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12.4.2020; Laura (for the plot, again)

As I turned the corner I prepared for what was coming. I stopped right before taking the last step.

Do I really wanna see this?

I took a deep breath. I knew I'd regret this, but I might as well know now. I leaned against the corner and looked around. My eyes closed out of instinct, it was like my mind knew I shouldn't look at this. I pushed that thought away and opened my eyes.

"Oh god" I whimpered as I saw a smiling Pyper pushed against the wall by Maihua. My eyes lingered on Pypers happy face for a second before I noticed her pull Maihua in closer. Then I turned around quickly and leaned against the wall, fighting back tears. Not wanting to stay there any longer, I pushed myself away from the wall and ran in the other direction.

I didn't get very far before collapsing onto my knees. I felt the urge to cry but even if I tried forcing myself, nothing came out.

"It's been one day" I whispered over and over again in attempt to convince myself that this doesn't matter. It's not like it was  a two year relationship, we only got together yesterday.

But even knowing that, it hurt beyond any pain I've ever felt. Flashbacks of my dark times wrapped me up into darkness. I wanted to turn this pain into something I can cope with. Into physical pain.

I shook my head quickly. There's no way I'm breaking a one month streak over this. I'm strong.

"Laura?" I heard a familiar voice. I couldn't tell what direction it came from so I turned around in circles. I looked around desperately but got nothing until two arms hugged me from behind. I let out a breath of relief, knowing I was somewhat safe.

"Gaonha" I whispered and tears finally fell down my cheeks.

"What happened?" she asked, turning me to face her and embracing me in a hug.

"I want to go home" I cried into her shoulder, holding onto her as if my life depended on it.

"I'll take you home, don't worry. Cmon" she moved away and wrapped her arm around my shoulder instead. "Let's get you into the house"

Minutes later I was sat under a blanket, on a comfortable couch in Gaonha's room. She brought me a tea and some cookies, not that I would eat anyway.

She sat down opposite me and I started explaining what happened. I didn't cry this time, I was feeling more so angry. To be fair I often cry even when I'm angry but not this time. This time I was convinced it wasn't worth it to even cry.

A/N: the writing tips book is published, I'll be posting a chapter later today or tomorrow :)

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