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Alluka began to heal Kurapika and a strong light surrounded him and the room. After about twenty minutes, Alluka reached her arms out to Killua letting him know she was tired.

Killua picked her up and took her to her room and laid her down. Killua went downstairs to let everyone know she is done and able to see Kurapika now.

Everyone but Gon went to Kurapikas room. Kurapika began to wake up as he opened his eyes he looked over to see Leorio and Melody to his right and Mito and Killua to his left. He felt happy to see his friends, he opened his mouth hoping to speak but felt dry.

"Here have some water" Leorio helped Kurapika drink some water which he gulped down from dehydration.

"Thank you" Kurapika laid back down and closed his eyes for a while.

"Are you feeling alright?" Leorio used his small flash light to check his eyes and mouth.

"Yes I feel fine. Where is Gon?" Kurapika said as he sat up and was checked by Leorio

"He's awake, he woke up about a week ago." Melody said

"Killua, it's great to see you again" Kurapika smiled

"I'm glad you're awake" Killua respondes

"Do you remember what happened?" Leorio asks taking a seat next to him

"Yes, for the most part."Kurapika began.

"It really started with Gon meeting Cho. She was doing research for the teinha tribe that were deep in a forest where people have tired to go in but never come back out. Gon Cho and I and some other comrads accompanied us to the discovery. One of us had teleportation abilities to help us escape if anything goes wrong on the building outside of the forest.

Well we first arrived and found the tribe we were asked for help to defeat the evil spirit. We were fighting for our lives then Cho was wounded baldy, Gon and I tried to help her. Then Cho pushed Gon towards me causing us to fall. We saw that Cho was being possessed by the dark spirit.

The light shined so bright, but before the explosion, I sent out the signal to take us back. Then we blacked out. I wasn't sure if we survived, but when I heard you all talk around me it gave me hope that I was alive and needed to wake up from the coma.

That's all I remember." Kurapika said frowning and looking down at his hands.

"Kurapika, most of your friends were killed. There was barely any remains. It was a miracle you both made it out complete. The only thing is we couldn't find Cho" Leorio told Kurapika, everyone suddenly became sad

Killua feel bad about Gon's assuming to be girlfriend, and it's non of his business until Gon tells Killua himself what Cho is to Gon.

"Are you tired?" Mito asks

"No, I'm very well actually."

"Alluka healed me right?" Kurapika said

Killua nodded with a small smile

"I must thank her"

"She's asleep right now. Maybe when she wakes up" Killua said

"Let me speak to Gon" Kurapika's tone changed to a more serious one.

With little to almost no help, Kurapika was able to walk well on his own. When Gon saw Kurapika, Gon tried to stand up although he was more weak than Kurapika still. Killua helped Gon stand up and be his support to be able to hug Kurapika.

"You look different" Kurapika said in a rather sad tone.

"You did too Kurapika. We sure did change after three years" Gon said jokingly

"Wait, three years?" Kurapika felt slightly shock.

"They didn't tell you?" Gon said looking at Mito, Leorio and Mito.

"Well we were going to but he was worried about you and Cho he forgot to ask how much time has passed" Mito explained.

"She's right, I didn't even think of time. I was worried about you and Cho" Kurapika gave Gon a soft smile.

Gon's smile faded into a frown. He looked down to his feet and began to feel tears each his eyes.

"I told her I was going to protect her. I didn't get to tell her I loved her."

"She's not dead." Kurapika interrupted causing all eyes to land on Kurapika in confusion, even Killua.

"What do you mean?" Gon said sniffing

"She was possessed by the evil spirit. But I'm sure it's a borrowed body for it. We will save her and avenge our friends. We can save the village still and they can have their peace" Kurapika said in confidence

"Wait you both need to recover first, it's been three years. You need to rest for a while." Leorio interrupted.

"Alluka healed me like nothing had happened to me. I'm sure she can heal Gon as well and we will save Cho" Kurapika said as he looked at Gon with reassuring that they can save Cho

With the hope in his heart, Gon was going to save the person he promised he would protect. Killua began to feel worry for what his ex best friend was going through and how it may be more dangerous if he goes back at all. He could actually die this time, Killua thought.

Killua grabbed Gon's shoulders and looked at Gon serious in his eyes.

"Gon you need to recover, and if you're going back you need to get hell of a lot stronger than you were three years ago." Killua said in a serious tone

"I will, don't worry Killua. I'll train and become stronger, but Kurapika and I can't do it alone. Please come with me Killua" Gon said with serious eyes.

Killua flinched to Gon asking him to come with and help.

"I'm sure you're much stronger than me, you must have met amazing people and learned many things. I know you've gotten stronger because I feel it" Gon said smiling

A tint of pink brushed Killua's cheeks.

"Then you need to get healing and training if you want to save Cho"


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