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It's getting dark and we're still walking, we were supposed to have gone back to school after lunch. But we've been walking for a while now.

Tao: Which way is the station?

Aoba: I think we're lost.

Bill: What?!

I'd be surprised if I hadn't figured it out an hour or so ago.

Aoba: Um... It's this way according to Zoozle maps.

Bill: You're a bird! Use your.. I don't know.. magnetic sense!

Aoba: Yeah, I'm not a migratory bird.

Y/N: Don't you guys maybe recognize something about this place?

Legoshi: I don't think we're too far.

I look around, trying to find a building or something that I recognize, to give me a sign that we've been here and we're going to the right way.

The sun's setting, we keep wandering around through a somewhat dark area of ​​the city.  I don't like this place very much.  I get a little closer to Legoshi,  just to make sure I don't separate and end up getting lost here. 

We pass near a truck, you don't have to be a genius to know that any of us don't feel safe in this place.

We all keep walking, until hoarse groans are heard nearby.  We stop and look at each other, trying to find out what that noise is.

From the sound, I'm able to quickly identify that those groans are at my right, I turn to find a homeless goat sitting on a mat.  He must be begging for money.

Legoshi turns to see him too, and before long the boys realize that we stopped to see him.

Bill: Hey guys, What's going on?

Legoshi approaches the tramp slowly, everyone seeing him, it wouldn't be bad to ask him for directions. He crouches to get to the height of the old goat.

Legoshi: Excuse me. May I.. ask you something?

Goat: Yes.. Go ahead.

Suddenly, that goat shows his hands, where we can all see that he's missing some fingers and the ones he remains... are... labeled with a price?

Legoshi startles like me after seeing that.

Goat: Go on.. choose your favorite finger..

W-Wait... Is he... SELLING his fingers?!

Goat: Sure, they're the leftovers... but they still taste great~..

Wait again ... he sells his fingers .. TO BE EATEN?!  WHAT THE HELL IS GOING ON HERE?!

He brings his hands up to Legoshi and pats his face, almost putting his hands inside his mouth, while he negotiates a price... Oh God... I suddenly feel like throwing up. Why doesn't Legoshi take his hands off his face?!

The truck that was standing in front of us finally drives away, so we all look to see what was on the other side of the truck.

Oh no... Of all the places we could've come across.... Why did it have to be this one?!

Aoba: This is the black market...

I look at the market.... Of everything illegal that I thought they could sell.... I didn't imagine that they would sell that..

Meat... a lot of meat.. There are too many people here, who are EATING other people ... W-what is this place ?!

I turn to look back at the group scared.

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