Chapter 19

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"Erin Stone. I love you."

My green eyes suddenly opened wide, as I lay there silently on my bed. My gaze locked onto the ceiling overhead, his deep voice kept ringing in my ears. Those five little words he spoke to me, played throughout my dreams over and over.

"Erin Stone. I love you."

It was as if he was still speaking those words to me. Glancing over to my side, I sat up instantly as I found my bed empty. Looking around my room, one thing was clear. Drake was not in here. The morning rays of sunshine, filtered through my window landing upon my bed. Moving my body to crawl out of bed, I freeze for a mere moment as something catches the corner of my eye.

A smile instantly danced upon my lips, laying there on my pillow was another single black rose. "Drake." Reaching out for it, I gently pick it up, being mindful of the thorns this time around. Gazing at the rose in my hand, I soon add it with the other in the vase, with the one Drake gave me last night.

Still a little unsure of my feelings. One thing was clear in my mind. I wanted, no I needed to see Drake.

Leaving my bed, I start walking the house only in my boxers. He would have to be somewhere dark, with all this sunshine. My feet instantly led me to the basement, opening the door I flicker the light switch on, only to be hit with a slight pain in my chest. Drake wasn't here, he left me in the middle of the night before the sun rose.

Slowly making my way back up the stairs, I go to the bathroom and pull off my boxers as I start the shower. Stepping into the tub I pull the curtain shut, as the steaming water lightly scorches my skin from the heat, I close my eyes thinking of nothing but last night.

"I turned you on Erin, and you can't seem to calm down your own body. Let me help you." His voice only grew deeper, as he tugged gently at the waist band of the pants I wore.

"Drake, I'm not sure I am ready, f-for that." My own voice was a quiet shy whisper.

"I promise Erin, I won't go that far. Not tonight anyways." His fingers loosened the pants, allowing them to fall freely from my body.

"I'm nervous."

"I will be gentle." His voice spoke calmly. All while Drake's fingers now glided along the band of my boxers. All why my heart was pounding rapidly in my chest.

"Erin, I want to hear you moan for me, and only for me."

My eyes open suddenly as the water splashes on my body. His voice sounded in my mind, as I shivered just thinking of last night.

The way his strong hands held me, and got me off, the mere memory made my blush.

How when his fangs pierced into my skin, I knew then and there I lost all control over my own body. At that very moment, I wanted the pleasure of his touch to never end.

Sure I have had girls give me hand jobs before, but nothing felt as amazing as Drake's touch. My first slammed against the shower wall, as my body burned from the hot water. I knew the exact reason, as to why his touch felt better than all the girls from my past.

To be the mate of a vampire. I am the mate of a pure blooded vampire.

"Erin Stone. I love you."

As hard as I try to stop, those five little words can't stop echoing in my mind. Drake confessed his love to me. But how do I truly feel about him? Yes, it is very obvious I am attracted to him. The vampire is a handsome, sexy man. Plus the way he touches me, turns me on so badly.

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