Chapter 4

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Walking along through the rain, I still couldn't shake off the feeling that I was being watched. Every now and then I would glance over my shoulder, only to see no one there. Shaking my head, as the rain has fully soaked my hair, body and clothes. My white button up shirt, now clung to my form as I felt like a wet drowned rat. I most likely looked to be one too.

Stopping in the middle of the street, I hang my head backwards staring up into the dark night sky. Letting a soft sigh escape my lips, the rain drop splash upon my already wet face.

"Welcome to Havenbrook." I mutter to myself under my breath, before I push myself to continue walking in this rain.

Walking to the end of this street, I stop and read the street signs. A sigh of relief hits me, seeing the sign for Willow Street. Walking down it, I see all the many cute little houses on either side of the street. All the curtains were drawn shut, and not a single like was on in any of them. Then again it was the middle of the night, any normal person would be sleeping by now.

"Lets see now." I whispered to myself, my body was shivering from the cold rain, but there wasn't anything I could do until I got inside. "1107, 1115." I whispered the house numbers out to myself as I walked through the downpour.

Every now and then I would still glance over my shoulder, that feeling of being watched was still there.

"Ah, 1124! Finally!" I stare at the small two floored home before me. Pulling my luggage up the driveway, I hurry to the front door wanting out of this cursed rain. Stepping under the covering at the door, I shake my head as water flies around. Running my hands through my soaked hair, to get it out of my face a sad whisper leaves my lips. "Welcome home Erin."

Removing the set of house keys that I was given from Mr Smith, I place them into the door lock. My body froze that moment however, as I heard a sound from behind me. It sounded as if someone kicked a rock, and sent it bouncing down the street. Spinning around once more, I shiver yet again not seeing anyone there.

"Calm down Erin." I mutter to myself, as I turn back around and unlock the front door. Pushing it opened, I merely just stood there for a moment not moving.

To be fully honest with myself, this is truly the last place I wanted to be. Taking a huge deep breath to calm my nerves, I step over the threshold and into the home. I tug the luggage in after me as I turn around to shut the door. Naturally at that very moment a flash of lightning lit up the dark sky around the neighbourhood.

It was in this brief moment, that my heart raced rapidly inside my chest. Walking towards my house, was a shadowy figure. My eyes grew wide, as I slammed the door shut as I hurried to lock it. My back now leaning against the door, my breathing grew ragged.

"So I wasn't imaging it before, I was being watched and followed."

Completely scared and freaked out by this fact. I move slightly to the window next to the front door. It had a curtain closed over it, my fingers shakily lifted the curtains slighter enough to let me see outside. My green eyes stare into the darkness in fear, as yet another flash of lightning fills the sky for a moment. Though there was no sight of the person who was following me. Dropping the curtain back over the window, I double check making sure the door was locked. Before grabbing my luggage and walking down the dark entrance hallway.

My heart still pounding in fear, my one hand felt along the wall as I suddenly stopped feeling a light switch. Flicking it on, the darkened hall before me, softly glowed now with light.

Staring around, a sharp pain hit my chest hard. The walls around me were filled with nothing but family photos. There were some of my and my little sister Silvia together playing in a park. There was one of the four of us together, I walked to the photo as I stared at our smiling faces behind the glass.

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