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Finishing the last class, before today's performance.  As the Pangolin teacher finishes giving his conclusions about the class, I think about today.

All day long I've been eager for the performance. Although I said I was sure everything would be fine. Still, my day has been normal.  The classes haven't been anything special, even my lunch with Haru was as calmed as always, it seems that the discussion about the rumors never happened.

As I think about my day and how I can help Legoshi rehearse.  I'm not aware of the talk that Legoshi and his faithful dog friend are having.

Legoshi: And then.. They gave me his role.

Dog: Wow man, I can't believe it.  It's the first time in your four years that you've been there that you're going to perform.

Legoshi sighs not so joyful. As his friend congratulates him, he turns to see me, the memory that I was planning to help him rehearse went over his mind.

Dog: Hey and how do you plan to learn everything?  Or did you already know the dialogues after having seen the rehearsal thousands of times?

Legoshi: Huh?

The golden retriever could sense that Legoshi was concentrating on something else.

Dog: Hey, what are you looking at?

He turns to the direction Legoshi was looking to bump into me.  Without being aware that they're both looking at me, I'm lost in my thoughts. He turns to smirk at Legoshi.

Legoshi: It's not what you think.

Legoshi reacts calmly in front of his friend since it's not the first time that he supposes something like that when he gets to socialize with a girl.

Dog: So what is it?

Legoshi: Lately, she's been approaching me at the drama club, I can perceive that she's a lonely girl, but it seems she wants to make friends.

His friend turns his head in confusion, but he understands what he means, he thinks he's telling the truth about me. He turns to see me again to recognize me.

Dog: Isn't she the suspicious wolf?

Legoshi: That is what I've heard.

Dog: Hmm.  Do you think that's why she wants to make friends?  Because she's alone thanks to the rumors?

Legoshi inspects me, trying to find any clues, wondering if that might be true.

Legoshi: It could be..

Dog: You should introduce her to me, I want to know her better.

The bell rings announcing that classes are over, I get up and keep my notes in my backpack.

Legoshi: Uh, Y/N!

I turn to see the gray wolf who raises his hand so I can see it.  It's weird, we've only spoken at the drama club, I don't think we've ever spoken a word in class.

Y/N: Oh  Hey Legoshi.

I go to see what he wants to tell me.

Y/N: What's up?

Legoshi lifts his canine friend from his seat taking him by the arm.

Legoshi: I wanted to introduce you to my friend, Jack.

Jack: Uhh-hi.

The golden seems surprised, since he didn't expect that his friend would introduce me so quickly with him.

I recognize that dog, he's Legoshi's friend who also noticed strange behavior when he stopped that fight a few days ago. I mean, I know Legoshi's not a killer, but maybe he knows something about why he behaved like that.  Being honest, I had forgotten about that from Legoshi.

Y/N: Uhh hi.  I'm Y/N.

Legoshi: She's the one who'll help me rehearse, before the performance.

Jack smiles upon hearing that.

Jack: That sounds great.  Today is when I go to see the work by the way, I am taking many surprises and not even to start.  What a thrill!  What character do you play Y/N?

Y/N: Oh I ... I don't play anyone.  I'm from the orchestra group so I'll play the violin behind the curtain.

Jack: Cool!  I didn't know you were playing the violin.

I grin, this dog is kind.  I like him.  I wag my tail a little.

Jack: When I go to see you guys, I'm going to cheer you on a lot!

I giggle, his optimism and energy make me happy.

Y/N: Thanks for that.

Legoshi: Yes, well, I think we should go rehearse, the play's in a few moments.

Y/N: Oh, true.  We should go.  It was a pleasure Jack.

Jack: I say the same with you!

Legoshi and I leave the room to go to the stage hall. Jack watches us leave with a proud smile towards his friend.

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