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The following day Gon, Killua, Alluka and Cho decided to go into town and look around.

"Alluka and I will split from here" Cho said putting her elbow on her shoulder

"Huh? Why?" Killua asked

"We want girl time, sheesh we don't have to do everything together Killua" Alluka said sticking her tongue out

"I know, I was just curious what you will be doing" Killua said

"The island is mostly forest so if you're gonna stick around here we might bump into each other" Gon said

"See ya later" Cho said as she pulled Alluka with her

At a safe distance they giggled to themselves.

"Giving them a date that they know nothing about" Cho said

"They are so dense no matter how many signs there are" Alluka huffed

"They are intelligent but so dense when it comes to their feelings" Cho said

"Let's get ice cream and then follow them around to see what they will do!" Alluka said as she did a small hop

"Great idea, snacking and entertainment"

Gon and Killua walked around town for a while looking at the new small buildings made in the last couple years.

"This is all new to me as well. They probably built it not so long ago, you can see some banners of them being recently open" Gon pointed out

"Let's go to this candy store" Killua said as he walked towards the building

"Don't buy too much candy, it can hurt your teeth"

"Gon, I was physically tortured growing up, I doubt having a lot of candy can kill me" Killua laughed

"You're human, not an assassin Ki" Gon said looking down at his hands

"So you're sticking with Ki now?" Killua dice eyed Gon

"Do you mind?"


Twenty chocolate boxes and bars later Killua left the store satisfied.

"Let's go to a clothing store, I need new clothes"

"That's new, considering you stick to one outfit" Killua giggled, Gon punched Killua's arm playfully

"Leave me alone"

As they walked in a store and began to browse, Gon saw a familiar blond hair, height, and body shape. Gon all of a sudden felt shaky and shortened of breath.

"H-hey, k-Killua le-let's go" Gon grabbed Killua's arm and began to pull him by the exit.

"W-what do you mean we just got here" Killua stopped half way through and stopped Gon.

"Come on, let's give it a try" Killua looked at Gon and saw the fear in his eyes and felt his hands trembling.

"Gon are you okay? You're shaking" Before Killua Can look at what Gon was looking, Gon dragged him out and walked two blocks down without stopping

"Wait hold on Gon." Gon didn't listen, Killua yanked his arm from Gon's grip. "Gon stop, look at me"

Without thinking Killua grabbed Gon's face who had tears running down his cheeks with heavy breathing.

"Breath with me okay?" Gon nodded and began to take deep breaths with Killua. After a couple minutes Gon was able to calm down.

"Do you feel better now?" Killua asks still holding his face. Gon nodded.

"Let's get you something to drink okay?" Killua grabbed Gon's hand, they went inside a liquor store and grabbed juices.

Once Killua paid for them, without letting Gon's hand go, they walked out and sat near a bench.

They were in silence for about ten minutes until Gon was ready to talk.

"There was someone in the store who looked like someone who hurt me years ago." Gon began Killua looked at him while Gon looked down at the floor.

"They assaulted me, and it was terrifying. The person is dead, but I don't know why I still see them. It's like a curse" Gon placed his elbows on his knees and hands on his face.

"What did they do to you?" Killua asked as he felt himself get angry inside

"I don't really want to talk about it" Gon looked over at Killua, Killua suddenly felt more relaxed as he looked at Gon.

Killua hated how a glance from him can change his mood completely.

"Let's go home yea? I'm sure we will see Cho and Alluka" Gon nodded and got up with Killua as they headed back to the house.

They held hands in silence. Cho and Alluka watched everything from afar. As they headed back, Cho and Alluka acted like if they had their own path and actually were able to bump into each other.

"Hi guys, what are you guys doing?" Cho said as she did eyed their hands.

Killua and Gon both quickly let go and blushed slightly.

"You got more candy?!" Alluka said pointing at Killua's bag in his hand.

"Yes" Killua smiled shamelessly

"Let's go home yea?" Gon said giving a sad smile

When they reached the house Cho stopped Gon.

"Hey Gon and I are going to walk for a bit, we'll see you inside" Cho told Killua and Alluka

Cho and Gon sat near a cliff. Gon began to pick on the grass while Cho waited for him to talk.

"I thought I saw him" Gon began

"You had a panic attack?" Gon nodded in response

"It feels so stupid to have panic attacks after so many years and he's dead and my fucking brain can't get that." Gon said frustrated and laid on his back looking at the sky

"sometimes I wish he actually killed me" Gon said as he felt his eyes fill with tears.

"I know, but I am glad you're alive Gon. I mean I'm sure a lot of us would be upset without you. We can always look for help Gon, there are people who get help for these kinds of things"

"I don't know, I thought I was getting better. I have less anxiety around well.. men"Gon sat up and looked at Cho

"You're still against dating men ever again?" Cho giggled

"hey I was serious about that" he pushed her slightly

"okay mister I-won't-ever-date-men why were you and Killua holding hands" Cho raised her eyebrow at him

"He comforted me, he didn't ask me what was wrong until I was able to calm down and we just held hands that's all"

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