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When Killua and Gon got back from their dinner, they ate so much that they went to sleep immediately.

Intertwining their bodies naturally to sleep became a lovely dream to Killua. He thought he would never end up with the person he cared about deeply. Gon feeling happy inside knowing that he felt genuinely safe and warm for the first time in so long.

The following day, gon and Killua got ready for the other half of the date Gon had planned out.

"So where are we going?" Killua tried to ask casually

"You'll see when we get there"
Killua pouted and continued to follow Gon and his secrets.

"Alright we are almost there, but I need you to close your eyes" Gon said stopping in front of him looking at him to close his eyes

"Fine" Killua closed his eyes and held Gon's hand as he guided him. They soon came to a stop and Gon grabbed his shoulders and fixed his position

"Alright open them"

When Killua open his eyes, he was amazed by the amount of cherry blossom petals falling from the tree. The wind blew softly causing it to look like it was raining pink petals.

"Wow, this is all so amazing" Killua looked up at the branches that reached each other of each tree.

"They bloom like this for about a week. They say the third day of the trees blossom week is the best." Gon said as he picked some petals off Killua's hair

Killua was speechless but wanted to say so much. He then pulled Gon into a passionate kiss and held his face.

"Thank you Gon. This is the best date I've ever had. And the longest" Killua giggled

"You deserve everything and more" Gon said as he kissed Killua again

"Let's walk for a while, the last thing we are going to do won't happen until later" Gon said as he held Killua's hand

"This wasn't the end of our date?" Killua said surprised Gon still had more than what he already had done for Killua.

"Just one more thing we will do. I really wanted our first date to be perfect" Gon said kissing Killua's cheek.

"What are you going to do? Propose?" Killua said sarcastically

"Maybe" Gon teased, Killua had a double take then Gon began to laugh

"Your face was priceless, relax Ki. Not yet" Gon said whispering the last part to himself

When they finished their walk, they went shopping and looking at the different monuments and temples around the city.

They took pictures and grabbed some souvenirs to send Alluka and Cho. They bought snacks and went back to the hotel to rest for a while until the last part of their date to come.

Later in the evening, Gon took Killua to what was the last part of their date.

"A hot air ballon?!" Killua said amazed looking at all the colored balloons.

"Yup, we'll watch the sunset from above" Gon said

When Gon gave his information, they got inside the huge basket.

"Do you know how to use this?" Killua asked as he realized no one but them two were there

"Yea, I wanted to be just us two so I asked how to learn how to use one and well yea" Gon said as he began

The ballon lifted and Killua was fascinated how the city looked so big. As they reached higher and higher, the city looked small. The air was cold and the clouds looked soft

"Here I brought you a sweater since I figured it will be cold" Gon pulled out a blue sweater and gave it to Killua.

"Won't you get cold?" Killua asked as he put his on.

"I have a long sleeve I'm fine"

When they reached, what had felt like heaven, the sun began to set. There was orange and red colors all over, making the clouds have colors of orange red and some pink.

"I can't get over this view" Killua said looking at the clouds and sun

"Me either" Gon said as he looked over at Killua.

I'm so lucky

As the sun began to disappear, the sky began to turn blue and stars began to appear above them. The night had reached above the sky, and stars surrounded them.

"The stars look amazing" Killua smiled widely to the bright light of the stars and moon.

"Killua" Gon said softly, Killua looked at him with a soft smile. "You make me feel really safe and warm. It had been so long since I've felt that, and even thought it took us a while to get to this point where I'm no longer scared to show you my feelings for you. I really want to date you, will you be my boyfriend?"

Killua felt tears reach the brim of his eyes, he blinked them away and smiled widely.

"Of course I want to be your boyfriend" Gon placed his hands on Killua's face and looked at every feature of Killua's face.

He pulled him into a kiss. Killua held Gon's waist and pulled their bodies closer together. When they pulled apart they couldn't stop smiling.

"You're really mine" Gon said in disbelief as he caresses Killua's cheeks

"I'm yours until the end of time"

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