Happy hour

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One month later

Alluka and Cho were hoping to see when Gon or Killua confess to each other. But they wanted to leave and start their new journey.

"I'm going to miss you a lot" Killua said as he sat on her bed

"Me too, but this little bird is ready to fly on her own" Alluka was grabbing her things in a small back pack.

When she was done, they head downstairs where Gon and Cho were.

"Hey since we don't leave until tomorrow, let's go out to drink tonight" Cho said

"I'm not sure about drinking." Killua said scratching the back of his head nervously.

"Alright then you baby sit while we drink" Alluka said as she threw a peace sign

"You're going to drink?" Killua said a bit shock

"I baby sat you last time. Now it's my turn to have my fun."

"We can all drink, plus we aren't that far from a bar" Gon said

"I'm not going to drink that much, I don't like alcohol anymore because of last time" Killua said with his eyes wide and staring at the floor

"What happened?"

"We don't speak about it" Alluka said in a serious tone

"All right party poopers let's go" Cho said as she walked towards the door

When they reached the bar, it was pretty empty, considering it was a Thursday night.

"I'll get the first round" Cho said raising her hand

"Wait round? We are going straight for the strong stuff?"Killua said worried.

"We aren't kids Killua, it all about the straight alcohol and mixed drinks that make it fun. Let's start off strong and then go from there" Cho said as she went to the bar and ordered four shots.

Gon Killua and Alluka took a seat at a four person table. Killua checked the time and it was eight thirty PM

"Alright" Cho brought four small shots to the table with some lime wedges.

"What is it?"Killua asked

"Just drink. Alright cheers to friendship and a night to remember" Cho said lifting her shot glass. As everyone did else, the clinked their small shots and took it. Alluka scrunched up her face to the burning down her throat and mouth.

Gon just shut one eye since he only drank a beer once. Killua and Cho laughed at their faces as they had no effect on them.

"Babies" they said at the same time, the looked at each other and began to laugh.

Got couldn't help but stare and smile at Killua, he loved his laugh so much.

"Can I drink something else?" Alluka said pushing her glass away

"How's a piña colata, it will have alcohol in it but it's sweet" Alluka nodded her head in agreement. Killua went to Cho to also get himself a mixed drink.

"What are you getting Killua?"

"Cola with liquor I guess. I think Gon will like it too so I'll get him one." Killua said looking back at both Gon and Alluka.

"We should all do three more shots and just to see who's weaker" Cho giggled

"Alright." As Killua helped Cho bring twelve shots to the table

"What's with all this, I thought I was getting something sweet" Alluka pouted

"It's a small experiment" Cho said

"We all are going to take three more at the same time, let's see who's light weight" Killua said

After everyone took their three shots, Cho and Killua went for their mixed drinks.

"Feel anything yet?" Killua asked Alluka.

"I do feel more relaxed" Alluka said smiling

"How about you Gon?" Cho said

"I feel good"


"I'm chill"


"I'm fine"

After a couple seconds everyone began to laugh.

"Why is this so funny?" Alluka said

"Ahhh you're feeling it you're feeling it" Cho said pointing at Alluka

Everyone equally drank three more mixed drinks. Different flavors and alcohols.

"Mmm I really like the blue berry one, I tasted the shot but not as much" Gon slurred as he took Killua's drink

"Come on Gon don't go weak on me. Look at Alluka" Gon and Killua looked over at Alluka who was playing with her straw in her mouth and made weird faces

They both began to laugh and realized that she was drunk

"Alluka is definitely light weight" Killua said as he pounded his fist on the table laughing

"Look at your dumb ass laughing for no reason" Cho said as her eyes began to feel heavy

"Look at your dumb face all duhhhh" Gon said as he pulled down his eye and stuck his tongue out

"You shouldn't be talking Gon, you're slurring your words" Killua laughed

"Alright mister comedian out here making so much noise for no reason" Cho said teasingly

"Alright I should stop, someone needs to sober up soon. I don't mind not drinking anymore" Killua said setting his empty cup down

"Ahh we will make it fine home Ki, just drink and enjoy yourself" Gon said as he handed him another drink

"Gon look at yourself you're already drunk enough" Gon looked at his hands and then his body

"I looked at myself" Gon said in a straight serious face. Killua couldn't help but laugh, soon Cho, Alluka and Gon followed

"Your laugh is so contagious Killua" Gon said as he placed his hand on his shoulder

"Hey look there's a small Karaoke box let's sing" Cho grabbed Alluka and dragged her to the small corner and flipped through the songs

Gon placed his forehead on Killua's shoulder and sighed

"You okay?" Killua asked patting his head, Gon lifted his head and looked at Killua smiling

"I'm having fun" Gon said

"Good" Killua relaxed his shoulders and closed his eyes.

A booming sound came from the speaker as the song Cho and Alluka were going to sing started.

"You could never know what it's like
Your blood like winter freezes just like ice
And there's a cold lonely light that shines from you
You'll wind up like the wreck you hide behind that mask you use"

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