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13.2.2020; Maihua

The doctor has been in my room a couple of times now, checking up on me more than usual probably just to make sure they aren't missing anything key. By eight pm I was already out, Gaonha and Laura helped me to the car. I couldn't help but notice Laura acting off, especially once we reached the car with another person in it. A man, around Gaonha's age, I think. He got out once we were near to help up.

"Thanks babe" Gaonha smiled pecking his lips. Her boyfriend I guess.

"I don't think we've met" he smiled offering a hand. I shook it.

"Maihua" I said with a regular smile. "Gaonha's sister"

"Eric" he replied with that same smile. "Gaonha's boyfriend"

"This is Laura" I said pointing to her, only then seeing how uncomfortable she is.

"Yeah I know. We've met before" he said, about which I was a little surprised, but nodded nonetheless.

"Should we get going?" Laura mumbled, gaining my full attention. I should ask her about this later.

I pushed their hands off as all three of the others tried to help me up to the house.

"Guys, if I wasn't able to walk they'd give me crutches or a wheelchair" I said and made my way to our front door. Laura chuckled, so quietly I could barely hear her. However that giggle did bring a smile to my face.

I ploped down on the couch, Laura joining me. She sat very close to me, even for her. As much as we would usually sit almost on top of eachother, this was extreme. I didn't complain, rather wrapping my arm around her wais and holding her close.

"So are you two dating?" I heard the only male ask as he entered the room with drinks.

"Oh no. Just best friends" I explained, adding a smile. All though that smile felt very forced, I ignored my mind screaming at me and continued the conversation with Eric.

Laura pulled herself even closer into me as Eric sat on the couch next to her. I looked between them, confused. Deciding she was probably just uncomfortable I pushed it aside and enjoyed the movie Gaonha had just put on.

I woke up in the middle of the night to an empty space next to me on my bed. I looked around to see if Laura's in the room. After not finding her I closed my eyes, attempting to fall back asleep.


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