventually going to separate Killua."

"I know, and when you decide that I'll be okay with it"


"the reason we left our house is to not be controled, I care about you but not to hold you next to me twenty four seven" Killua said patting her head

"I don't want to leave you alone" Alluka said in a sad tone

"So you're going with someone?"

"Cho asked me if I want to go with her and we can start a journalist agency something like that. But I did have an interest in photography so I can probably do something with that"

"Wow that's great, for me well I'm not sure what to do exactly. I guess I still feel lost"

"Why don't you teach nen?" Alluka said

"You mean like a master? that doesn't sound so bad"

"or you can go back home and go back to being an assassin" Alluka teased

"Hell no, you know I don't like killing for no reason" Killua said, Gon and Cho soon walked in.

"Welcome home" Killua and Alluka said smiling

"Gon, Killua can you help me in the kitchen please, also Alluka and Cho can you set the table" Mito called from the kitchen

"Gon you can add the rest of the ingredients I have here, and Killua you peel these. I'm going to the store and get some things and drinks. I'll be back soon" Mito left and Gon and Killua did their chores

"hey how does this taste Ki?" Gon lifted the wooden spoon and blew on it to cool it down. He hovered the spoon over his hand to catch anything that spilled. Killua went up to Gon and tasted.

"hmm I think its a bit salty" Gon whinned

"Relax its not too much salt" Killua grabbed a cup and filled it with water "Just add a little more water and it should even it out and keep the flavor" he poured water and stirred it around, Gon placed his chin on Killuas shoulder and watched him, Killua blushed a little.

"now let it simmer for about fie minutes" Killua placed the lid on top and looked at Gon and smiled. Gon then realized how close they were and felt his heart beat fast.

"Are you okay Killua? you seem a bit red" Gon said lifting his head from Killua's shoulder and placed his hand on his forehead

"I'm fine, I think its just the kitchen. You're pretty red too" Killua said giggling.

"It smells good" Cho said walking in with Alluka behind her

"sukiyaki"Killua and Gon said at the same time

after everyone had dinner, Gon and Killua went to the cliff and watched the sun set.

"Gon, I won't pressure you into telling me what happened to you that causes you to have panic attacks. But I will be there for you when you need me" Killua said looking at Gon

"I'm sorry you had to see that, I thought I had gotten over it" Gon said looking over at the sea and sun set

"It doesn't bother me. I'd rather help you than let you do this alone" Killua reached over and placed his hand on top of his. Gon gave him a soft smile then took a deep breath and realized how safe he felt around Killua.

"about five years ago, I was in Felance city, I was lost and I was offered help by this man. He offered me shelter for the night too. While I was asleep" Gon stopped talking and felt his breath shortened

"You don't need to continue Gon" Killua sat closer to him and gave him a side hug.

"He touched me, and I couldn't move. I felt so stupid because I literally have the ability to defend myself and I couldn't stop him. I felt so weak and scared." Gon felt tears run down his face, he began to wipe his tears aggressively.

"He then began to torture me. He striped me down naked and tied me, I screamed loud enough for help." Gon swallowed and took a deep breath.

"That's how I met Cho" Killua then understood why Kurapika and Gon wanted to save Cho, not only because she was their friend but because she saved Gon.

"I'm sorry I wasn't there for you Gon" Killua felt tightness in his chest

"We were already apart, its not your fault" Gon said, he then felt more calm. "I know I said this already but I missed you a lot" Gon hugged Killua tightly as he did the same. Killua wanted to tell Gon all his feelings for him but he knew it wasn't the time.

"How does becoming a nen master sound?" Killua said changing the subject

"What do you mean? Like you become a nen master?" Gon said looking up at Killua not pulling away from the hug, Killua nodded.

"It suits you" Gon smiled, Killua couldn't help but kiss Gon's forehead.

"What was that for?" Gon said laughing

"It looked like you needed one" Killua said smiling, Killua was then caught off guard when Gon sat on Killua's lap. Gon hugged Killua again feeling safe.

"You're such a big baby" Killua said as he hugged him and began to stroke his hair.

"You make me feel safe Killua" Gon said softly into Killua's ear which sent chills down his spine

"You make me feel safe too Gon" they hugged in silence for ten minutes.

"Let's go inside, it's getting cold" Killua said pulling away, Gon pouted. "I'll hug you more when we sleep alright?

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