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I open my eyes

I look at the view of the school and the sun setting on the buildings. I hear silence.

?: ..... Wow

I feel my tail and ears get up quickly. SOMEONE WAS LISTENING TO ME ?! I flip around fast to see who that person is.

?: Woah!, Hey sorry, I-I didn't mean to scare you.

I look at a wolf with blue eyes and grayish red fur and I see her from head to toe, I said I didn't care if someone listened to me while playing, BUT THAT WAS BEFORE! OH GOD WHY ME ?!

Y/N: U-uh u-um sorry, I-I didn't hear you c-come in, uhh..

?: Uhh yeah, I noticed that hehehe

She looks in another direction and holding her forearm with her hand, she seems to be thinking about what to say.

?: .. Um, oh by the way, you play very well indeed.

Y/N: O-Oh! hehehe t-thanks.

I look in another direction too, I can feel myself blushing. I look at the window, the sun is already down.

Y/N: .....Um, hey.

She turns to see me

Y/N: Uh... well, you're my new roommate ... right?

?: Yes, well ... This is room 624, right? She shows me her keychain that has the same number engraved on it as mine.

Y/N: Yes it is.

?: In that case, yeah, I'm your new roommate. My name is Juno.

Juno, ok I'll try not to forget that.

Y/N: I'm Y/N.

I shake my hand to greet her. She does the same. She looks like a nice wolf, she's kind. For now this has been a good start to make friends, even though she heard me play violin ... how embarrassing. I chuckle quietly.

J: Hey, would you like us two to go have dinner? To get to know us a little better since we're roomies.

Juno seems to have the same intentions as me. She knows how to handle it well. She doesn't look panicked like I feel. I smile slightly at her.

Y/N: That sounds good to me.


Later we're in the cafeteria, I chose a donut and a glass of water for dinner, while she asked for a donut like mine but milk instead of water.

For now there aren't as many people as there were before at lunch, so we can both sit freely in some seat. We sat down and started eating, although I know we're going to chat about each other since that's what we really came here for.

J: They told me that my roomie would be another new girl, but I don't remember seeing you at the welcome ceremony.

Y/N: Yeah well I- WHAT ?! There was a welcome ceremony ?!

That would explain why I got lost, but. Where was that? When? I didn't see any teachers taking the new ones for the ceremony anywhere.

J: Yes, at the school entrance, there was a group of people who would give you the tour and take you to a stage to greet us, give a speech, among other things.

Y/N: B-But I didn't see anyone at the entrance.

I see Juno a little dubious, thinking about what could be the explanation for that.

J: How odd, Principal Gon must have realized that not everyone was there when they brought us to our classrooms.

Wait .. Principal Gon?

Y/N: The principal? That can't be, he was in his office when I arrived

J: Hmm ... Wait. At what time did you get to school?

I think I'm understanding what Juno is talking about.

Y/N: Well ... I should have arrived around 8:30 a bit before classes started.

Juno seems to have an epiphany, and starts giggling. It seems that she found the result to my problem but I don't understand.

Y/N: Uh.. What's so funny?

J: Haha. I-I'm sorry, the thing is ...

Juno sighs to stop giggling

J: New students had to arrive at 7:00, not 8:30

Y/N: What?

J: Yes, you see, we had to arrive at that time to do the welcome ceremony and then we would enter to our classes.

Y/N: Oh..

I know I'm looking stupid again, that explains why I got lost just getting to school. I can't help but facepalm by my stupidness, and I laugh a little too.

J: Still I didn't see you in any class now that I think about it.

I remember that Gon had told me that I was the only one who entered second year, the rest of new people were from first grade so this answer is easy.

Y/N: Yeah, well you see, I'm from the second year, so we had different classes.

J: Oh I get it..

There's a little silence, I take the opportunity to eat and think of a question to ask her. But before I can think of one, she talks again.

J: And ... why did you change of school?


Y/N: UUUH.... Well, we lived in the country, and my parents taught me at home, but they took me to study here so that I could have better opportunities in the future.

J: Oh, thats nice.

Y/N: What activity did you sign up for?

I change the subject so she doesn't ask me any more questions about my past.

J: Well, I joined the theater club, I love acting. And ... I suppose that you signed up for the music one huh?

Juno makes me a mischievous and playful smile, waits for me to blush ... And it's working!! I get up quickly

Y/N: Um, uh, well it's already dark and I ate all my dinner so ...

J: Yeah, I finished too. We should get going.

She gets up too, she's very charismatic I must admit, it's the first day I know her and she plays with me as if she already knew me completely. We left the cafeteria and went to the bathroom to brush our fangs before going to our room. After a while of talking, Juno goes to bed early since there are classes tomorrow. But I stay up and read a book until she falls asleep.

Once she's asleep, I get up and leave the room very quietly. I can sense when someone is fast asleep thanks to their breathing. I have a good ear.

I go down the stairs and leave the building in silence. Students are not likely to let us out at this time of night. So I sneak through the bushes and turn away from the path with headlights so as not to be seen. I also have to observe where there are security cameras to avoid them and I also must avoid the security guards who walk around the school. Once I manage to avoid all that, I'm at the entrance of the school, it's closed with a padlock and some bars impede the way. Now this is when I'm lucky not to be that big.

I look for the security cameras at the entrance and I hide under them so they don't record me. Little by little I pass between the bars carefully so as not to make a noise, to be able to leave the school. When I do, I carefully walk away from school to head to town. No one should know about this. Much less the teachers.

There is something I must do.

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